Lost and Found: The Missing Flamboyant Gothic Door from the Château de Varaignes
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The Gu: An Anthropological Viewpoint on the Stigmatization of the Miao-Yao People
Published 2020-07-01“…There are still some unfounded rumors that the keepers of the Gu gather hundreds of worms and perform magic arts in order to murder for gain. …”
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«VIH/sida awajún: nociones y experiencias de enfermedad y daño en un contexto de epidemia en la Amazonía Peruana
Published 2020-03-01“…Desde el año 2002, de acuerdo con los relatos de algunas familias awajún, empezarona correr los rumores sobre una nueva enfermedad llamada «sida» en el distrito de El Cenepa. …”
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Dare to Record! The Ethics of Decision Making in Fieldwork Documentary Practice
Published 2020-11-01“…Accounting for the particularities encountered during this fieldwork—from the language barrier, secrecy and rumors to tensed conversations and open conflicts—I discuss the factors that influenced my choices. …”
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Discursos brujescos ambivalentes
Published 2020-12-01“…El análisis de las fuentes históricas, así como del episodio “Tiempo de hechizos” demuestran cómo habitualmente se generan y se utilizan los rumores. Además, se atiende a la complejidad de la imagen de la bruja, que – como presenta claramente el episodio – puede desempeñar ambos papeles en disputa de interpretación: el de la víctima y el de la delincuente.…”
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Trend of Narratives in the Age of Misinformation.
Published 2015-01-01“…Such a disintermediation might weaken consensus on social relevant issues in favor of rumors, mistrust, or conspiracy thinking-e.g., chem-trails inducing global warming, the link between vaccines and autism, or the New World Order conspiracy. …”
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Entre ficción y realidad. La opinión pública en la Francia del siglo XVIII
Published 2012-02-01“…Desde un punto de vista descriptivo, la opinión pública es, ciertamente, una realidad plural y heterogénea que tiene que ver tanto con los rumores populares como con el uso público de la crítica. …”
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Discursos brujescos ambivalentes
Published 2020-12-01“…El análisis de las fuentes históricas, así como del episodio “Tiempo de hechizos” demuestran cómo habitualmente se generan y se utilizan los rumores. Además, se atiende a la complejidad de la imagen de la bruja, que – como presenta claramente el episodio – puede desempeñar ambos papeles en disputa de interpretación: el de la víctima y el de la delincuente. …”
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Graphic narrative and its semantic value in the designs of the incident of the Taff
Published 2021-06-01“…The graphic narration is a visual discourse based on weaving successive events within the interrelated relationships of the components of the design structure, its construction depends on the knowledge and cultural experiences of the event designer and the degree of its influence and the rumors of a feeling reflected in building the formal configuration of the design, and the expression of intellectual contents in a visual language that may be direct (realistic simulation) ), Or indirectly (semantic symbols) or both together, up to the content of the design idea and achieving its functional and aesthetic goals…”
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Determinants of IUD Use in Sukmajaya Sub District, Depok: A Qualitative Research
Published 2019-12-01“…However, there were some factors that inhibit the use of IUDs such as side effects, rumors of IUDs, incomplete counseling from providers and sharing negative experiences of friend who have failed to use IUD. …”
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Salud pública e inestabilidad política en Venezuela durante los gobiernos de Guzmán Blanco, 1870-1888
Published 2008-12-01“…El gobierno se movilizaba para evitar rumores y reprimir cualquier tipo de acción política al respecto, con el fin de impedir que la oposición diera uso político a los ciclos epidémicos; también ejecutaba con eficiencia una política de información que, desde los Consulados, le permitía estar al corriente acerca del movimiento de los barcos y su situación sanitaria interna; además se desarrolló un conjunto de previsiones nacionales e internacionales altamente benéficas en el control y manejo de los períodos epidémicos.…”
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Layanan Pengetahuan tentang COVID-19 di Lembaga Informasi
Published 2020-05-01“…Continuous reporting, rumors and the emergence of thousands of writings about corona on the internet add to the concern about the truth of the information content. …”
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Communication Mechanisms and Implications of the COVID-19 Risk Event in Chinese Online Communities
Published 2022-07-01“…However, the low accessibility of self-media accounts and the imperfect check mechanism provided a hotbed for rumors, which further led to more fear and worry about risks. (2) During the middle and later periods of COVID-19, the government and the official media began to pay attention to the influence of self-media on peoples' emotions and behavior, and gradually improved the supervision of online information and the operation of official media accounts. …”
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Vaccine hesitancy ‘outbreaks’: using epidemiological modeling of the spread of ideas to understand the effects of vaccine related events on vaccine hesitancy
Published 2018-12-01“…Introduction: Vaccine hesitancy, a growing global problem which is aggravated by vaccine related rumors and (mis)information, has the potential to reverse the gains from vaccination. …”
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Gestos clínicos na supervisão coletiva em práticas de psicologia
Published 2020-01-01“…O trabalho apresenta análises dos processos de produção de subjetividades e delineia gestos clínicos que orientam a pesquisa, análises e supervisão do grupo, tais como: postura de escrita e atenção acolhedora; produção de transversalidade; escuta sensível e ativação do corpo-si. A partir de cenas, rumores e indícios cultivados em um grupo de supervisão coletiva que reúne estudantes e professores, exercitam-se os encontros de supervisão como oportunidade para a prática de gestos clínicos que se deseja sustentar coletivamente, assim como nas situações de acompanhamento de campo nas pesquisas.…”
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Discerning Influential Spreaders in Complex Networks by Accounting the Spreading Heterogeneity of the Nodes
Published 2019-01-01“…Centrality is driven immunization is one of the best ways to prevent massive outbreaks (e.g., rumors and computer viruses) on complex networks, for it can effectively block the important diffusion paths to delay the propagation process. …”
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Knowledge, Perceptions, and Prevention Practices among Palestinian University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Questionnaire-Based Survey
Published 2021-02-01“…Given the current global situation and the second wave of infections in Palestine, plans should be in place to disseminate correct information and combat newly-emerging rumors and misinformation through channels that are trusted by the university student population.…”
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Cardiovascular Complications of COVID-19 Vaccines
Published 2022-03-01“…As the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines is surrounded by suspicion and rumors, it is essential to provide the public with accurate reports from trusted experts and journals. …”
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Locating the Source of Diffusion in Complex Networks via Gaussian-Based Localization and Deduction
Published 2019-09-01“…Locating the source that undergoes a diffusion-like process is a fundamental and challenging problem in complex network, which can help inhibit the outbreak of epidemics among humans, suppress the spread of rumors on the Internet, prevent cascading failures of power grids, etc. …”
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