The use of reduced doses of the yellow fever vaccine in a sub-Saharan African population: safety, immunogenicity and policy
Опубліковано 2021“...The second study was a dose-response study testing de-escalated doses of the 17D 204 vaccine manufactured by the Institut Pasteur de Dakar against a standard dose in a general population in Kenya and Uganda. ...”
Дисертація -
Antimicrobial and bactericidal impacts of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CECT 5940 on fecal shedding of pathogenic bacteria in dairy calves and adult dogs
Опубліковано 2018“...In the calves experiment, a completely randomized design was used to investigate the faecal bacteria profile of Holstein dairy calves fed with either pasteurized waste milk (PWM; n = 9) or a formulated non-medicated milk replacer (NMR; n = 9) for 60 d. ...”
Стаття -
Teknik pengesanan spora Nosema bombycis dan kesan jangkitan pada larva Plutella xylostella
Опубліковано 2005“...The Gram s, Giemsa's, haematoxylin and trichrome staining techniques were more superior in detecting the spores, sporonts and meronts than the good Pasteurs. The main effect of the infection was mortality which was dose-dependent and that the younger ins tars were more susceptible to infection than the older ones. ...”
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Стаття -
Persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in food commodities: foodborne pathogenesis, virulence factors, and implications for public health
Опубліковано 2021“...Listeria monocytogenes is a ubiquitous pathogen found commonly in vast environment conditions and most commonly found in fresh-cut salads, raw fruits raw vegetables, sausages, cured meat, shellfish, refrigerated ready to eat food, soft cheeses, raw and under pasteurized milk. L. monocytogenes is a member of genus Listeria, along with five other members, such as L. innocua, L. ivanovii, L. seeligeri, L. grayi and L. murrayi. ...”
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Charles Bonnet contre les Lumières
Опубліковано 2017“...Les excès de zèle du pasteur de Zürich <br/> 2. Entre le socinianisme et le matérialisme <br/> 3. ...”
Книга -
Field evaluation of two rapid diagnostic tests for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A during the 2006 outbreak in Niger.
Опубліковано 2009“...Recently a new, easy-to-use dipstick RDT for meningococcal disease detection on CSF was developed by the Centre de Recherche Medicale et Sanitaire in Niger and the Pasteur Institute in France. We estimate diagnostic accuracy in the field during the 2006 outbreak of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A in Maradi, Niger, for the dipstick RDT and Pastorex(R) on unprepared CSF, (a) by comparing each test's sensitivity and specificity with previously reported values; and (b) by comparing results for each test on paired samples, using McNemar's test. ...”
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Cloning and Expression of Fimbrial Subunit Gene Of Pasteurella Multocida Type 6: B, Isolated From Cattle With Haemorrhagic Septicaemia
Опубліковано 2005“...Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) is a common disease of cattle and buffaloes, particularly in Asia. In Malaysia, PasteureIIa muItocida 6:B is most commonly isolated from outbreaks of haemorrhagic septicaemia. ...”
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Discovery of a new predominant cytosine DNA modification that is linked to gene expression in malaria parasites
Опубліковано 2020Отримати повний текст
Journal Article -
Low-dose yellow fever vaccine in adults in Africa
Опубліковано 2025“...</p> <br> <p><strong>METHODS:</strong> In this double-blind, randomized, noninferiority trial in Uganda and Kenya, we assigned adults with no history of yellow fever vaccination or infection to receive vaccination with the Institut Pasteur de Dakar 17D-204 yellow fever vaccine at a standard dose (13,803 IU) or at a fractional dose of 1000 IU, 500 IU, or 250 IU. ...”
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Religions en transition dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle
Опубліковано 2017“...En effet, de Benoît-Joseph Labre aux bénédictins franc-maçons, des pasteurs éclairés anglais ou suisse aux petits groupes de femmes qui se disaient envoyées par le Ciel pour répandre le culte du Sacré-Coeur, les différences purent apparaître considérables. ...”
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Formulation and testing of a liposomal-based vaccine for cancer and influenza
Опубліковано 2020“...Historically, vaccine development has been based on the “three Is” paradigm of Louis Pasteur (isolate, inactivate, inject). However, an improved understanding of immunology, pathology and microbiology is now helping vaccine development adopt a more ‘rational design’ approach. ...”
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Teknik pengesanan spora nosema bombycis dan kesan jangkitan pada larva plutella xylostella
Опубліковано 2005“...Didapati teknik pewarnaan Gram, Giemsa, hematoksilin dan trikrom lebih sesuai untuk mengesan spora, sporon dan meron daripada tisu larva yang terjangkit berbanding teknik 'good Pasteur'. Kesan utama jangkitan spora ialah kematian larva yang bergantung kepada kepekatan spora yang digunakan dan didapati ins tar yang lebih muda adalah lebih rentan terhadap jangkitan ini berbanding instar yang lebih matang. ...”
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Effect of Lactobacillus casei 431 and Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 on the physico-chemical property, sensory quality and volatile compounds in fresh Libyan white cheese
Опубліковано 2021“...Libyan soft white cheese is a very popular traditional dairy product in Libya which is made from fresh or pasteurized milk. There is currently no documented research on the manufacture of fresh Libyan white cheese using Lactic acid bacteria. ...”
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Impact of diffused versus vasculature targeted DNA damage on the heart of mice depleted of telomeric factor Ft1
Опубліковано 2024Отримати повний текст
Journal Article -
Madame d'Arconville, moraliste et chimiste au siècle des Lumières
Опубліковано 2017“...Mme d’Arconville échappe à tout classement: femme de lettres – auteure d’essais, de romans, de textes autobiographiques –, elle est aussi une chimiste dont les travaux furent reconnus de son vivant et les résultats corroborés jusqu’à Pasteur. La chimie lui servit de modèle pour construire une interprétation globale de la nature qui, au nom de l’inconstance fondamentale des êtres, considère toute chose à partir de son potentiel de transformation. ...”
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