The experience of Roman legionary service from Augustus to Septimius Severus
Published 2024“…<p>This thesis applies combat motivation theory to the Roman imperial legionary, attempting to understand soldiers’ attachments to their various units, and the motivational mechanisms which the army exerted on its soldiers. …”
Thesis -
Citizens of the wor(l)d? Metaphor and the politics of Roman language
Published 2022“…In his discussion of Roman wind-names, Seneca the Younger employs a striking metaphor to describe the integration of the name of the south-east wind, Eurus, into Latin. …”
Journal article -
The cap of liberty: Roman slavery, cultural memory, and magic mushrooms
Published 2016“…This name, which references an ancient Roman social practice, has caused considerable speculation in modern literature. …”
Journal article -
Le Second Triomphe du roman du XVIIIe siècle
Published 2017“…L’intérêt critique porté au roman du dix-huitième siècle n’a jamais été aussi grand. …”
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Commenting on ancient texts: interpreters and their audience in the Graeco-Roman world
Published 2024Thesis -
Confession in the Greco-Roman world: a social and cultural history
Published 2019Subjects: “…Greco-Roman history…”
Thesis -
The judge's burden : a new outline of the Roman civil trial
Published 1995“…<p>The subject of this thesis is the Roman civil trial before a single judge. This study was prompted by a recent archaeological discovery of great importance. …”
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Mending as making: understanding recycling in a post-Roman context
Published 2014“…While recycling was an important part of industry during the Roman Period, after the imaginary line of AD 410 any sort of reuse is too easily seen as merely scavenging and evidence of a failing society. …”
Conference item -
Misusing books: material texts and lived religion in the Roman Mediterran
Published 2022“…Addressing this lacuna in light of Roman book culture, the present article re-reads several ancient reports about the misuse of textual objects. …”
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Traduire et illustrer le roman au XVIIIe siècle
Published 2017“…A travers des études de cas, treize spécialistes répondent à cette question en se consacrant à un objet littéraire qui a jusqu’à présent échappé en grande partie à l’attention de la critique: les traductions illustrées des romans du XVIIIe siècle. <br/> Les contributeurs de ce volume se concentrent soit sur une œuvre particulière (<em>Gulliver</em>, <em>Cleveland</em>, <em>Tom Jones</em>, <em>Lettres d’une Péruvienne</em>), soit sur un auteur face à ses traducteurs et illustrateurs (Rousseau, Wieland, Rétif, Mercier), soit sur un ensemble de romans traduits et illustrés dans un pays (le roman grec ou le roman gothique anglais en France, le roman français en Allemagne). …”
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Living standards and market integration in the rural economy of Roman Britain
Published 2022Subjects:Thesis -
Romans, Egyptians, and the second Arab siege of Constantinople (717/18)
Published 2024“…In this chapter, I want to explore the question of Arab-conquered populations’ continued commitment to inclusion in the East Roman empire with reference to a unique act of political subversion—the dramatic, perhaps decisive defection to the Romans of Egyptian sailors in the Arab fleet during the failed second siege of Constantinople in 717/18. …”
Book section -
The junior officers of the Roman army, 91BC - AD14
Published 2009“…This thesis examines the evolution of the junior officer positions of the Roman army in the period 91BC – AD14, and the motivations, background, and status of their holders. …”
Thesis -
Evergreen plants in Roman Britain and beyond: movement, meaning and materiality
Published 2017“…Archaeobotanical evidence for ornamental evergreen plants elsewhere in the Roman world is presented.</jats:p>…”
Journal article -
Quintus Cicero's Commentariolum: A philosophical approach to Roman elections
Published 2016Book section -