Personality traits and their influence on Echo chamber formation in social media: a comparative study of Twitter and Weibo
Published 2024-02-01“…These insights are valuable for developing targeted management strategies to prevent the spread of fake news or rumors.…”
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Challenges to COVID-19 vaccine introduction in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – a commentary
Published 2022-11-01“…In addition, the spread of rumors through social media and by various community and religious leaders resulted in high levels of vaccine hesitancy. …”
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Museum Games and Personal Epistemology: A Study on Students’ Critical Thinking with a Mixed Reality Game
Published 2023-11-01“…Geome presents environmental issues, prompting students and asking them to discern and dismiss misinformation and rumors. The study aims to analyze the students' playful learning experience and their perspective on the game. …”
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Escuchando a Pablo García Baena
Published 2020-12-01“… El artículo se centra en la primera antología italiana del poeta español Pablo García Baena, Rumore occulto, publicada por Passigli Editori en 2018. …”
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Psychological aspects of COVID-19 vaccine in Indian population. Are we still hesitant?
Published 2022-01-01“…In India, current vaccination program for COVID-19 needs to be communicated to not only promote vaccine acceptance but to also counter rumors related to COVID-19. The WHO has recommended all the individual governments to highlight the vaccine objection spots and that the governments, educate, and implement social awareness on the vaccination with the help of local organizations so that large proportion are covered with this safe immune program. …”
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Factors Related to the Production and Sharing of Misinformation in the Coronavirus Crisis: A Commentary
Published 2020-04-01“…It seems that insufficient media literacy, complete trust or distrust of the media, the spread of rumors, fragmentation of information, social context, speed misinformation sharing, lack of ethics, different opinions between experts and authorities, the impact of time, and the neglect of the issue are all factors influencing the misinformation sharing. …”
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Published 2000“…As a rich friendship develops between them, the Army informs Vangie that John is MIA. At the same time, rumors in town circulate about a downed Hellcat plane and its missing pilot. …”
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Dall’inferno si leva un canto. Italo Calvino e «l’eco lontana del silenzio»
Published 2015-07-01“…Nella produzione narrativa di Italo Calvino l’explicit può circoscrivere lo spazio verso cui il 'rumore' del mondo s’avanza a minacciare l’ordine della finzione – e, viceversa, il finale dell’opera può risultare l’ultimo baluardo per mezzo del quale il senso, di cui la finzione è la più strenua attestazione, si sforza di resistere al non senso che proviene dal caos della Storia. …”
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Comparative analysis of the socio-psychological adaptation of migrant children and children in the host population
Published 2023-05-01“…They are characterized by the use of physical strength, foul language, the spread of gossip, rumors, negativism, irritation, suspicion and insult. …”
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A Very General Archaeologist—Moshe Dayan and Israeli Archaeology
Published 2003-12-01“…In trying to separate facts from the many rumors that follow his name, this contribution is mainly based on written sources, some never published before. …”
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Resúmenes de novedades
Published 2024-04-01“…ADAM J. BERINSKY, Political Rumors: Why We Accept Misinformation and How to Fight It, Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 2023, 240 pp. …”
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Published 2017-05-01“…Nesta cena, o contador de histórias aparece como tradutor da voz ancestral, que não é a voz primeira, mas também a voz de outro que quer ser transmitida de geração em geração. Aqui, há rumores de que o mundo evolui, de que o pensamento nascido com a humanidade é mutável, de que os saberes nos transformam e se transformam com observações e experimentações. …”
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L’« exceptionnalité » d’Ebola et les « réticences » populaires en Guinée-Conakry. Réflexions à partir d’une approche d’anthropologie symétrique
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Il posto del silenzio nella teoria sociale: da forma relazionale a strumento di esclusione
Published 2014-11-01“…La difficoltà di interpretare anche i silenzi più eloquenti attraversa lì esperienza relazionale, ma oggi risente anche della complicità creatasi tra vecchi e nuovi media nel valorizzare insieme una cultura delle immagini tesa ad escludere ciò che “non fa rumore”.…”
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Descendant distributions for the impact of mutant contagion on networks
Published 2020-07-01“…Examples include communicable diseases, rumors, misinformation, ideas, innovations, bank failures, and electrical blackouts. …”
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Acoso Escolar: Un análisis contextual en escuelas secundarias venezolanas desde el reporte de víctimas y perpetradores
Published 2017-01-01“…Los resultados confirman la existencia de acoso escolar en la muestra estudiada, particularmente en conductas de acoso verbal (burlas y sobrenombres) y acoso no verbal (rumores e indiferencia), así como mayor incidencia en las escuelas públicas sobre las privadas.…”
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Psychological Health Status Evaluation of the Public in Different Areas Under the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
Published 2021-03-01“…Furthermore, we find out some reasons like all kinds of rumors, wildlife trade, all kinds of illegal and criminal acts disturbing social order cause this psychology personality through emotional entity mining based on semantic role labeling. …”
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Published 1951-06-01“…In base a questi risultati e tenuta anche presente la eventualitàdi più riflessioni successive si giustifica come, a causa dellabassa velocità del suono nell'atmosfera e della relativamente grandedistanza delle nubi, il rumore del tuono possa persistere a lungo; sipuò inoltre prevedere che il timbro sonoro debba farsi sempre piùcupo, via via che il rimbombo si prolunga.…”
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To the question of old beleivers’faith in the Russian society at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries (researcher’s view of A. S. Prugavin)
Published 2019-01-01“…He sought not only to understand the religious life of the Old Believers from within, but also to systematize the ways of studying this phenomenon in Russian society, classify the rumors in this social group, and determine the significance of the Old Believers for the country. …”
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Digital Health Strategies to Fight COVID-19 Worldwide: Challenges, Recommendations, and a Call for Papers
Published 2020-06-01“…Official communication plans should promote facile and diverse channels to inform people about the pandemic and to avoid rumors and reduce threats to public health. Social media platforms such as Twitter and Google Trends analyses are highly beneficial to model pandemic trends as well as to monitor the evolution of patients’ symptoms or public reaction to the pandemic over time. …”
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