Published 2016Get full text
Article -
The Electrochemical Nature of Non-Faradaic Catalysis at Interfaces
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Promotion of Heterogeneous Acid and Base Catalysts for Biomass Upgrading
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Janus particles with large wetting contrast for self-assembly applications
Published 2020“…Named after the Roman two-faced god, Janus particles are a class of materials that contain more than one property, either stemming through its core or on the particle surface. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
High-frequency EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy of Mn²+ ions in CdSe/CdMnS nanoplatelets
Published 2023Get full text
Journal Article -
TEX264 drives selective autophagy of DNA lesions to promote DNA repair and cell survival
Published 2025Get full text
Journal Article -
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) simulator to enhance students understanding towards analyzing ABR waveforms
Published 2011“…The ABR typically consists of up to seven waves; each numbered using the Roman numeric system to give Waves I–VII (Jewett & Williston 1971). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tourisme et développement durables à travers les lieux sacrés de l’Église catholique romaine de Yaoundé
Published 2023“…This attitude presupposes that the Roman Catholic Church in Cameroon, and especially that of Yaoundé, does not have enough sites to satisfy the religious and touristic aspirations of its faithful. …”
Journal article -
The Eighteenth century now
Published 2017“…Crossing boundaries<br/> Philip Stewart, L’illustration du roman au dix-huitième siècle<br/> Michael O’Dea, ‘Visions inintelligibles’ et ‘vérités apocalyptiques’: théorie et pratique de l’opéra français<br/> Yannick Séité, Le livre des Lumières et son étude<br/> Jean-Paul Sermain, La rhétorique dans l’histoire culturelle, la pensée et les textes littéraires du dix-huitième siècle<br/> Anne Vila, Getting cultural: new perspectives in eighteenth-century science studies<br/> Catherine Larrère, De la politique des Lumières à celle de la modernité<br/> Giuseppi Ricuperati, Définir les Lumières: centres et périphéries du point de vue européen, cosmopolite et italien<br/> Michel Delon, Questions de périodisation<br/> Summaries<br/> Index<br/>…”
Book -
L’Epopée de Voltaire à Chateaubriand
Published 2017“…Le poème épique comme roman de formation du souverain<br/> 3. Le Bossu: l’empire rhétorique<br/> 4. …”
Book -
Madame d'Arconville, moraliste et chimiste au siècle des Lumières
Published 2017“…Mme d’Arconville échappe à tout classement: femme de lettres – auteure d’essais, de romans, de textes autobiographiques –, elle est aussi une chimiste dont les travaux furent reconnus de son vivant et les résultats corroborés jusqu’à Pasteur. …”
Book -
Femmes en toutes lettres
Published 2017“…Correspondance et journal de bord de Marie-Madeleine Hachard de Saint-Stanislas<br/> Marie-Laure Girou Swiderski, De la ‘gazette’ au ‘commerce des âmes’: les lettres de la présidente de Meinières à la marquise de Lénoncourt<br/> Rosena Davison, Lettre d’une ‘femme de grand mérite’: la correspondance entre Mme d’Epinay et l’abbé Galiani<br/> Jean-Noel Pascal, Quelques réflexions sur Julie de Lespinasse et la lettre d’amour: de la tragédie au roman <br/> Isabelle Vissiere, La poétique d’Isabelle de Charrière ou la correspondance comme laboratoire d’une oeuvre<br/> Monique Moser-Verrey, 1793. …”
Book -
Situating the history attributed to Aristakēs Lastiverc‘i, 1000-1072: The empire of New Rome & Caucasia in the Eleventh Century
Published 2018“…Having explicated this critical framework, the first subsection elaborates the social categories into which Aristakēs falls as a historical actor: vardapet, citizen of Arcn, identified Armenian, Roman subject, and elite man. In each subsequent subsection one of these categories is historicised in turn with concrete content for the History’s conjuncture, in each case coupling broader social-historical analysis with a socially symbolic reading to identify the given category’s content in the narrative’s ideological structure. …”
Thesis -
Data in online version of the ‘Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources’ (DMLBS)
Published 2016“…Data encoding and entry: The encoding chosen for all DMLBS data is Unicode. In addition to the Roman alphabet, with the full range of diacritics (including the macron and breve to mark vowel length), the Dictionary regularly uses Anglo-Saxon letters (such as thorn, wynn, and yogh) and polytonic Greek, along with assorted other letters and symbols. …”
Dataset -
Influence of Theodore Beza on the English New Testament
Published 1976“…</p><p>In the third chapter we deal with the influence of Beza on Paul's epistles to the Romans, (1) Corinthians and Galatians and on the epistle to the Hebrews. …”
Thesis -
Improving non-destructive techniques for stone weathering research in situ
Published 2016“…It was concluded that the Hellenistic-Roman structures are too vulnerable to be exposed to the prevalent environment without any further preservation measures. …”
Thesis -
‘Des nouvelles de mon infortunée sœur’: Marie-Antoinette dans les lettres de l’archiduchesse Marie-Christine à l’empereur François
Published 2024“…Her letters, written with ever greater frequency at particularly critical moments, betray, alongside rare moments of optimism, a profound feeling of impotence, which was echoed by a kind of resignation from the Holy Roman emperor. Francis II – the successor to Leopold II, who died suddenly on 1 March 1792 – never met his relative who languished at the Temple and at the Conciergerie before mounting the scaffold. …”
Journal article