康雍乾盛世:御制耕织图诗研究 = High Qing era: a study of the imperially composed pictures and poems of tilling and weaving
منشور في 2022"…At the same time, intertextuality and intermediality attempts to clarify the relationship between Song Dynasty Official Lou Shu’s documentations and Qing Dynasty’s Imperially Composed Pictures and Poems. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
《聊斋志异》子弟书 = The study of “The Strange Tales of LiaoZhai” in Zidishu
منشور في 2013"…透过从原著文言文《聊斋志异》到说唱文学子弟书改编的分析,可以帮助我们更加了解子弟书如何在华美词章的基础上体现世俗的民间情趣和审美。Zidishu of the Qing Dynasty is a form of folk art that encompass the customs among the people, while retaining gracefulness within the presentation. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
“逆风如解意,容易莫摧残” :论电视剧《后宫甄嬛传》中清宫女子的生存之道 = If wind sees their strong will, let such ordeal ceases : the survival of imperial concubines in The Legend of Zhen Huan...
منشور في 2014"…This article will interpret “The Legend of Zhen Huan”,a court drama set during Qing Dynasty period and adapted by Director Zheng Xiao Long.The drama tells a story of Zhen Huan and a group of women living in the harem. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
相声剧中的反思议题 :以《东厂仅一位》为例 = Topics in stand-up comedy : a case study on “The Last One of Ming dynasty”
منشور في 2014"…Xiangsheng (commonly known as Crosstalk in English), a Chinese folk art performance originated in Beijing, China during the late Qing Dynasty, experience blooming and death in Taiwan. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
明清说唱文学中的女扮男装现象 = A study of the phenomenon "women disguised as men" in singing-narratives of the Ming and Qing periods
منشور في 2009"…During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the theme “women disguised as men” flourished in the Singing-Narratives. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
论包公形象在不同文本中的呈现方式 :以陈州粜米故事为例 = An investigation on the representations of Magistrate Bao in different operatic texts on the story of “selling rice at Chen Zhou”...
منشور في 2010"…This paper investigates different representations of Magistrate Bao in different texts such as Yuan drama “Bao Dai Zhi Chen Zhou Tiao Mi”, Ming dynasty “Singing narrative on Bao Long Tu’s ‘Selling rice in Chen Zhou’” (Xin Kan Quan Xiang Shuo Chang Bao Long Tu Chen Zhou Tiao Mi Ji), Qing dynasty popular fiction “San Xia Wu Yi”, as well as folk operas “Chen Zhou Yuan” and “Bao Gong Gan Lu”.…"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
《聊斋志异》中“情生于欲”的作品分析 = A study of romance evolving from erotic desire in “strange tales of Liaozhai” (Liao Zhai Zhi Yi)
منشور في 2012"…“Strange Tales of Liaozhai” (Liao Zhai Zhi Yi) is the masterpiece of famous Qing Dynasty writer, Pu Songling. The four hundred and thirty-one short stories recorded, consist of a wide range of themes and content, making it an important collection of classical tales (wenyan xiaoshuo). …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
从流传和演变角度探析民间童话故事《虎姑婆》的教育意义 = An investigation of the transmission and educational implication of the folk tale “Aunt Tiger”
منشور في 2012"…This Chinese folk tale was first written down as text by Huang Zhijuan during the Qing dynasty, though it may have been in existence long before its written form. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
论郭德纲对传统相声的继承与创新 = A study of Guo Degang's artistic preservation and innovation of the traditional crosstalk (Xiang Sheng)
منشور في 2015"…Since its emergence in late Qing Dynasty, it experienced tremendous changes over the 150 years. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Rewriting of Jin Ping Mei in English : eroticism or exoticism
منشور في 2017"…The banning of the novel in China since the early Qing Dynasty is attributable to its classification as an erotic novel. …"
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أطروحة -
Nationalism in Chinese Language Textbooks for Primary Schools in Pre-Independence Malaya (1904-1957)
منشور في 2011"…The subsequent three chapters form the core of this study, examining the emergence of nationalism in Chinese Language textbooks during the period of the late Qing dynasty, till the Republic of China and before the independence of Malaya. …"
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أطروحة -
Re-examining the rules of Ao-jiu in modern style poetry
منشور في 2019"…It is mainly due to dissatisfaction with ‘rules of Ao-jiu using by Tang people’ which were firstly published in Shengdiao Pu by Zhao Zhi-xin from Qing dynasty, and due to existences of examples which against the theory of Ao-jiu. …"
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أطروحة -
中国移民的负面形象 :移民过程真实性与国家政治需求的探析 = Negative perceptions of the Chinese immigrants : an analysis of the process of immigration and the political needs of the country...
منشور في 2021"…During the founding period, Singapore needs to build a national identity and face unpredictable international situation, so it places special emphasis on the perseverance and spirit of survival in adversity. From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the government needed the wealth of the overseas Chinese. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
从“去声别义”看上古汉语声调系统 = A study of archaic Chinese tonal system from a morphological perspective
منشور في 2014"…With regard to the classification of Archaic Chinese Tone, since the Qing Dynasty, scholars have held different viewpoints. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
元诗中同族与异族关系探究 : 以顾嗣立《元诗选》为范围 = A study of intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic relations in Yuan poems : based on Gu Si Li “Yuan Shi Xuan”...
منشور في 2015"…The research for this paper will be based on poems from Yuan Shi Xuan(元诗选), which is a collection of Yuan poems chosen and arranged by Qing dynasty researcher and poet, Gu Si Li. The choice of Yuan poems over the other periods in China history stems from the fact that poems during this period are often overlooked due to a myriad of reasons, including the shift in power to a ruler of foreign ethnicity and the overshadowing of Yuan poems by the more recognized Tang poems, which is viewed as the epitome of ancient Chinese poems. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
儒家祭祖与基督教的张力 :以砂拉越诗巫的基督教华人为个案探讨 = Tensions between Confucianism ancestor worship and Christianity : a case study of Chinese Christians in Sibu, Sarawak...
منشور في 2017"…During the end of Qing Dynasty, a group of Chinese Christian started to migrant to Sarawak. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
论“人变驴”母题之嬗变 :以唐传奇《板桥三娘子》为探讨中心 = Evolution of “Human to Donkey” deformation motif : Focus on Tang Dynasty Tale “The Proprietress at Wooden Bridge”...
منشور في 2018"…An article from “Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio”, named “Making Animals” from the Qing Dynasty provides another possibility in writing for the theme of Metamorphosis Motif. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
何来都爱国 :试论海外华人爱国形象的真实性和同质化现象 = An analysis of the patriotic overseas Chinese image
منشور في 2022"…This paper examines the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, finding that various literary works and folk records described the overseas Chinese as being patriotic towards China. …"
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
黄遵宪南洋政绩与其文学创作研究 = The study of Huang Zunxian’s political contributions and his literary works in Nanyang
منشور في 2013"…Huang Zunxian (1848-1905) was a famous poet during the late Qing Dynasty. On top of that, he was also an experienced and outstanding diplomat. …"
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أطروحة -
文图学观点下的罗聘《鬼趣图》研究 = A study of Luo Ping's ghost amusement scroll in view of text and image studies
منشور في 2018"…Luo Ping (1733-1799) was a famous painter in the Qing Dynasty. He was the youngest member of a group of painters that gained fame under the name of the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou". …"
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Final Year Project (FYP)