Marketing Management as the Realization Process of Research, Production and Sale Activity of the Enterprise
Published 2016-07-01“…One of the leading theorists on management problems, Peter Drucker, says it this way: The marketing purpose is to make efforts on unnecessary sales. …”
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Published 2023-11-01“…The management uses some managerial abilities and skills which should be developed and improved by studying and understanding the management concepts, principles, techniques and methods. Peter Drucker said that “the managers are those who practice management. …”
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Tendencies in evolution of 21st century management
Published 2015-01-01“…At the beginning of 21st century a significant attack on the traditional paradigm of management was carried out by Peter Drucker who pointed out the changes which will emerge and their implications on enterprise, its organization and management. …”
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Sexual Capitalism: Marxist Reflections on Sexual Politics, Culture and Economy in the 21st Century
Published 2018-05-01“…This discussion will draw from some of the most important contributions to Marxist critiques of sexuality, contemporary and historical, to outline the contours of a critique of contemporary sexuality in society, notably Peter Drucker, Holly Lewis, Rosemary Hennessy, David Evans, and Keith Floyd. …”
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Marketing Management as the Realization Process of Research, Production and Sale Activity of the Enterprise
Published 2016-08-01“…One of the leading theorists on management problems, Peter Drucker, says it this way: The marketing purpose is to make efforts on unnecessary sales. …”
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Del paradigma eficientista al competitivo
Published 2023-11-01“…En la estrategia corporativa, de los años 50 y 60, interesa reflexionar sobre los trabajos de autores pioneros como Peter Drucker. En la estrategia de negocios, de fines de los 60 y principios de los 70, se trae a colación los aportes empíricos de las consultoras de negocios, particularmente la curva de experiencia. …”
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The Long Way of Knowledge Society
Published 2007-01-01“…It is not by chance that there are voices that say he might be the next Peter Drucker. The last one said that the future society would be the knowledge society (see also Managing in the Next Society, 2002).…”
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Specificity, conditions and trends in modern public financial management in Poland
Published 2022-12-01“…Starting from the classic concept of Peter Drucker that management is therefore not a set of individual and isolated activities, but the process of performing certain things with other people, work tries to justify in the first place that public finance is a special area of management, and then present the specific features of this space, which means that the direct implementation of commercial management techniques in it is neither easy nor fully possible. …”
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Yöneticilerde İş Ahlâkı: Kavramsal Bir İnceleme
Published 2020-12-01“…Geçmişten günümüze yönetim kuramcıları da bu konulara değinmiş ve çalışma kapsamında Frederick Taylor, Chester Barnard ve Peter Drucker’ın yönetim kuramlarına kısaca yer verilerek kuramcıların iş ahlâkına ilişkin uygulamalarına değinilmiştir.…”
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Published 2023-06-01“…The performance of a credit institution is no longer defined by the traditional profit, but by the profit that shows a real increase in the value of the economic entity, of the shareholders' equity. Peter Drucker1 says that "Management gives up its traditional master - profit, it now engages, more and more meaningfully, in the service of value". …”
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La necesidad de mantenimiento de personas en empresas de Lima Metropolitana
Published 2014-06-01“…Estareferencia lo hace Peter Drucker en su libro “Los Desafíosde la Administración en el siglo XXI”.…”
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Gestión y evaluación de la sustentabilidad Organizacional
Published 2018-12-01“…La sustentabilidad es uno de los paradigmas que caracterizan al siglo XXI y como tal debe ser incorporada en la conducción de organizaciones. Peter Drucker sostenía que “las viejas formas de dirección de empresas no prestaron atención a las personas ni a los valores, por el contrario, los han subestimado y anulado, de esa manera han debilitado las posibilidades de desarrollo atentando contra sus propios objetivos económicos” (citado en Cleri, 2007, p.187). …”
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Auto Industry
Published 2002“…Peter Drucker christened the automobile industry ?the industry of industries? …”
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Mengurus perniagaan melalui etika : Satu perspektif pembangunan usahawan yang berjaya
Published 2005“…Daripada teori yang menyatakan pengurusan adalah satu seni atau melalui manusia oleh Mary Parker Follet kepada pengurusan melalui objektif oleh Peter Drucker, dan teori pengurusan kontemporari masa kini oleh pemikir-pemikir semasa, pembinaan teori pengurusan pada keseluruhannya melihat manusia pengurus adalah robot yang mampu membuatkan organisasi berjaya, sedangkan elemen manusia adalah bersifat rapuh dan mudah ditekan oleh persekitaran yang terlalu rakus, kurang diberi penekanan. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
El obligatorio como instrumento de aprendizaje: la perspectiva académica
Published 2018-03-01“…Ya en 1993, Peter Drucker al hacer referencia a la sociedad del conocimiento, afirmaba que uno de los retos más importantes que afrontan las organizaciones es el de construir prácticas sistemáticas para gestionar su propia transformación, estar preparadas para abandonar el conocimiento devenido obsoleto y aprender a crearlo a través de la mejora continua de sus actividades, del desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones a partir de sus propios éxitos y de la innovación continua entendida como un proceso organizacional. …”
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Realising the strategic impact of business intelligence tools
Published 2013“…The key message to executives is that Peter Drucker was right – we cannot manage what we do not measure! …”
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Modernización capitalista y trabajo abstracto: ¿sociedad post capitalista o subsunción real del trabajo general?
Published 1996-12-01“…¿Se encamina la transformación global en curso hacia una sociedad postcapatalista, en el sentido que le asigna Peter Drucker? La respuesta a estas preguntas requiere develar el hilo conductor profundo de las transformaciones que el capitalismo mundial impulsa desde los años setenta, así como el análisis de las condiciones y posibilidades objetivas de materialización de estas tendencias, y ha generado una significativa y apasionante literatura en la última década. …”
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Kreativiti, Invensyen Dan Inovasi: Suatu Cadangan Matapelajaran Pada Peringkat Sekolah Menengah
Published 2003“…Tidak hairanlah Guru dalam pengurusan dan pemasaran, Peter Drucker (1998) dalam bukunya On The Proffession of Management menyatakan bahawa persaingan pada abad ini memerlukan kreativiti dan inovasi sebagai kemampuan sesebuah organisasi untuk berjaya dan berdaya saing dalam dunia globalisasi. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Entrepreneurship training under Perlis Youth and Sport Department (PYSD): A curious case of an effectively ineffective program?
Published 2015“…Azizi remember two of his favourite quotes by Peter Drucker:…”
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Entrepreneurship training under Perlis Youth and Sport Department (PYSD): A curious case of an effectively ineffective program?
Published 2015“…Despite all these, the effectiveness of PYSD entrepreneurship training programs remains debatable.Azizi remember two of his favourite quotes by Peter Drucker: “Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. …”
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