Reseña de "Bowling alone. The collapse and revival of American community" de Robert D. Putnam
Published 2002-01-01Get full text
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Między reprodukcją a zmianą systemową. Czasopisma literackie w społecznym systemie literatury
Published 2019-12-01“…By referring to the notions of embodied and institutional cultural capital (Pierre Bourdieu) as well as social capital (Robert D. Putnam, Francis Fukuyama), the paper examines the dialectic of system reproduction and morphogenetic change in terms of processes that organize the functioning of literature conceived of a specific kind of social system.…”
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The Role of Economic Development in the Theoretical Debate About Transitions of Political Regimes
Published 2018-06-01“…However, different roles were attributed to this variable by the different thematic orientations in the study of democracy, among which we highlight the culturalist approach and the institutionalist approach through two works considered classics: Community and democracy: the experience of modern Italy by Robert D Putnam; and Democracy and Development: Political Institutions and Well-Being Material in the World. 1950-1990 by Adam Przeworski, Miguel Alvarez, José Antônio Cheibub and Fernando Limongi. …”
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Social capital and education – An attempt to synthesize conceptualization arising from various theoretical origins
Published 2021-01-01“…First, the author presents the understanding of social capital in regard to education in four theoretical contexts: James Coleman’s theory of exchange, Robert D. Putnam’s theory of civil society, Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of cultural structuralism and the network theory. …”
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