Paye ton musée ! Street art et (re)médiation culturelle en milieu urbain
Published 2017-09-01“…In this paper, we will approach the process of street art musealization with regard to its "mise en tension" and the constant reappropriation of urban discourses by public space users. …”
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Teatro e danza su effe (1973-1982): la rivista come archivio del discorso femminista sulla corporeità
Published 2019-12-01“…This essay argues that such discourse moved between two poles: the radical critique of the commodification of naked actresses on theatrical stages (pars destruens), and, on the other hand, the intellectual appreciation of dance as a site for a female reappropriation of woman’s body (pars costruens).…”
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Mineral mixture supplementation for enhancing milk yield of milch animals in Haryana
Published 2020-07-01“…The study attempts to evaluate status nutrient intake in dairy animals, effect of reappropriation of available feed resources and mineral mixture supplementation on production performance in lactating cows and buffaloes in Katesara and Amarpur villages under Farmers’ FIRST project in Palwal district. …”
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Identité liminaire dans 4.48 Psychose de Sarah Kane : une lecture queer
Published 2018-01-01“…La liminalité ici devient un espace-temps propice à la réappropriation du corps par une écriture qui se substitue à la chair.…”
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Necropolitics, State of Exception, and Violence Against Indigenous People in the Amazon Region During the Bolsonaro Administration
Published 2021-03-01“…In ‘Amazônia Legal’ violence against indigenous peoples and their territories has been marked by the consequences of economic development policies and the capitalist reappropriation of nature. State inefficiency in recognizing the territorial rights of indigenous peoples, even when the latter establish forms of (re)existing marked by political mobilizations, has led in recent years to multiple forms of violence evidenced in the violation of human rights, the state of exception, and the submission of life to the power of death.…”
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Les hétérosexuel·les et leurs ami·es gai·es : enquête sur la sociabilité gay-friendly dans les quartiers gentrifiés
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L’image de l’oasis comme matériel de terrain
Published 2023-06-01“…In a first part, we will see the reappropriation of the abundant colonial corpus in the frame of an idealization of ancient systems. …”
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Les politiques interculturelles au Mexique : du révisionnisme historique à une nouvelle histoire officielle ?
Published 2017-04-01“…We will see the conflicting relations between the reappropriation of the past as a strategy of ethnic claims against its recovery as national heritage and ground of public policy and depoliticization mechanism of indigenous identities.…”
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The Reconfiguration of the Theatre Space and the Relationship between Public and Private in the Case of Apartment Theatre
Published 2017-04-01“…The case study of lorgean theater, including a participant observation and an individual interview, enables the understanding of these two aspects of the spatial configuration, emphasizing its hybrid nature in terms of spatial configuration and the public-private relation as well as the act of reappropriation of the domestic space through an alternative practice of theatre consumption. …”
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Published 2014-09-01“… This article provides an application of O’Donnell’s bureaucratic-authoritarianism theory in Turkish context though a survey of political unrest of 1970s and 1980 military coup. The theory is reappropriated through formal modelling in order to amend its previous weakness. …”
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The Feminist Discourse. History and Critique of Modern Political Canon
Published 2016-07-01“…Going through six centuries of history, from the reappropriation of tradition in XV century to the tension with neoliberalism in XX century, protofeminist and feminist discourse constitutes in time a constant interruption of the monologue of Western patriarchal civilization, showing its centrality in the production, crisis and redefinition of political and social order. …”
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Neo-Rural Hmong in French Guiana
Published 2019-12-01“…Their situation must be analyzed less as a new relationship to the rural world and to agriculture or a reappropriation of a past way of life than as a counter-model to their integration in mainland France.…”
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Résurgence mythique et réflexion ontologique chez Malika Mokeddem
Published 2020-02-01“…In this sense, our work does not consist in training, strictly speaking, an inventory of the figurative features of the myth of Ulysses, which in our opinion would be without critical interest, it is rather a question of defining the significant issues of the writer’s recourse to the said myth to conceive the vision of the world of heroin- narrator and trace his romantic journey through which draws his path to the reappropriation of his memory. We are already situating the problem of the present article in the examination of the modalities of the resumption of the mythological intertext and the messages which are attached to it, and this, basing our analysis on the concepts of intertextuality and wandering.…”
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« Where life was bottomless in its temptations... » Portrait de l’étranger en « flâneur » dans l’œuvre d’Hanif Kureishi
Published 2007-09-01“…We might therefore ask ourselves what forms they take on in his work, showing that they are the object of a truly literary reappropriation.…”
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Published 2019-08-01“…At the same time, the various Christian denominations have positioned themselves differently in the face of this political invention of modernity, between distrust and reappropriation. The international legal system of human rights resulting from World War II opted for a resolutely secular legal approach. …”
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La critique philosophique en action : Marx critique de Hegel dans l’Introduction générale à la critique de l’économie politique(1857)
Published 2007-11-01“…Cependant, ce mouvement positif de réappropriation de la conceptualité hégélienne s’accompagne d’une critique radicale de la méthode de Hegel, défaillante selon Marx en ce qu’elle méconnaît les situations historiques dans leur singularité propre. …”
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La minorité aïnoue dans le Japon moderne et contemporain. D’« anciens indigènes », de nouveau(x) autochtones (1869-2019)
Published 2019-01-01“…Ainu voices, scattered and with only a local range in the 1920s and 1930s, united and undertook a discursive reappropriation, first locally and culturally, then nationally and judicially. …”
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Dessine-moi ta ville aujourd'hui et demain... Représentations et imaginaires urbains des jeunes citadins de Chandigarh
Published 2011-12-01“…Cet article revient sur une expérience de terrain menée à Chandigarh en Inde en 2010 dans le cadre d'une réflexion sur la réappropriation urbaine. Afin de questionner les perceptions et les représentations contemporaines de la ville nouvelle de Le Corbusier, un atelier a été réalisé dans une école primaire et il a été demandé aux enfants de dessiner leur ville telle qu'elle est aujourd'hui et telle qu'ils l'imaginent demain. …”
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Le « printemps silencieux » des monuments, les milieux scientifiques de la restauration et la biosphère
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Produire des archives lesbiennes : transmissions communautaires et connexions temporelles
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