Discursos libertinos, iluminismo e cultura religiosa no mundo luso-brasileiro ao final do século XVIII
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The Catholic clergy of England in the conditions of plague epidemics during the 14th–15th centuries
Published 2022-06-01“…The possible influence of the ideas about the alien in the liquidation of foreign monasteries, traditionally seen as resulting from the anti-papal sentiments in England, is considered using an interdisciplinary approach. …”
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Urakami Memory and the Two Popes: The Disrupting of an Abstracted Nuclear Discourse
Published 2021-11-01“…Drawing upon interviews conducted in the Catholic community in Nagasaki between 2014 and 2019, and by reference to the two papal visits, this article re-evaluates the ongoing potentialities and concomitant weaknesses of religious discourse. …”
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<em>«Ibernia fabulosa»: per una storia delle immagini dell'Irlanda in Italia</em>
Published 2011-08-01“…In the age of the Tudor conquest and Reformation the island slowly lost its fantastic connotations, becoming an asset in the Papal struggle against Anglican England. Later on, in the course of the Italian Risorgimento, the Italian leaders of the movement – such as Mazzini, Cavour, and Cattaneo - generally saw the nationalist movement in Ireland through English eyes, both because of their innate Anglophilia and for reasons of Realpolitik. …”
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The Hebrew Sources of Tortosa’s Disputation
Published 2020-08-01“…Stirred by the Avignonesian Pope Benedict XIII, Geronimo de Sancta Fide, olim Yehoshua ha-Lorki, summoned a group of Catalan and Aragonese rabbis to inform them that the Messiah was already came. Not only the Papal notaries recorded the excruciating debates, but also two Hebrew sources: the anonymous and fragmentary letter published by Halberstam in 1868 and the chapter 40 of the Shebet Yehuda. …”
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Commonalities between the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo
Published 2015-01-01“…In 1989 EDICES (Spanish Sindonology Research Centre Team) started researching about the Sudarium of Oviedo, developing the pioneer research started in the sixties by Monsignor Giulio Ricci, who was a member of the Papal Curia and President of the “Roman Centre of Sindonology”aaRicci, G. …”
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“Svitrigailo, Grand Duke of Lithuania, or Supplement to histories of Lithuanian, Russian, Polish-Prussian” : Translation and Publication of Work of August Kotzebue in Russian Empir...
Published 2022-09-01“…The author of the article reports that, among various historical materials, three papal bulls were presented at the end of the manuscript, related to the project of a possible reunification of the Latin and Greek churches. …”
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«Una reflexión serena y objetiva». Galileo y el intento de autorrehabilitación de la Iglesia Católica
Published 1998-05-01“…Brandmüller, uno de los miembros de la comisión papal para el estudio del caso Galileo, interpretación que diluye la gravedad de las condenas de 1616 y 1633 y atribuye a la Iglesia un escrúpulo científico que Galileo no habría tenido. …”
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Development of church organization in the 4th century in the light of modern Orthodox and Catholic historiography
Published 2014-10-01“…We also can fi nd certain «democratism» in explaining the mechanisms of decision-making and criticism of the idea of institutional authority over local churches (whether papal, synodal or emperor’s authority). The focus of Catholic authors is the idea of communion of local churches, which has hierarchical structure. …”
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À procura da intimidade: formas de oração em língua vernácula na França dos séculos XIV e XV
Published 2020-11-01“…Importa interrogar o valor desses ensinamentos num momento de tensões geradas pelo Cisma papal que dividiu a Igreja entre Roma e Avinhão de 1378 a 1417, e igualmente pela reprovação clerical dos excessos devocionais vindos de figuras que então buscavam formas mais íntimas e diretas de diálogo com Deus, com frequência manifestas em visões, êxtases e estigmas, bem como no menosprezo dos sacramentos.…”
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Sobre el aristotelismo de Alfonso de Cartagena. En el debate jurídico y eclesiológico
Published 2019-09-01“…Ambas obras constituyen un testimonio sumamente revelador de los usos de Aristóteles en un momento crucial del debate eclesiológico sobre la naturaleza del poder papal.…”
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Ambiguidades e tensões na economia política da Encíclica Caritas in Veritate
Published 2019-05-01“…Destacaremos dois elementos que trazem profundas tensões ao texto papal, o conceito de subsidiariedade e a categoria de “autoridade política mundial”.…”
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The Second Spanish Restoration in Nuncio Giustiniany’s dispatches (1823-1827) | La segunda restauración española a través de los despachos del nuncio Giustiniani (1823-1827)
Published 2017-12-01“…After pointing out the pro-restoration attitude of the King, the Pope and the Nuncio, I analyze the dispatches of the papal representative in Madrid between late 1823 and early 1827 focusing on two main issues: the situation of Spain and the Church, and the accusations made against both the former and the latter due to their alleged reactionary attitude. …”
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Catholic Social Teaching as a Source of Enrichment of the Moral Dimension of Social Enterprise Management
Published 2022-12-01“…First, the content of selected literature on the subject (social entrepreneurship) and carefully selected theological-moral sources (especially papal documents and publications by CST researchers) were analysed. …”
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The <i>Canticle of the Creatures</i> by Francis of Assisi (1181/82–1226) and the Care of Our Common Home
Published 2024-01-01“…The author himself is much more than the exceptional case of a nature-friendly medieval saint who, therefore, continues to inspire the promoters of ecology and, especially after the papal encyclical <i>Laudato Si’</i>, constitutes the ecumenical matrix for the care of our common home. …”
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Bibbie atlantiche e non solo nella biblioteca della cattedrale di Messina in epoca normanna
Published 2018-12-01“…First, the intent to declare the intellectual and political dependency of at least one part of the diocese of Messina on papal power as opposed to other political forces. …”
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Italy, 1000-1400
Published 2019“…Political, economic and military influence was exercised on the Italian Peninsula, at one time or other, by the Holy Roman Empire and the House of Hohenstaufen, the Normans, the Lombard and Tuscan city-states, the Papal States, the Kingdom of Sicily, the ever-weakening Byzantine Empire and the gradually retreating Saracens. …”
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The Interior Decoration of the Sobieski Chapel at the Church on Kahlenberg Hill in Vienna
Published 2018-06-01“…According to tradition, in the ruins of the Camaldolese church at Kahlenberg Hill (part of a hermitage founded in the first half of the 17th century and destroyed by the Turks occupying the city), in the morning of 12 September 1683, before the decisive battle of Vienna, papal legate Marco d’Aviano celebrated a mass at which John III Sobieski served. …”
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Struktura i kompetencje Papieskiej Rady ds. Krzewienia Nowej Ewangelizacji
Published 2013-12-01“…The competences of the Council – indicated in Ubicumąue et semper – are: l) to examine the meaning of the new evangelization, 2) to promote and to foster of the papal Magisterium related to the new evangelization, 3) to make known and to support initiatives linked to the new evangelization, 4) to study and to encourage the use of modern forms of communication, 5) to promote the use of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (art. 3). …”
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Pobreza y perseverancia: La misión jesuita de Isfahán y Shamakhi en el Irán Safaví tardío
Published 2015-12-01“…Se examinan algunos de los motivos que tuvieron los jesuitas por establecer una misión permanente en territorio Safaví a mediados del siglo XVII: el deseo de integrar a los Armenios Gregorianos de Irán bajo el dominio papal y buscar una ruta terrestre hacia India y China libre de influencia portuguesa. …”
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