Architectural and decorative elements of the facades and entrances of the palaces and pavilions in Istanbul during the reigns of sultan Abdulmajid and Abdulaziz in the period (1255...
Published 2022-12-01“…The city of Istanbul was a cultural center with its buildings and arts that embody the greatness and capabilities of the ottoman sultans, distinguished the buildings of the (13 AH / 19 AD) century influences European whether it was the baroque, Rococo or the renaissance which the turks accepted in their buildings, the facades and entrances palaces and pavilions in Istanbul served as an open museum crowded with various architectural and decorative elements which prompted me to choose this topic in order to highlight the artistic value of these multiple elements,first,introducing the architecture of the subject of the study, Dolmabahçe Palace ( 1262- 1259AH/ 1843- 1856AD) in Beşiktaş, pavilion Abdulmajid at Topkapi Palace, Ihlamur pavilion, pavilion Abdulmajid at beykoz (1261AH/1845AD)(1270AH/1854AD),pavilion Tophane (1269- 1270AH/1852- 1853AD), Küçüksu pavilion (1272AH/1856AD), beylerybi palace ( 1278- 1282AH/ 1861- 1865AD), ciragan palace (1279- 1280AH/ 1862- 1863AD), mayben pavilion on yildiz palace (1283AH/1866AD)- secand,the architects such as Garabet Balyan, Nigoğayos Balyan, Sarkis Balyan, Hagop Balyan.- third, building materials,such as stone, marble,wood,metal,- fourth,decorative methods such as: high relief, gilding-fifthy, the architectural elements, such as: Columns (Ionic column, Corinthian column, composite column), arches, corbels, frontons, staircases, windows, balconies, vaults, towers- sixth, decorative elements such as , floral decoration, acanthus leaves, flower curtains, Pine ,anthemion,interlaced floral motifs, flower vases, geometrical decoration such as: Egg and dart, Shell, Radiant motifs, star plate, panel, volutes, Inscriptions, Architectural decorations, and scenes of animals and birds.- search results, followed by a number of maps, figures and plates.…”
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أطماع نابليون في الشرق ومحاولاته احتلال فلسطين Napoleon Ambitions in the East and His attempts to occupy Palestine
Published 2020-10-01“…The research dealt with the idea of Napoleon to create a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine and the reasons that led his to go to the east and the stages that passed the campaign on Acre and how to siege them ,but failed to achieve its objectives because of the presence of British fleet which helped the governor of Acre Ahmed pasha Al-jazzars in front of him as well as the Ottoman fleet headed from Istanbul to Egypt as well as plague disease, which hit the army, forcing him to return to Egypt and then decide to return to France. …”
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Türk Yönetim Yazınında İlk Taylorizm Yayınlarına Yönelik Bir Transkripsiyon Çalışması
Published 2016-10-01“…In this study, the articles published in Turkey before 1928 and contained topics about Taylor and Taylorism, have been transcripted from Ottoman Turkish to today’s modern Turkish. Firstly, Ali Haydar’s article titled “Teylirizm (Taylorisme)” is in Muallimler Mecmuâsı numbered 21 and dated May 1924 was transcripted. …”
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From the history of primary education in Mušutište and Sredač parish from its founding until 1912
Published 2021-01-01“…In the period from the end of the 18th century to 1912, being the last period of Turkish rule, the education system was built and completed more slowly than before, and it only partially belonged to the education system of the Ottoman Empire. Schools did not belong to the same school system because Turkish, Serbian and other schools coexisted at the time in Kosovo. …”
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Heritage features and architectural designs in Mosul and their impact on urban growth
Published 1985-12-01“…<br />It gained the attention of the Umayyads, and the Abbasids after them, and when it was owned by the sons of Hamdan (۲۹۳ - ۳۱۷ e / 905 - 929 A.D.), its neighborhoods expanded and its markets and hotels expanded and reached the climax of its architectural and artistic greatness in the era of Atabi (521 - 660 AH / 1127 - 1261 AD), but soon conditions deteriorated The city, after being subjected to the Ilkhanid invasion, Turkoman tribes, and Timurids, was finally subjected to the Ottoman control to which most of the heritage buildings belong, especially the era of the venerable rulers (۱۱۳۹ - 1249 / 1726-1834) and the heritage buildings that we are going to address to their architectural features and designs are centered in the ancient site of the city of Mosul . …”
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Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall as Historian and Osmanist (with Reference to the Collection of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Published 2018-03-01“…Referring to numerous sources, this work covers the historical period from the establishment of the Ottoman Empire to the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca of 1774 and is considered to be the first modern historical synthesis. …”
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O текстологии рукописных китабов литовских татар: легенда Мирадж
Published 2013-01-01“…In the future, we plan to analyze the old Ottoman part.…”
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The Cultural Comprehensiveness of the Literary Works of Hafez in Human Societies and its Reflection on the Illustrated Manuscript of Hafez Preserved at the New Delhi Museum
Published 2020-05-01“…In fact, the aim of this study is to show the influence of Hafez's words with human themes on poets and writers of various countries including Germany and Czech-Slovakia, Indian subcontinent including Bengal and Pakistan, China, Ottoman Empire and Arab scholars. It is also intended to examine the reflection of Hafez's cultural comprehensiveness in these countries by studying and examining images of Hafez's illustrated manuscript (available at the New Delhi Museum). …”
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Variations iconographiques : Constantin le Grand dans les peintures des églises de Pătrăuţi et d’Arbore / Iconographic Variations: Constantine the Great in the Paintings of the Chu...
