Whole-genome sequencing of the world's oldest people.
Published 2014-01-01“…Supercentenarians (110 years or older) are the world's oldest people. Seventy four are alive worldwide, with twenty two in the United States. …”
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Treading Lightly: The Hidden Wisdom of the World’s Oldest People
Published 2007-12-01Get full text
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The importance of stroke as a risk factor of cognitive decline in community dwelling older and oldest peoples: the SONIC study
Published 2020-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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Association between physical function and long-term care in community-dwelling older and oldest people: the SONIC study
Published 2020-09-01“…The objective of this study was to investigate whether grip strength and/or walking speed, which are components of the frailty definition, are associated with LTC in community-dwelling older and oldest people. Methods The participants were 1098 community-dwelling older and oldest people who had not received LTC at the baseline. …”
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Minor gradient in mortality by education at the highest ages: An application of the Extinct-Cohort method
Published 2013-09-01“…OBJECTIVE We want to find out whether socioeconomic factors determine the chance of death in the United States among the oldest people. METHODS Based on official death count records, we employ the extinct cohort method to estimate the age-specific probability of dying by level of education. …”
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THE ISSUE OF THE IDENTITY OF THE MACEDONIAN PEOPLE - The symbolic code for a personal and collective identity -
Published 2016-09-01“…To achieve this purpose people use tools not usually used to define the components of identity: oldest people, Aryan blood, pure community, identification with solar and astrologic symbols and ascribing ethnic characteristics to such symbols, etc. …”
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Drug Use Pattern Between Urban Families In Ardabil City, Iran
Published 2012-03-01“…Necessary information was gathered by interviewing one of the oldest people in the family. Collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods in SPSS.16 software. …”
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Drug Use Pattern Between Urban Families in Ardabil City, Iran
Published 2012-06-01“…Necessary information was gathered by interviewing one of the oldest people in the family. Collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods in SPSS.16 software. …”
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Garaziko hizkuntza-aldakortasuna geografiaren, adinaren eta generoaren arabera
Published 2019-06-01“…Regarding geography, the Basque variety from Luzaide is becoming different from the rest of the villages due to the political frontier. In terms of age, oldest people are closer to the base dialect, and youngest people have more influences of standard Basque and French or Spanish. …”
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Effect of the economic situation on employment and its structure in the Central and Eastern European countries
Published 2018-09-01“…The article verified two hypotheses: ‘the employment level reacts to changes in the economic situation; however, this reaction in the Central and Eastern European countries is more severe than the average reaction in the European Union’ (H1) and ‘changes in the economic situation determines to a very large extent the employment level in the groups experiencing discrimination (women, youngest and oldest people) more than for employees in general’ (H2).…”
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A remarkable age-related increase in SIRT1 protein expression against oxidative stress in elderly: SIRT1 gene variants and longevity in human.
Published 2015-01-01“…We observed a significant increase in the SIRT1 level in older people and found a significant positive correlation between SIRT1 level and age in the overall studied population. The oldest people carrying AG genotypes for rs7895833 have the highest SIRT1 level suggesting an association between rs7895833 SNP and lifespan longevity. …”
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Formação, inovação e novas tecnologias: lugar dos negros e dos empobrecidos Formation, innovation and new technologies: the belonging place of black men and the impoverished people...
Published 2007-12-01“…The generations from nowadays have contact with machines, computers, passwords and access codes unknown by the oldest people and by those who are socially and economically distant from these technologies, means, codes and innovations. …”
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Cross-Sectional Study of Sexual Activity and Satisfaction Among Older Adult's ≥60 Years of Age
Published 2021-04-01“…Introduction: Despite the rapidly increasing population of older adults, little is currently known about sexual activity and sexual satisfaction among the oldest people. Aim: The present study aimed to investigate sexual activity and sexual satisfaction among people of ≥60 years of age. …”
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Is it time to use real-world data from primary care in Alzheimer’s disease?
Published 2020-05-01“…Prevalence and incidence were higher in women and in the oldest people. Conclusions Our incidence and prevalence estimations were slightly lower than the recent face-to-face studies conducted in Spain and higher than other analyses of electronic health data from other European populations. …”
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Dying in long-term care facilities in Europe: the PACE epidemiological study of deceased residents in six countries
Published 2019-08-01“…In Europe at present, between 12 and 38% of the oldest people die in a long-term care facility. The lack of nationally representative empirical data, either demographic or clinical, about people who die in long-term care facilities makes appropriate policy responses more difficult. …”
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Polszczyzna w transmisji międzypokoleniowej w rodzinach jednolitych i mieszanych we Lwowskiem
Published 2019-12-01“…The interviews and observations lead to the conclusion that the oldest people play a very important role in the transmission of Polish to next generations, especially in three-generation families living in the same household. …”
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