Occurrence of aflatoxins in selected processed foods from Pakistan
Published 2012Get full text
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Technology addiction and phubbing behaviour in the generation Z of Pakistan
Published 2021“…Materials and Methods: Students from two public universities in Pakistan's Southern Punjab province were sampled with a multistage cluster sampling technique. …”
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Trends Of Facebook Use Among University Students In Pakistan
Published 2015“…Facebook has been adapted as a platform for connecting with friends, sharing information, a favorite past time, and a way of new entertainment by much of the youth in Pakistan. Over 12 million people in Pakistan, half of whom fall between the ages of 18 to 30, use Facebook. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Ensuring the sustainability of public sector utility projects in Pakistan
Published 2008“…Pakistan is a developing country having a large imbalance between its resources and needs. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Role of tourism in long term economic growth in Pakistan
Published 2008“…Our findings imply that Pakistan could enhance its shortrun economic growth by strategically strengthening its tourism industries.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Published 2015“…PULAU PINANG, 21 September 2015 – Tamadun dan warisan negara Pakistan yang berusia lebih daripada 4,000 tahun dan budaya yang terus berakar umbi ini sangat memberi kesan kepada bidang pendidikan dan teknologi sebagai antara kebanggaan negara Pakistan. …”
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Factors affecting employee creativity in Islamic banking in Pakistan
Published 2021“…A quantitative method was followed, and data were collected from a survey questionnaire from Islamic banks in Pakistan. The data analysis was conducted using Smart PLS 3.2.7 for 393 final clean respondents. …”
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Thesis -
Comparison of nutrients uptake in different varieties of rice in Pakistan
Published 2018“…Different types of rice seeds KSK-282, KSK-134, BAS-515, IR6, BAS-2000, KSK-133 and super-BAS were collected from National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) Islamabad Pakistan and grown in different plastic pots containing soil under the same condition. …”
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Organizational culture influence on job satisfaction in the Pakistan context
Published 2018“…The objective of this paper is to offer a proposed relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction in Pakistan. Organizational culture refers to the outcome of individuals or group of people in the organization that have the same attitude as well as behavior. …”
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The measurement of the effectiveness of leadership styles for organizational commitment in Pakistan
Published 2015“…This paper examines the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and organizational commitment.Survey method was used for the purpose of collecting data from academic staff working in public sector Tertiary Institutions in Pakistan.Total 200 questionnaires were collected.After the process of data analysis, the results revealed both transformational leadership styles and transactional leadership style have significant effect on organizational commitment.However, PLS modelling outcome showed that the transformational leadership style was more influencing factor on organizational commitment than transactional leadership.Besides that, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were highlighted.…”
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Determinants of Rural Poverty in Pakistan: A Micro Study
Published 2016“…Poverty reduction is the most important agenda for the least developed countries such as Pakistan.In spite of the modest economic growth in Pakistan, rural poverty has not been reduced due to various reasons.Poverty is a complex phenomenon and it can be articulated in income and non-income components.This study identifies the factors affecting rural household poverty.The study was based on the primary data which was collected through the multi-stage cluster sampling from the rural areas of the Southern Punjab.The responses were collected through face-to-face interviews and the total two hundred heads of household were interviewed. …”
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Productivity change in the efficiency of the insurance and Takaful industry of Pakistan
Published 2018“…The results of the study reveal that overall insurance industry in Pakistan was enjoying the increase in the total factor productivity during the above mentioned period. …”
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Privatization for economics prosperity or poverty - A case of Pakistan
Published 2010“…Privatization is a complex exercise with multifaceted implications and has to be conducted with a number of caveats (Khan, 2001).The present privatization process of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) started in Pakistan in 1991 under pressure form donor agencies without formulating a rational privatization policy. …”
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Book Section -
Theorizing feminist research in rural areas of the Punjab, Pakistan
Published 2019“…It argues that a feminist research provides a powerful tool in assisting us to understand women’s lives, their experiences, their concerns based on gender discrimination.This paper seek for empowerment and liberation of women by conceptualizing and thinking about the findings of feminist researchs which are often applied to promote social changes and social justice for women.The paper begins by outlining why the theorization of term ‘feminist methodology’ is used to tag an ideal approach for conducting feminist research which reveals that the basic premise of feminist theory is that women have been excluded from traditional philosophy. In Pakistan, especially in Punjab, women inferior and subordinated status is in practice, including women’s political deprived affiliation to contest election and cast the vote. …”
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Independence of PEMRA and Regulatory Framework of Electronic Media in Pakistan
Published 2018“…This article concludes that PEMRA should be granted more institutional independence in order to effectively regulate electronic media in Pakistan…”
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Determinants of SMEs Performance in Pakistan: A Pilot Study
Published 2021“…This study's main objective is to investigate the face validity and reliability of the determinants of SMEs' performance in Pakistan. For this purpose, researchers adopted a simple random sampling approach to collect a small data sample from the Owners/managers of 41 individual manufacturing SMEs. …”
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Taliban: How it emerged and why U.S and Pakistan failed?
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Moderating effect of vocational self-efficacy on the relationship between socioeconomic status, social support, vocational outcome expectation and students’ interest in TVET program, Pakistan
Published 2021Subjects: “…Technical education - Pakistan…”
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Thesis -
Three-dimensional finite element modeling of groundwater flow and solute transport for the lower indus Basin, Pakistan
Published 2012Subjects: “…Groundwater flow - Pakistan…”
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Thesis -
New wheat storage structures and their effects on grain quality in Sindh, Pakistan
Published 2015Subjects: “…Grain - Quality - Pakistan -Sindh…”
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