Dalla “scala” al “piano”. Appunti per un’indagine interpretativa
Published 2014-12-01“…The single framework of organistion (unity of composition), on which base every being is formed is thus taken as the condition as well as the limit within which every possible variation in shape is fully justified.…”
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Published 2021-06-01“…Următorul eseu reprezintă primul capitol al unei serii care are ca scop prezentarea dezvoltării peisajului organistic transilvănean de-a lungul secolelor. Lucrarea oferă informații relevante cu privire la primele surse istorice care indică prezența orgii în diferitele regiuni ale Transilvaniei, respectiv despre orgile construite în perioada barocului. …”
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Organ Works in Brazil Today (1990-2005): Why Organ?
Published 2007-05-01“…Partial results consider the fact that only three out of nine the composers are organists. Nevertheless, their works demonstrate knowledge of specific details of the instrument, an important factor for this genre. …”
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D’Annunzio fruitore di musica a Venezia
Published 2015-10-01“…In Venice there are plenty of organists and organ music; the city gets «resonant like a huge organ», as the musical instrument described in the manuscript entitled Chiomazzurra, conserved by the poet and signed R. …”
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Die verband tussen skeppingsordinansies en kulturele vormgewing by A. Kuyper
Published 1995-01-01“…Kuyper defines this relationship in a semi-deterministic (organistic) way. The reason for this semi-deterministic approach can be found in Kuyper’s neo-Platonic logos-speculation and his Romantic-Idealistic use of the organism metaphor. …”
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Persepsies oor die sinodebesluite en aard van die psalms binne die GKSA
Published 2016-12-01“…The purpose of this article is to give an overview of ministers, organists/music leaders and parishioners’ perceptions regarding the nature and use of psalms during worship in the Reformed Church of South Africa as well as synod decisions pertaining to the psalms. …”
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Perceptions of J.S. Bach and performance of his music in nineteenth-century England
Published 2013“…Bach was limited in England to a very few musicians, mostly German organists connected with the Hanoverian court. By the close fof the century, Bach had won widespread popularity, and England was second only to Germany in numbers of published editions, performances, and the written word. …”
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Social capital and social networks in the Malaysian corporate elite world: a conceptual framework
Published 2009“…This article presents that framework which integrates the concept of social capital withthe concepts of social networks, human capital and interlocking directorships to allow an alternative ifnot better understanding of corporate elite and business group organistion in Malaysia, during or afterthe 1990s.…”
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Parafia i kościół w Ornecie w świetle protokołu powizytacyjnego z 1798 r.
Published 2019-06-01“…Z pracowników kościelnych odnotowano także organistę (Antoniego Krohnenbergera), kościelnego (Jana Kolessa), grabarza (Jakuba Brauna) oraz akuszerki. …”
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Alteração climática
Published 2024-02-01“…O volume de produção foi extraído do World Input-Output Database (WIOD) e a emissões medidas em dióxido de carbono equivalente (CO2eq) da Organistion For Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD.stat). …”
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Brain morphometry shows effects of long-term musical practice in middle-aged keyboard players
Published 2013-09-01“…Among the musicians, 13 were pianists or organists with intensive practice regimes. The others were either music teachers at schools or string instrumentalists, who had studied the piano at least as a subsidiary subject, and practiced less intensively. …”
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Przyczynki do działalności i twórczości muzyków związanych z dworem królewskim Rzeczpospolitej w drugiej połowie XVI wieku
Published 2022-12-01“…Elżbiety we Wrocławiu i sporządzonej przez Georga Gottharta, organistę tej świątyni w latach 1568–85, znajduje się natomiast niezauważony dotychczas utwór instrumentalny Marcina Leopolity, Paduana Leopolithanowa (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 357, k. 66v–67r). …”
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