The political women of Singapore : what does it take her to join politics?
Published 2016“…Through qualitative data, this study aims to demonstrate that cultural factors, above others, continue to plague the ambitions and desires of a political woman today who remains subjected to the same paternalistic and patriarchal norms that her predecessors faced before her.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Communicating Gender: Construction Of Gender Identities In Selected Malaysian Lifestyle Magazines
Published 2018“…Guided by feminist theories, the textual analysis of both Bahasa Malaysia and English language lifestyle magazines of Her World, Wanita, Nona, Maskulin, Glam Lelaki and Men’s Health helps uncover how gender identities are constructed and if these magazines promote stereotypes that uphold a patriarchal system that affects national policies pertaining to women and their progress.…”
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Thesis -
A third term : re-articulating gender in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve and Nights at the Circus.
Published 2013“…This essay argues that in order to challenge male hegemony and patriarchal values, Angela Carter deconstructs our current understandings of gender and re-articulates and re-conceptualizes gender as a third term that isn’t reproduced by prevailing social norms, gender discourses and existing fields of power relations. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
You who came from Korean dramas : influence of Korean dramas on young Singaporean adult viewers’ perception of desired gender images
Published 2014“…To do that, this study will investigate if young Singaporean adult viewers blur the boundaries between reality and Korean dramas, making them wish for their future potential partner to possess characteristics of Korean drama protagonists, and inculcate patriarchal values embedded in Korean dramas into their reality.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The beauty of a woman : a comparative study on metaphorical expressions in English & Chinese poems by male poets
Published 2018“…These similarities are potentially the results of cultural factors and patriarchal ideology.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Bakhtinian’s carnivalesque in Angela Carter’s The Magic Toyshop, several perceptions, nights at the circus and wise children
Published 2014“…It suggests the ways in which carnivalesque operates to open the possibilities to construct a dehierarchized world which is deprived of privileged sectors, patriarchal authority and any form of supremacy and is filled with the primacy of marginality.…”
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Article -
Sex role stereotyping in television ads in Singapore.
Published 2010“…In these cultures, patriarchal ideas are still being practised where women play a more submissive role while men are seen as authorities.…”
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Thesis -
Dissecting Hindu arranged marriages – an analysis of the link between religious belief and gender inequality.
Published 2013“…This research aims to explore the processes and notions behind such “arranged” marriages, and the implications they have on women in particular – perceived to be at the losing end of this patriarchal structure. I find that Hinduism may no longer play a significant role in the decision to facilitate or have an arranged marriage and that any gender inequality may actually be perceived by outsiders; rather than be truly experienced by the subjects involved. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Gender and nationalism : the subaltern woman in a war commemorative museum.
Published 2013“…Gender, then, appears to be dominated and overwritten by nationalism, and the gendered subaltern subject becomes merely a representational category in the hegemonic patriarchal representational system.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Women as commodities, marriage as prostitution in Aphra Behn's The Rover.
Published 2013“…This then draws attention to the male privileges advocated in a patriarchal society and provides ground for criticism of people’s unquestioning perception of women as commodities in creating such relativity and ambiguity in defining chaste and unchaste women. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Destabilizing rape myths : real women in fashion, angry Indian Goddesses and Pink
Published 2017“…The perpetuation of an overtly simplistic binary of ‘good’ versus ‘bad’ women, be it wittingly or unwittingly, is often an undue consequence of patriarchal representation in Bollywood films. As demonstrated by Fashion, Angry Indian Goddesses, and Pink, such one-dimensionality is harmful for women in its potential to function as the engine of rape culture. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Embodiment and there construction of gender roles in Leow Puay Tin's family
Published 2010“…Individuals within Leow's fictional family are embodied in specific ways which support and perpetuate patriarchal structures. However, this embodiment is revealed to be groundless and they are therefore forced to reconstitute imposed identities by imagining or living within their bodies differently. …”
Article -
Cao Fei's imagery of the Chinese female cyborg as a posthuman identity in twenty-first century China
Published 2022“…This thesis recognises the patriarchal authoritarian conundrum that will continue to hinder greater equality for women in China and is a call-to-action to consider the many ways art may inform new technologies that can work to the benefit all people.…”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
论大众媒介渲染下的现代女性婚恋观 :以《非诚勿扰》为例 = Marriage views of modern Chinese women in mass media : using “If you are the one” as example
Published 2016“…Women have always been victims of the traditional Chinese patriarchal society. As we re-examine the marriage views which ties down traditional Chinese women, we realized the entire patriarchal society has always been suppressing the social status of women, the lower caste status of women and their lack of freedom and rights just serves to remind us of the inequality faced by Chinese women. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Political participation of women in Iran after 1979 Islamic Revolution
Published 2012“…They had observed gender stereotypes as well as patriarchal and male dominance during their political activities. …”
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Thesis -
Women oppression and emancipation through application of amazonian and masculinist theories in selected novels by Nawal El Saadawi and Buchi Emecheta
Published 2020“…Most researchers in the area of feminist discourse have focused predominantly on patriarchal oppression on women, socio-cultural, political, economic, racial and religious oppression on women. …”
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Thesis -
Renegotiations of the southeast asian female identity through identity fluidity and transculture/ality in selected novels by Minfong Ho
Published 2021“…In the scope of this study, these female protagonists are portrayed as subjected to the expectations of how they should behave in societies and conform to the patriarchal values ingrained in these cultures. Thus, the three concepts of identity fluidity and the decentring of subject by Stuart Hall, and the concept of transculture/ality by Arianna Dagnino are applied as conceptual frameworks to investigate the Southeast Asian female identity in Sing to the Dawn, (1975), Rice without Rain (1986), The Clay Marble (1991), and The Stone Goddess (2003) as the data for this study. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2013“…This article concludes that the reproduction of unequal social structure resulted on unequal power distribution, dominant-subordinant relation and also the unequality in terms of access.This unequal social structure also supported by patriarchal culture that resulted on strengthen social inequality. …”
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Article -
The rights of temporary occupation license holders under The National Land Code, 1965: a comprehensive study / Zawawi Kamaruzzaman
Published 1986“…Adat Temenggong Malays are those descended from the people of Palembang but who follow patriarchal rules.…”
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Student Project -
Understanding the differences in the application of the Islamic law between Muslim-majority countries in the Muslim world : a case study on women's rights in Saudi Arabia and Malay...
Published 2020“…Hence, the type of patriarchal mindset—unhealthy or healthy—of the religious scholars do play an integral role in the outcome of women’s rights of a country that is governed by the Islamic law.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)