The Greetings of Romans 16 and the Audience of Romans
Published 2024“…This short paper considers and critiques the view that the named people greeted in Romans 16.3–16 are not also among the recipients of the letter to ‘all God's beloved in Rome’ (Rom 1.7). …”
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Production and trade of Roman and Late Roman African cookwares
Published 2010“…<p>This thesis is a comprehensive investigation of Roman African cookwares that examines their contribution to studies on the consequences of the incorporation of Africa into the Roman imperial economy. …”
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Identifying Romanness
Published 2005“…<p>This thesis deals with the role of the concept of <em>virtus</em> in Roman historiography of the late Republic and early Empire. …”
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The Roman past in the consciousness of the Roman elites in the ninth and tenth centuries
Published 2018“… <p style="text-align:justify;"> Pope Leo placed a crown on his head, and he was hailed by the whole Roman people: To the august Charles, crowned by God, the great and peaceful emperor of the Romans, life and victory! …”
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Roman constructions of fortuna
Published 2011“…This thesis investigates the Roman idea of <em>fortuna</em>, by examining its representation in different media (coins, cults, philosophy, and literature) and the thought worlds which these media inhabited. …”
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Le Roman véritable
Published 2017“…<br/><br/> Jan Herman, Introduction générale: ‘ceci n’est pas un roman’<br/> I. Les dilemmes du roman<br/> 1. Mladen Kozul, Le dilemme du roman de Georges May<br/> 2. …”
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Roman public libraries
Published 2005“…<p>This thesis aims to investigate the development and functions of public libraries in Rome and the Roman world. After a preface with maps of libraries in Rome, Section I discusses the precursors for public library provision in the private book collections of Republican Rome, and their transfer into the public domain with the first public libraries of Asinius Pollio and Augustus.…”
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Romanness and Islam: collective Roman identity in Byzantium from the seventh to the tenth century
Published 2023“…<p>The thesis seeks to engage with ongoing historiographical debates over the nature of Roman identity in the Byzantine Empire. It aims to circumvent debates over the ethnic or national character of Romanness in Byzantium by focusing on the fluid nature of the boundaries of collective identities to isolate the core qualities that defined the group at its most expansive — which generally occurs in relation to an external ‘other’.…”
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A case of Osteomyelitis variolosa from Roman Britain, and the introduction of smallpox to the Roman world
Published 2024Journal article -
Roman elegy and the visual. Scioli (E.) Dream, Fantasy, and Visual Art in Roman Elegy
Published 2016Journal article -