A self-optimizing scheme for energy balanced routing in wireless sensor networks using SensorAnt
Published 2012“…This method is based on the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic which is adopted to enhance the paths with the best quality function. The assessment of this function depends on multi-criteria metrics such as the minimum residual battery power, hop count and average energy of both route and network. …”
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An investigation on shielding properties of BaO, MoO3 and P2O5 based glasses using MCNPX code
Published 2019“…In the present work, some radiation shielding quantities (mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic number, effective electron density, half value layer and mean free path) for various BaO–MoO3–P2O5 ternary glass systems have been determined within the 0.015–15 MeV energy range, using WinXCom program. …”
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Determinants of consumer attitudes toward mobile advertising: a crossborder study between Malaysia and Indonesia using PLS-MGA
Published 2019“…PLS-SEM based software (Smart PLS 3.0) was used to perform the path modelling and multi-group analyses. The findings showed that while information and entertainment are what Malaysians look for in mobile advertising, information was significantly more important to Indonesians. …”
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The present image of society in the novels of national writers
Published 2021“…Additionally, the novel Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan (Thorny Path) by Shahnon Ahmad. The culture that surrounded the society in Malaysia was related to the spirit of the neighborhood, family, and traditional medicine. …”
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Development of UAV-based PM2.5 monitoring system
Published 2021“…Measurements conducted in a vertical flight path show promise where comparisons with ground truth references data showed good similarity. …”
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Modeling thermal model of a disk coil with directed oil flow using matlab software
Published 2012“…The oil velocity and pressure at the last path can be used as input value to calculate the next pass. …”
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Thesis -
Hybridization-ligation versus parallel overlap assembly : an experimental comparison of initial pool generation for direct-proportional length-based DNA computing
Published 2006“…The proposed DPLB-DNAC has been successfully applied to solve the shortest path problem, which is an instance of weighted graph problems. …”
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Hybridization-ligation versus parallel overlap assembly: an experimental comparison of initial pool generation for direct-proportional length-based DNA computing
Published 2006“…The proposed DPLB-DNAC has been successfully applied to solve the shortest path problem, which is an instance of weighted graph problems. …”
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Cableless battery charger using induction technique for electric vehicles
Published 2003“…We found that it is possible to control the magnetic flux distribution during energy transmission by optimizing the frequency and shielding the flux path. …”
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Ultrasonic tomography for multiphase flow application
Published 2010“…It estimates flow phase composition by mapping out the sound speed distribution over a cross section or volume traversed by a large number of travel paths. However, low sound speed contrast over multiphase mixtures imposes high accuracy requirement in travel time estimation which can be especially challenging in the presence of dispersion and multipath interference. …”
Book Section -
Parallel overlap assembly for initial pool generation of direct-proportional length-based DNA
Published 2005“…Based on the proposed approach, the cost of each path is encoded proportionally to the length of oligonucleotides, or oligos for short. …”
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The influence of Islamic management practices in budget participation
Published 2014“…Purpose - The influence of Islamic management practices on managers’ performance such as organizational commitment involves the development of an individual’s abilities and attitudes contribute towards organizational interests.Therefore, this paper examined the effect of motivational role of budget participation among Muslim managers in Malaysian Local Authorities.In particular, this study aims to indentify the mediating effects of organizational commitment as motivational role in budget participation and managerial performance relationship.Design/ Methodology/Approach - A Structural equation modeling was utilised to examine the direct and indirect effects of motivational role of budget participation among Muslim managers through path analysis.Findings – The result indicate that the mediating effect of organizational commitment strengthened the budget participation and managerial performance relationship.Research Limitations - This research survey only conducted in local governments organization. …”
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The role of good governance on institutional quality as a FDI motivator in the Malaysian case
