Komponen asas untuk latihan Guru Pendidikan Islam [basic components for Islamic Education Teacher training]
Published 2012“…Personaliti guru, ilmu pengetahuan, pengetahuan pedagogi kandungan, kepelbagaian kemahiran dan motivasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) merupakan komponen asas yang perlu diberi tumpuan dalam latihan guru pendidikan Islam. …”
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Proposed object-based e-learning framework embracing cloud computing
Published 2015“…E-learning is continually evolved in the adaptation of emerging technologies and pedagogies, so does the development of learning objects. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Conceptualizing critical thinking learning transfer model: A qualitative approach
Published 2021“…Besides, the model may influence the future development of critical thinking pedagogies.…”
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Analisis pola penggunaan portal e-pembelajaran dan pencapaian subjek
Published 2022“…Alternatif terbaik meneruskan proses pembelajaran tanpa bersemuka ialah memanfaatkan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) iaitu melaksanakan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian (PdPDT) sepenuhnya yang memerlukan empat komponen utama; pensyarah, pelajar, pedagogi dan objek pembelajaran (learning object, LO), dan teknologi. …”
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The effect of socio-scientific issue (SSI) based discussion: A student-centred approach to the teaching of argumentation
Published 2020-09-01“…Findings show the importance of teaching content through learner-centred pedagogies. Introduction of various socio-scientific case studies and practicing argumentation has positively impacted on students’ argumentation skills. …”
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MPH Capstone experiences: promising practices and lessons learned
Published 2023-05-01“…However, there are limited examples of the ILE pedagogies and practices most likely to yield mutual benefit for students and community partners. …”
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Published 2017-12-01“…Kemudian, mereka juga menghadapi beberapa kesulitan yang datang dari 3 aspek utama, yaitu pedagogis, siswa, dan guru. Kata Kunci: kurikulum 2013, pendidikan karakter, pengimplementasian pendidikan karakter, dan kesulitan pendidikan karakter CHARACTER EDUCATION IN INDONESIAN EFL CLASSROOM: IMPLEMENTATION AND OBSTACLES Abstract: The application of character education in 2013 curriculum has not been maximized. …”
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Synergizing language learning: SmallTalk AI In industry 4.0 and Education 4.0
Published 2024-01-01“…Furthermore, it examines the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating these innovations into language learning pedagogies, offering insights for educators and policymakers to harness the potential of Industry 4.0 in fostering language proficiency. …”
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La política exterior norteamericana desde la óptica educativa del vecino del Sur / From a neighbor to the south: mexican educators and their teaching of current united states polic...
Published 2007-04-01“…Researchers analyze the perceptions and pedagogies of educators and students in northern Mexico with regard to United States foreign policies. …”
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Influencing Curriculum Development and Knowledge of Climate Change Issues in Universities: The Case of University Of Nigeria Nsukka
Published 2014-12-01“…The current institutional structures and academic programmes in most universities preclude effective education and capacity building on issues of climate change. Besides, the pedagogies and curricula are centrally defined by university governance structures which are very hierarchical and rigid, and in most cases, discourage the culture of shared thinking and collaboration required for addressing complex system-related challenges such as climate change. …”
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Published 2023-01-01“…Pada umumnya dosen mengajar mahasiswanya melalui pengajaran konvensional di dalam kelas. Pendekatan pedagogis baru mulai diperkenalkan yaitu flipped classroom. …”
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Flexible learning spaces facilitate interaction, collaboration and behavioural engagement in secondary school.
Published 2019-01-01“…The results suggest that the varied, adaptable nature of flexible learning spaces coupled with the use of student-centred pedagogies, facilitated a higher proportion of class time interacting, collaborating and engaging with the lesson content. …”
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Evaluating Blended and Flipped Instruction in Numerical Methods at Multiple Engineering Schools
Published 2018-01-01“…With the literature calling for comparisons among technology-enhanced or active-learning pedagogies, a blended versus flipped instructional comparison was made for numerical methods coursework using three engineering schools with diverse student demographics. …”
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Quelle formation pour enseigner les paradoxes d’une action entrepreneuriale ambidextre?
Published 2018-12-01“…Nous posons aussi ici la question des paradoxes et des écueils d’une pédagogie entrepreneuriale lorsqu’elle prétend éveiller et développer chez l’autre sa créativité et son esprit d’initiative.…”
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Manajemen Pendidikan Agama Kalangan Minoritas Muslim di Tengah Pluralisme Masyarakat Toraja
Published 2023-11-01“…Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan pedagogi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari hasil wawancara, sedangkan pihak yang diwawancarai adalah Ketua Panitia, Kepala Sekolah, guru, siswa dan orang tua. …”
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Translating contemporary scientists’ knowledge and practice into classrooms: Scalable design supporting identity work
Published 2023-03-01“…Research into partnerships shows this has strong identity outcomes and pedagogies that privilege student active engagement with scientific practices. …”
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Influencing Curriculum Development and Knowledge of Climate Change Issues in Universities: The Case of University Of Nigeria Nsukka
Published 2014-12-01“…The current institutional structures and academic programmes in most universities preclude effective education and capacity building on issues of climate change. Besides, the pedagogies and curricula are centrally defined by university governance structures which are very hierarchical and rigid, and in most cases, discourage the culture of shared thinking and collaboration required for addressing complex system-related challenges such as climate change. …”
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Innovation pédagogique et apprentissage de l’activité rédactionnelle du résumé de texte en L2 : une nouvelle piste à explorer
Published 2023-10-01“…Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que les capsules vidéos et les quiz aident les étudiants à développer leurs compétences rédactionnelles, et plus précisément, celles liées à la technique du résumé de texte dans une pédagogie inversée. Mots-clés : Innovation pédagogique, classe inversée, enseignement-apprentissage de la technique du résumé en L2, capsules vidéos, quiz …”
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The Persepsi Mahasiswa Calon Pendidik terhadap Pembelajaran Daring Berbasis ICT pada Masa Pandemik Covid-19
Published 2020-10-01“…Kendala yang dialami selama kuliah online meliputi kendala pedagogis, teknologi dan didaktis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah persepsi mahasiswa terhadap belajar daring selama wabah pandemic Covid-19 masih tergolong baik.…”
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