La scala elicoidale del Borromini a Palazzo Barberini: rilievo scan laser e modellazione parametrica.
Published 2015-07-01“…Alla morte del Maderno (1629) nel cantiere del costruendo Palazzo Barberini subentra il Bernini, con il quale Borromini avvierà una collaborazione destinata però a concludersi poco dopo. …”
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The Patterns of the Transformation in Central European Ceiling Painting around 1700 and Franz Carl Remp in Brežice Castle
Published 2021-10-01“…Its form had most probably been inspired by an engraving, reproducing the fresco by Pietro da Cortona in the hall of the Palazzo Barberini in Rome. During the 17th century, many engravings of various motifs and types were used as models for monumental paintings in Central Europe. …”
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Rome, 10 December 1696, a symbolic funeral: decorations placed in the Polish church of St Stanislaus to commemorate the death of John III Sobieski
Published 2023-06-01“…The surviving four of the six medallions are now kept at the Galleria Nazionale di Arte Antica in the Palazzo Barberini in Rome. In 2018, researcher Giovan Battista Fidanza found documents in the Barberini family archives regarding the cost of the ceremony. …”
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The Palace of the Prince. Ideas and Architectural Projects from Florentine Experimental Academism to Borromini’s Drawings, with Notes on the Album of Giovanni Vincenzo Casale
Published 2014-06-01“…This article analyses two architectural projects for the Palazzo Barberini which can be related to this Florentine academic environment: the first, attributed by Wittkower to Pietro da Cortona, and the second, an allegorical drawing by Orazio Busini, still imbued with a late Renaissance schematic vision. …”
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Una monaca, opera di Leonardo da Vinci
Published 2023-06-01“…Riflessi della sua fama raggiunsero anche Roma quando un artista toscano, Giovanni Sorbi, chiamato a stilare l’inventario dei quadri dal Pozzo Boccapaduli, identifica una copia della Gioconda della collezione (Bottega di Leonardo da Vinci, La Gioconda, olio su tavola trasportato su tela, cm.70x50,5, Roma, Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini. Inv.864) come ‘una Monaca’ di Leonardo, attribuendole un’altissima quotazione (500 scudi). …”
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