Mediating role of perceived behavioral control and stakeholders’ support system on the relationship between entrepreneurial personal skills and entrepreneurial intentions of it emp...
Published 2016“…The Punjab is one of the largest and highly populated province of Pakistan. The research design comprises of developing a hypothetical framework with entrepreneurial personal skills as independent variable, perceived behavioral control and stake holders’ support as mediating variables to test the entrepreneurial intentions as dependent variable. …”
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Article -
Pembinaan bangsa Malaysia [2]: Kajian empirikal tahap bangga negara belia
Published 2016“…Low patriotism among a country’s youth population may be associated with some sense of loss of pride in being citizens of the country.This study examined the state of national pride of Malaysian youth based on the degree of their pride in owning a Malaysian identity card.Primary data were gathered from a field survey of 1500 randomly sampled Malaysian youth aged between 15 and 30 distributed over all of the fourteen states.Results of the statistical analysis showed that over 90 per cent of youths from all zones, states, religions, ethnic groups and ages were proud of having a Malaysian identity card and wanted to be known as a Malaysian nationality. …”
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The consumer acceptance on Islamic banking in Malaysia
Published 2017“…According to Department of Statistic Malaysia, Muslim percentage in Malaysia were about 60.4% from 29.8 million populations in Malaysia. However, the demand on Islamic banking product and services is still far behind the conventional banking. …”
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Potential utilisation of wood residue in Kedah: A preliminary study
Published 2017“…In consequences, wood wastes generated exponentially increase annually.This paper views the current utilisation of wood waste production in the northern wood-based mills in Malaysia.The types of wood residue as well as the users of wood residue are identified.The result shows that 100% of wood residue are being used or sold for this population.However, the wood residue available in Kedah is able to potentially offer 0.005% of electricity generation in Malaysia.As a conclusion, this type of wood residue cannot create the opportunity for it to be used as fuel in electricity generation in the northern region of Malaysia, since the fuel supply is already limited and is being used for other purposes.…”
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Event logistics in sustainability of football matches
Published 2019“…The results obtained from the respondents of the population sample of the football audience by using a quantitative approach through online survey design. …”
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Kembalinya Kak Jun: Pengalaman penghijrahan seorang mak nyah (The return of Kak Jun: The process of change to an Islamic compliant life)
Published 2018“…These factors can be used to help counselors formulate effective Islamic approaches to helping these special populations be either at the level of development, prevention or recovery.…”
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The influence of organizational culture toward 5S’s practices: A case of Universiti Utara Malaysia
Published 2020“…This study chosen 59 respondents as a sample size based from on the population of STML staff. The questionnaire will give to 59 respondents in STML. …”
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The effect of solid waste minimization towards the environment: A Case Study in Kedah
Published 2020“…Rapid economic transition and increasing of urban population will reflect the escalation of solid waste generation. …”
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The effect of CEO reputation on company financial distress: Evidence from Pakistan
Published 2022“…The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of CEO Reputation on the Company Financial Distress. The population of the study is all non-financial companies that are listed on the Pakistan stock exchange (PSX). …”
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Interacted multiple ant colonies optimization framework: An experimental study of the evaluation and the exploration techniques to control the search stagnation
Published 2010“…The framework of Interacted Multiple Ant Colonies Optimization (IMACO) is a recent proposition.It divides the ants'population into several colonies and employs certain techniques to organize the work of these colonies.This paper proposes new effective evaluation and exploration techniques for IMACO and experimentallv tests the stagnation behavior of IMACO. …”
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The implementation of halal logo and certification towards restaurant performance
Published 2010“…It also identifies the constraints on implementing the system by the respective restaurant and following with the impacts on implementing the system towards the restaurant performance. Sample populations of this study were among the manager or owner of the restaurant around Klang Valley which already implemented the system. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A study of product innovation performance: Identifying the most innovative industry in Malaysian manufacturing sector
Published 2012“…The research methodology used includes the research design approach, population and sampling techniques, selection and administration of questionnaires, organizing and analyzing the data.Findings showed that the electrical and electronics (E&E) industry achieved superior pip. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Compliance costs of Malaysia's small and medium enterprises
Published 2000“…This study presents compliance costs of Malaysia's Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for the income tax assessment year 1998.These estimates obtained from a representative population using personal interviews suggest that the level of compliance costs, which are made of computational and planning costs is substantially greater for SMEs compared to public listed companies.For instance, the average tax paid by the SMEs is merely one-eleventh of the taxes paid by a typical listed firm.The average tax paid by the SMEs is merely one-eleventh of the taxes paid by a typical SME. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Assessing vocabulary knowledge of primary school students in selected schools in Kedah
Published 2007“…The central purpose of this study was to empirically measure the vocabulary knowledge size of primary school students.The study was carried out with a sample of 1327 English as a Second Language students, from two different schools i.e. one urban and one rural.The whole population in both schools were involved in the study.The students attempted the Picture Vocabulary Knowledge Test (Ahmad Affendi Shabdin, 2003) which assesses the vocabulary knowledge size of the students.After the test, a small number of the students were interviewed by raters for the purpose of determining students’ true lexical knowledge. …”
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Monograph -
Talent management in the advertising industry
Published 2008“…This study discusses the implications of research in reducing the attraction-to-recruitment time of creative talents, designing curriculum to instill the fundamental characteristics and skills in future student population, and provision of incentives to retain creative talents in organisations. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Smartphone GPS raw signal extraction and processing
Published 2019“…GPS has become an integral part of people’s lives and is rapidly populating many industries. With the advancement in technology in today’s society, this has further led to the development of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Elderly monitoring system
Published 2020“…With the rise of aging population in Singapore, the number of elderlies living alone has also increased. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Sustainability of road transportation in Beijing, China
Published 2008“…The concentration of urban population and transportation of passengers and goods are observed to be increasing. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Forecasting of Singapore's future mortality rates : the Heligman-Pollard model and its comparison to the Lee-Carter model.
Published 2009“…In this project, we study mortality rates and life expectancies of the Singapore population using the Heligman-Pollard model – both initial and extended versions. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Relationship between factors and the adequacy of the Singapore Central Provident Fund (CPF) to meet post retirement consumption
Published 2009“…Singapore like many developed countries is gradually transforming into an ageing population. With indications of an increasing need for retirees to support themselves after retirement, this report is set forth to determine and analyze the variables that affect the adequacy of the CPF scheme in meeting the post retirement consumption expenditure. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)