Gianlorenzo Bernini, Mattia de Rossi and a project for the chapel of San Domenico in the roman convent of Santa Sabina all'Aventino
Published 2016-12-01“…Until now, the most relevant documentary connection between Bernini and the chapel was recognized in the papal chirografo issued on the 10th of December 1669 by Clement IX Rospigliosi (1667-69), related to the intervention on the Aventine Hill, and other four works, also referable to Bernini. …”
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The Lunette with St. Thomas Becket at the Sacro Speco in Subiaco: An Unexpected Presence?
Published 2021-08-01“…Thomas Becket in a pre-eminent position in the sanctuary of Benedict in Subiaco, a papal bulwark on the borders of the Kingdom.…”
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»Sanctity of life« as a familiological issue in the statements of Pope Francis
Published 2021-01-01“…The conclusions resulting from the theological analysis of papal statements indicate the need for a ‘familiological turn’ encompassing the space of culture and civilization of the contemporary world. …”
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Reforma y Contrarreforma. El debate teológico en el umbral de la nueva ciencia
Published 2017-12-01“…Here the above-mentioned panorama is exposed, to make clear the correlation between the theological and the epistemological querella that, in one of its main angles, can be stated as the opposition to authority, whether to the papal —like Luther— or to the tradition scholastic, in the manner of Galileo. …”
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Relación inédita de un viaje fundacional: de Zaragoza a Mallorca en 1662
Published 2022-09-01“…Se destaca asimismo la rareza de estas relaciones, excluidas de los diferentes repertorios bibliográficos, y se pone el acento sobre las dificultades inherentes al viaje tanto de índole administrativo-eclesiásticas como las derivadas del transporte, del alojamiento y, sobre todo, de la obligación de guardar la clausura papal. …”
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Renovationists and the Soviet government in 1923 in the coverage of the Exarch of Russian Catholics
Published 2022-01-01“…The publication introduces into scientific circulation three documents of 1923, identified in the archive of the head of the Papal Mission to help the hungry in Russia, fr. Edmund Walsh, stored in the library of Georgetown University (USA). …”
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Elementos para construir una identidad y un sentido de pertenencia en el profesorado de la PUCMM
Published 2014-07-01“…En el estudio reflexivo de ese documento papal los docentes y los directivos pueden enriquecer su mundo interior y mostrar una postura de renovación ante la sociedad donde les ha tocado vivir. …”
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Da ética à prática da solidariedade segundo a Laudato Si
Published 2020-08-01“…Refletir sobre a prática da solidariedade pelo viés do cuidado e da ética exige destacar que devemos perceber o paradigma da globalização e o modelo tecnocrático de desenvolvimentos e os impactos na vida social dos indivíduos e sua relação com o meio ambiente. O documento papal traz presente a categoria do cuidado comum, como algo essencial em vista do desenvolvimento integral sustentável e, por outro lado, estabelece uma relação com a “casa comum” que perpassa pelo percurso ético e espiritual, que possibilita uma relação madura, responsável e solidária com os bens da criação, como também, o cuidado com os mais pobres. …”
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Crusading in Livonia and Byzantine Romania Considered in a Comparative Review. Key Issues and Historiographical Notes
Published 2021-12-01“…The article analyzes several factors including the role of geographical and climatic conditions, the demographic expansion, the papal policy, the commercial maritime activity, and the role of the Knightly orders in the crusading campaigns under review. …”
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Ancient Rome in the Age of Copyright: the Privilegio and Printed Reconstructions
Published 2017-12-01“…Printers and publishers thus sought papal authorities for this special favor in order to prevent their expertly rendered reconstructions from being copied The privilegio, this article argues, had on some occasions the intended effect, forcing competitors on the market to await its expiry before making their own versions. …”
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Internuncio Antonio Francesco Cirioli's correspondence with the Secretary of State on the eve of the General Sejm held in Warsaw in 1623
Published 1999-12-01“…In early November 1622, by the appointment of cardinal Cosimo de Torres, under Gregory's XV papal brief of 3 December 1622, Antonio Francesco Cirioli became internuncio. …”
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The Seal of Dignity of Archbishop Olav of Nidaros (1350–1370). Reflections on its Iconography and Cultural Context
Published 2022-06-01“…The stylistic connections presented in the article are a reminder of the significance of the long-distance travels of the medieval clerg y and the resulting network of cultural interactions (including correspondence), especially during this period of increasing papal influence.…”
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“Those Five Glenties Women”: Echoes Of Lorca In Dancing At Lughnasa
Published 2006-03-01“…The role of women at home was strongly emphasized by the papal encyclicals Castii Connubbi (1930) and Quadragesimo Anno (1931), highly influential in both countries. …”
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“Hegemonia” e “Intelectual Orgânico” na Primeira Idade Média: Gregório I e a (re)elaboração do vocábulo-conceito de rector
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“There was a great mortality in Rome, more serious than is recalled in the time of any other pontiff”. Plagues and diseases in the "Liber Pontificalis"
Published 2021-06-01“…The majority of cases where diseases were mentioned in the Liber Pontificalis referred to the health of the popes. In the collection of papal biographies there were also descriptions of diseases that had affected other people: an emperor, bishop, soldier, clerk. …”
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Table of Contents, Vol. 9, Special Issue 1. Laudato Si’ and the US Catholic Church
Published 2020-04-01“…Quantitative data, experience, and conversations suggest that the US Catholic Church has yet to begin to integrate _Laudato Si’_— which builds on twenty five years of papal attention to ecology and climate change as moral issues—with the priority, scope, and urgency anywhere near what is commensurate with the science and the magnitude of what Pope Francis now rightly refers to as our world’s “climate emergency.” …”
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De Castellón a Roma: el canónigo Vicente Giner (Ca. 1636-1681)
Published 2001-06-01“…La presencia de un artista español en la Roma papal, se contempla siempre como un privilegio de disfrute infrecuente, en los siglos del Renacimiento y el Barroco. …”
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Sacrifice and the limits of sovereignty 1589-1613
Published 2023“…It will consider the impact of this argument and suggest its importance in provoking new and more powerful articulations of both royal sovereignty and papal power.…”
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Eça de Queirós versus Papa Leão XIII: questões alimentares (Eça de Queirós versus Pope Leo XIII: food issues) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n28p1363
Published 2012-12-01“…Eça tece comentários sobre a carta papal buscando confrontar os ensinamentos do Papa com as atitudes de vários santos e santas da Igreja Católica que teriam vivido diversas abdicações, dificuldades e renúncias, especialmente com relação à alimentação, para alcançar a santidade. …”
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