Published 2014-11-01“…As a reflex of the political situation of the Moldavia, see the military actions of the Ottomans in their endeavor to conquer Stephen’s country, the prince took the Emperor Constantine as a model in his struggle against the enemies of the Cross. …”
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«El prodigioso príncipe transilvano»: la larga guerra contra los turcos (1596-1606) a través de las «relaciones de sucesos»
Published 2009-12-01“…At the end of the 16th century, the interest was focused on the fight against the Turkish Empire with the «long war» of Hungary (1593-1606) that faced the emperor Rudolph II and the prince of Transylvania Zsigmond Bathory against the Ottoman. We will pay attention to the mechanisms of diffusion of the news to the Sevillian press of Rodrigo de Cabrera, where the majority of the relations were released, and the role performed by the Jesuits as transmitters and creators of opinión. …”
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The work of Serbian diplomacy on the protection of Serbs in old Serbia in the last decade of the 19th century
Published 2011-01-01“…The author states that in his endeavors to protect Serbian population in the Ottoman's empire, Serbia had decided to do it by means of diplomacy, and the outcome of such determination was the sign of Consular convention. …”
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Między agape a krwawą ofiarą. Kurban w życiu religijnym wyznawców prawosławia (Rodopy Zachodnie, Bułgaria)
Published 2015-08-01“…Where it comes to the Western Rhodopes, I suppose that the motif of Abraham’s sacrifice filtered into Christian religious symbols and narratives via the traditions of adat Islam, many of which had retained close links with Judaism. By adopting the Ottoman Turkish term (kurban) rather than its Semitic variant (qorban), the Christians also adopted the related set of ideas about the sacrifice and its sacred aetiology. …”
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Examination of French Secondary School History-Geography Teaching Programmes
Published 2023-10-01“…French and Turkish societies have been in intense interaction in every field since the Ottoman Empire period. For this reason, it is important for the future of both countries that the republics of Turkey and France follow and interact with each other in the field of education as in every field. …”
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History of Islamic Medical Schools in Turkey"s Territory
Published 2020-11-01“…In this study, 19 health institutions whose locations have been determined and documents finalized were approached in a chronological order and classified according to the historical periods: XIIth and XIIIth centuries (Seljukian period)-10, XIVth century (Ilkhanate dominion)-1, and XVth-XVIIth centuries (Ottoman period)-8 institutions. Some of them have a history of 900 years (Konya Mâristan-ı Atik, 1113; and Mardin Eminüddin Bimaristanı, 1122). …”
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Lieutenant-Colonel Nazar Karazin in the Danubian Principalities on the Eve and at the Beginning of the Russian-Turkish War of 1768–74
Published 2021-10-01“…His detachment played an important role in organizing the insurrectionary movement in the northeastern part of Wallachia and the expulsion of the Turks from Bucharest in early November 1769, and then in the defense of the capital of Wallachia during the counter-offensives of the Ottoman forces in December 1769 and January 1770. …”
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A Strategic Base in the Global Supply Chain: Türkiye
Published 2022-10-01“…The Silk Road, which had an important place until a certain period of the Ottoman Empire, lost its importance due to other developments. …”
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Published 2015-02-01“…According to Kadırman, “to form a multi-genred association as a protest against popular and customary within the urban music culture, by means of ortaoyunu (a eulogy show in ottoman culture and entertainment life), cabarets, musicals, performance arts, minstrel traditions and other art disciplines, encouraging to speak on what cannot be spoken and criticizing the authoritarian structure is important”. …”
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Russia of PeterI: Gaining Great Power Status
Published 2021-12-01“…International treaties of Russia with France, Austria, Prussia, Rzeczpospolita, Sweden, China, the Ottoman Empire and the Crimean Khanate show that for the first time, the new role of Russia as a great power, as the guarantor of the common Eu- ropean contractual system after the War of the Spanish Succession (1701 / 1702-1714) was enshrined in the Amsterdam Treaty (1717), which was concluded between Russia, France, and Prussia. …”
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The area of Lika and North Dalmatia in the context of the modern regionalisation of Croatia
Published 2016-10-01“…In contrast to reversions to previous divisions and demarcations in the Croatian area made by the Ottoman Empire, Habsburg Monarchy and Venetian Republic, the late 20th and early 21st centuries have seen renewed processes in the transport, economic and functional connectivity of modern Lika and North Dalmatia, which are similar to those in Antiquity and periods when the original nucleus of the Croatian state was affirmed. …”
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