Published 2014“…Malaysia, as well as other developing countries has been the recipients of FDI and (foreign direct investments) over the past few decades.These investments have proven to be a source of economic growth for the host countries.However, in recent years, there seem to be a strong competition among developing countries to attract FDI as the importance of FDI in developing the host country through increased employment and resource usage hence GDP growth cannot be overlooked.This article examines the role of institutional fitness in FDI considerations.The World Governance Indicator (WGI) which includes voice and accountability, political stability, absence of violence, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption as the main issues of governance.We will examine these indicators for Malaysia over a period of 1996-2012 and predict the path for Malaysia as a FDI destination for the coming years.If indeed these indicators are of importance, for FDI consideration as proclaimed in FDI literature, then is Malaysia having the advantage compare to its neighbors like Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand? …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Influence of enterprise risk management framework implementation and board equity ownership on firm performance in Nigerian financial sector: An initial finding
Published 2016“…We collected the data from chief risk officers, chief financial officers and other top level managers of the sampled organisations.The study utilized PLS-SEM path modelling with the help of SmartPLS 2.0 software to test the research framework.The results of the analysis indicated that ERM framework implementation and board equity ownership have a significant positive effects on the financial and non-financial performance of financial institutions in Nigeria.The study recommended the need for business firms to deploy more resources to ensure efficient operations of ERM initiatives in their organisations.Regulatory agencies need to ensure full implementation of ERM across all financial institutions regardless of the size of the firm to actualize its full benefits.The implication of the findings is that financial institutions and other regulatory agencies need to focus on both financial and non-financial performance indicators in their risk management policy..…”
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Predictors of likelihood of adoption of green practices in hotels: the case of Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria
Published 2017“…Data was collected from General Managers of hotels (363 in number) in Abuja and Lagos.Using Partial Least Squares (PLS) path modelling, the findings indicate all perceived predictors positively correlated to likelihood of adoption.…”
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Courier delivery services visualisor (CDSV) with an integration of genetic algorithm and A* engine
Published 2017“…Distributors are unable to plan their distribution path with the minimal distance.Furthermore distributors are only able to reach each district distribution centre once a day and revisit the distribution centre will increase the time spent and operation cost. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Women’s empowerment and its effect on community development in Oman: predictive model and indicators for best practices
Published 2017“…This study investigates the level of women’s empowerment in Omani society from the point of view of female university students from three public universities with respect to educational opportunity, equality in employment and their social status in the community.The study proposes a model for how to empower women based on the perceptions of university females and the factors that must be considered for improving the status of women in Oman.The model also provides indicators for social and community practices using confirmatory factor analysis and Path Analysis to determine pertinent factors and their effects on women’s development.The results showed a strong direct effect of women’s empowerment in Oman on community development.Despite the latest developments in Oman, as long as cultural rigidity remains, tradition upholds a conservative viewpoint of women, and families adhere to their uncompromised principles, women will remain subordinated by these factors according to the viewpoint of participants.This study concludes with recommendations for further research, including enrolment of females in all areas of specialisation creating more job opportunities for women, encouraging women’s leadership, and additional education of women’s rights and needs.…”
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Women’s empowerment and its effect on community development in Oman: predictive model and indicators for best practices
Published 2017“…The model also provides indicators for social and community practices using confirmatory factor analysis and Path Analysis to determine pertinent factors and their effects on women’s development.The results showed a strong direct effect of women’s empowerment in Oman on community development.Despite the latest developments in Oman, as long as cultural rigidity remains, tradition upholds a conservative viewpoint of women, and families adhere to their uncompromised principles, women will remain subordinated by these factors according to the viewpoint of participants.This study concludes with recommendations for further research, including enrolment of females in all areas of specialisation creating more job opportunities for women, encouraging women’s leadership, and additional education of women’s rights and needs.…”
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PLS equation model of student loyalty based on gender in IR 4.0 environment
Published 2019“…Therefore, this study used the Partial Least Square (PLS) to create a path model which shows the relationship between all factors related to student loyalty. …”
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Synergistic effect of lean practices on lead time reduction: mediating role of manufacturing flexibility
Published 2020“…Data were analyzed by using the PLS path modeling approach and multigroup analysis.Findings: The positive synergistic direct effects of LM on LR and MF were revealed in both process types. …”
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