Presbyteroi w czasach Ojców Apostolskich
Published 2011-12-01“…It seems that with the end time of the bishops/old-men in the Church two realities were formed: the episcopacy and the colleges of the presbyter. The establishment of relations and the division of powers between the „presbuteroi” and the man appointed bishop of his church community was therefore one of the most important questions of Christianity in the time of the Apostolic Fathers. …”
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El Apostolado de la Prensa: La actuación del salesiano Bernardo Gentilini
Published 2012-01-01“…Among the various actions and iniciatives that this involved, those undertaken buy presbyter Bernardo Gentilini constituted one of the most prominent. …”
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Epigraphic Research around Juliopolis III: Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions from Doğandere and Juliopolis
Published 2014-05-01“…No. 10 is fragmentary inscription probably for presbyter Paulos. As the last inscription no. 11 is a painted one found in a tomb decorated with red and green paintings, reading a prayer for those who were buried there.…”
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Neue Inschriften im Museum von Bolu (Bithynion/Klaudiupolis)
Published 2008-11-01“…From a Christian context are a baptismal font bearing the name of the donor, a barrier plate with a quotation from Matthew's Gospel and a cross-shaped funerary stele of the presbyter Polychronios. Also included in the catalogue are a dozen further stones bearing no inscriptions.…”
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Melic (+960), presbítero, agricultor y ganadero : datos y conjeturas
Published 2009-01-01“…He keeps very good relationships with his bishop, with other presbyters and with the nobility. When he dies, a big part of his goods pass for will to the monasteries of St. …”
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Rola i zadania prezbiterów we wspólnocie kościelnej w świetle pism Tertuliana
Published 2019-12-01“…Całokształt jego twórczości daje jednak wystarczająco precyzyjny obraz organizacji kościelnej w Afryce Północnej na przełomie II i III w. Termin presbyter w dziełach Kartagińczyka wydaje się już ostatecznie ustalony. …”
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Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil und die triadische Einheit des Ordo und die Frage nach einem Diakonat der Frau
Published 2015-09-01“…Repräsentation des ‚Voraus‘ Christi gegenüber der Kirche geschieht durch die drei Ämter von Bischof, Presbyter und Diakon. Wenn die Frau nicht zur Bischofs- und Priesterweihe zugelassen ist, dann auch nicht zum Diakonat des sakramentalen Ordo.…”
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Unknown apostles of the grassroots mission in Gothic Dacia in the light of The Passion of St. Sabbas the Goth
Published 2017-06-01“…Thus, it was not merely a spectacular act of the apostolic mission of bishop Ulfila or his successors, but also of such apostles as Sabbas the Goth, presbyter Gutthikas, Harpyla the monk or other apostles of the grassroots mission whose names today we are unable to mention.…”
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Eucharist, preparation, silence, thanks.
Published 2013-01-01“…The Church from the first moments of her existence has been recognizing in a person of a bishop and a presbyter those, only capable of presiding the Eucharistic celebration. …”
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«Сonfitentium dignitas, a desertoribus et profugis recessisse»: Novatian’s schism
Published 2017-12-01“…The Novatian schism is a unique phenomenon of the early Church, because the followers of the Roman presbyter were not condemned as heretics, and the schism itself lasted for several centuries. …”
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Christian-Jewish Polemics in the 2nd–3rd centuries and Necromancy (Mart. Pionii 13–14)
Published 2015-12-01“…The article deals with the passage of the “Martyrdom of Pionios the Presbyter and his com-panions” (BHG 1546), where the martyr called Christians who came to him in prison to remain faithful to Christ and not to succumb to the Jews seeking to convert them to their religion. …”
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Has the sweeping revisionism of the Arian Controversy gone too far in sidelining the real theological and political dispute that shaped Christian doctrine?
Published 2016“…It is now widely accepted in patristic studies that "Arian" was not a self-designation nor was the presbyter who lent his name to the heresy all that crucial a figure. …”
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The older women in the Early Church
Published 2022-12-01“…It is not completely clear what women’s ministry in Western communities was, since in cases which we are talking about older women («presbyterae»), early medieval Western authors have already definitively confirmed that this was either the wife of a presbyter, or a woman of a strict lifestyle, in fact a religious who watched over the order and cleanliness in the church, as well as baked wafers for Communion. …”
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The Pseudepigraphical “Life of Moses” in the “Tichonravov’s Chronograph” and in the Biblical Compendium from the Collection of thе Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius
Published 2018-07-01“…Ephraim the Syrian and the famous Letter to Presbyter Khoma from Metropolitan Kliment Smoliatich. …”
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Time matters: genetic composition and evaluation of effective population size in temperate coastal fish species
Published 2020-05-01“…Methods White seabream Diplodus sargus, sand smelt Atherina presbyter and shanny Lipophrys pholis were chosen, because of their genetic patterns in distinct ecological environments, insight into historical and contemporary factors influencing population effective size (Ne), and degree of commercial exploitation. …”
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«Some of the heresies have a great many martyrs»: Martyrdom in the non-orthodox Christianity (II–III cent.)
Published 2014-12-01“…However, according to the author, appearance of Marcionites’ presbyter Metrodorus in “Martyrdom of Pionius” wasn’t due to internal church controversy, but disputes with the Jews. …”
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A multi-analytical study of historical coated plaster surfaces: the examination of a nineteenth-century V&A cast of a tombstone
Published 2021-06-01“…The method was applied to investigate the surface coatings of the nineteenth-century plaster cast of the tombstone of the Presbyter Bruno that belongs to the Victoria and Albert Museum collection. …”
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Published 2024-01-01“…Maximus the Confessor, Leontius of Byzantium, presbyter John the Grammarian of Caesarea, St. Sophronius of Jerusalem and other Orthodox theologians. …”
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Published 2013-04-01“…A particularly relevant proof text is found in one of the epistles of Gregory the Theologian entitled To Cledonius the Presbyter. Here, Gregory was in the midst of a polemic with Apollinaris of Laodicea and defined the distinction between subject (hypostasis) and predicate (nature). …”
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A formação dos cidadãos do céu: João Crisóstomo e a Christon paideia = Bringing up the heavenly citizens: John Chrysostom and the Christon Paideia
Published 2010-01-01“…Owing to the amazing bulk of his texts, including more than nine hundred homilies and several letters and theological tracts, as well as his intervention as an active religious leader in Antioch and Constantinople, the two most important Roman eastern cities in antiquity, he became an outstanding personality in the History of the Church. Ordained as presbyter in Antioch in 386, John was allowed by his bishop, Flavian, to preach in the Antiochene churches. …”
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