How do clergy in the Afrikaans-speaking churches deal with sexuality and HIV prevention in young people? Is the message clear?
Published 2017-01-01“…An electronic questionnaire was filled in by 142 clergy from white Afrikaans-speaking churches in the Reformed tradition. Results showed that 77% clergy believed that unmarried young people in their congregations are sexually active. …”
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Bio-etiek sonder grense en menswaardigheid: 'n Gereformeerd-etiese beoordeling
Published 2013-02-01“…In light of the Reformed tradition, all human beings have dignity, as they had been created in the image of God. …”
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Reformatoriese toetrede tot die derde golf van bydraes oor die Triniteit
Published 2020-09-01“…It could also provide new energy for a resurgence of ressourcement theology and retrievement projects regarding the doctrine of the Trinity among theologians in the reformed tradition in South Africa.…”
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Lydende Nuwe-Testamentiese gelowiges bedien deur die Ou-Testamentiese profete: Eksegese van 1 Petrus 1:10–12
Published 2022-04-01“…The exegesis done in this article follows the historical-grammatical model as practiced in the Reformed tradition. Although the exegesis is focused on 1 Peter 1:10–12, these verses are examined exegetically within the context of the whole letter. …”
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Synodality: Communion, participation and mission in action
Published 2023-08-01“…Contribution: The Protestants, especially of Reformed tradition always ignore important events such as Synod on Synodality 2021–2023. …”
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Die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis en drie besondere ampte: Artikel 30 ’n verstarring?
Published 2023-09-01“…The Confessio Belgica or Dutch Confession of Faith from 1561, one of the Three Formulas of Unity in the Dutch Reformed tradition, confesses in article 30 that the government of the church, as an institution of the Christian faith, should be spiritual and conducted by chosen consistories. …”
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NG Kerkorde 1998: Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk eenstemmig oor Skrif en Belydenis?
Published 2023-11-01“…The Dutch Reformed Church claims to be a modern church in the Dutch Reformed tradition as seen in the historical line from the National Synod of Dordt of 1618–1619 to Dutch orientated reformed churches of today. …”
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Skrifgebruik en Skrifgesag in die postmodernistiese konteks
Published 2021-05-01“…It was found that, even within the Reformed tradition, the opposing use of Scripture has caused diversity in the church community; thereby causing a serious break in the unity of the church. …”
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Calvin’s interpretation of the first commandment and the implications for religious pluralism and equality of religion
Published 2014-12-01“…From the paradigm of the Calvinistic-Reformed tradition, the question is asked what the implications of Calvin’s interpretation of the first commandment are for the phenomenon of religious pluralism and equality of religion. …”
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Eksegese van 2 Petrus 3:1–2 en die hermeneuse daarvan met spesifieke verwysing na standpunte van die sogenaamde Nuwe Ateïste
Published 2021-06-01“…The exegesis in the article is concentrated on 2 Peter 3:1–2 within the context of the letter and is done according to the grammatical-historical model as practised in the Reformed tradition. The article cites examples of the New Atheists’ questioning of the Christian faith. …”
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<i>Ho eschatos</i>: The eschatological Christ and the future of reformed theology
Published 2013-06-01“…This is done from within the paradigm of the Calvinistic-reformed tradition. Apart from a short historical overview, the article deals with the viewpoint of four South African theologians, namely Spangenberg, Van Aarde, Müller and Bosch, whose viewpoints clearly illustrate the difference between a more confessional, Scriptural approach and a more critical approach, especially with regard to the divine nature and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. …”
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Die owerheid se ingesteldheid ten opsigte van godsdiens: Die geskiktheid van die aktief-plurale opsie vir die toepassing van artikel 36 van die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis
Published 2012-11-01“…Article 36 of the Belgic Confession (1561) represents a foremost statement of what the Reformed tradition believed governments were being called to. …”
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Die plek en funksie van die Heidelbergse Kategismus in ’n omkeerstrategie in die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika
Published 2014-10-01“…It is argued in this article that the following issues should be addressed in reflecting on a turn-around strategy for a church in the Reformed tradition: the essence of the church, church and confession and the confession as part of the essence of the church. …”
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An integrated ethical approach to bioethical decision-making: A proposed model for ministers
Published 2012-10-01“…This could lead to clearer thinking and increased confidence in the justification of decisions within the Reformed tradition. The proposed hermeneutical perspective on ethical decision-making represents a shift in views about the nature of knowledge and the process of how we come to know. …”
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Godsleer en skrifleer: Fokus en uitdaging
Published 2012-12-01“…On the other hand, the advocates for a new view about God (panentheism) deviate radically from the Reformed tradition. The focus and challenge for Reformed dogmatics lie in the maintaining of the Divine authority of Scripture. …”
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Concerns about the future of creation order
Published 2011-09-01“…The theological background to the notion of the law of nature/ creation order is indispensable to the reformational tradition, which recognises that these laws are the Creator‟s will, and therefore holds a “necessity” view of these laws. …”
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Preekbeoordeling en -verantwoording; grepe uit die Lutherse en gereformeerde ontwikkelingslyn
Published 1996-06-01“…The Lutheran as well as the Reformed traditions are used to illustrate this process. …”
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Published 2018-10-01“… At a glance, William James’ conception of truth in epistemology, especially in its critique of Modernism’s a-temporal, a-contextual, and absolutist conception of truth sounds very similar with a critique from Herman Dooyeweerd of the Reformational tradition. In this article, I would show what those similarities are and how the two systems are radically different. …”
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Sylvester Kosov’s Exegesis (1635): A Manifesto of the Kyiv-Mohyla Counter-Reformation?
Published 2015-09-01“…Bishop Sylvester Kosov’s polemical treatise The Exegesis (1635) is regarded as evidence of new trends in Kyiv theology, reflecting the entry of Orthodox thinkers of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita) into the spiritual sphere of European Reform, traditionally defined as the Counter-Reformation. …”
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’n Kerkregtelike verkenning van die belewing van kerklike eenheid in en oor volks- en taalgrense
Published 1990-06-01“…The reasoning behind the different points of view of these Churches which all adhere to reformational traditions and which all function and work in the same country, is discussed critically. …”
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