Qingfei Tongluo Mixture Attenuates Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Inflammation and Fibrosis through mTOR-Dependent Autophagy in Rats
Published 2024-01-01“…A hospital preparation used for the treatment of viral pneumonia, Qingfei Tongluo mixture (QFTL), is rumored to have protective effects against inflammatory and respiratory disease. …”
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Factors Affecting Public Adoption of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Information During an Infodemic: Cross-sectional Survey Study
Published 2021-03-01“…Thus, we should consider these factors when helping the informed public obtain useful information via two approaches: one is to improve the quality of government-based and other official information, and the other is to improve the public’s capacity to obtain information, in order to promote truth and fight rumors. This will, in turn, contribute to saving lives as the pandemic continues to unfold and run its course.…”
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Formas de la indefinición (Gestaltwandel)
Published 2012-06-01“…Antes de la lengua natal y materna, existe un suelo de sentido (imágenes, ecos, rumores, sonidos rotos) desde el cual el hombre habla, una “zona cero” de ruinas desde la cual el hombre reconstruye continuamente el lenguaje. …”
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Rolling out COVID-19 vaccine: half the battle won
Published 2021-04-01“…Considering the tight rope of a newly developed vaccine administration in the first stage, ‘the first few thousands’ in the population would be a make or break situation, specially in the low middle income countries where rumors spread faster than anything. In the second stage, targeting a bigger population for vaccine delivery, diligent planning at both macro and micro levels would be required to avoid problems related to vaccine storage, safe delivery, administration and follow up of the vaccine receivers. …”
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Processes And Patterns of Online Reaction Against Online Fraud (Ponzi Schemes) Victimization – ‘Çiftlik Bank’ Case in Türkiye
Published 2023-06-01“…Before the victimization becomes clear, the social reaction is to share the "rumors for and against" about the case with each other as information. …”
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How Has the Nationwide Public Health Emergency of the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Older Chinese Adults' Health Literacy, Health Behaviors and Practices, and Social Connectedness? Qu...
Published 2022-03-01“…As for the understanding and evaluation of health information, although older participants can distinguish COVID-19 rumors, they may sometimes feel confused about the underlying scientific logic. …”
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Prevalencia de Bullying y Cyberbullying en Latinoamérica: una revisión
Published 2019-01-01“…Entre las conductas de cyberbullying más frecuentes identificadas en esta revisión caben destacar: envío de mensajes desagradables, insultos, amenazas, realizar comentarios y hacer circular rumores para desprestigiar o ridiculizar a la víctima, difundir fotos y vídeos ofensivos para la víctima, robo de la contraseña… La magnitud de los datos epidemiológicos hallados en esta revisión enfatiza la necesidad de seguir investigando el tema, además de implementar programas de prevención/intervención del bullying/cyberbullying, durante la infancia, la adolescencia y la juventud.…”
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Influencia del “bullying” y el “ciberbullying” en la motivación de los estudiantes de secundaria y su efecto en el rendimiento académico
Published 2017-12-01“…Cuando hablamos de “bullying” nos referimos a situaciones en las que uno o más estudiantes persiguen e intimidan a otro/a por medio de insultos, rumores, humillaciones, aislamiento social, sobrenombres, agresiones físicas, amenazas y coacciones, pudiendo desarrollarse a lo largo de meses e incluso años, evolucionando en “ciberbullying” que hace referencia a una forma de agresión a través de las tecnologías, siendo sus consecuencias devastadoras tanto a nivel social como personal. …”
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Un caso di Bluff Psicodinamico
Published 2012-06-01“…C‟è una componente sempre presente nella vita di Andrea, un rumore di fondo: è la “svalutazione” degli altri, del mondo, di sé e di tutte di tutte le cose della vita comprese ovviamente le psicoterapie. …”
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Crowdsourcing Knowledge Production of COVID-19 Information on Japanese Wikipedia in the Face of Uncertainty: Empirical Analysis
Published 2023-06-01“… BackgroundA worldwide overabundance of information comprising misinformation, rumors, and propaganda concerning COVID-19 has been observed in addition to the pandemic. …”
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El poder y lo sagrado: intereses políticos y religiosos en la canonización de Vicente Ferrer
Published 2019-06-01“…Los promotores de la canonización de Ferrer sabían que se encontrarían con varios impedimentos –presumiblemente, los rumores sobre sus convicciones heréticas, como aquellas vinculadas a la predicación de Vicente Ferrer sobre el Anticristo, y su posición respecto al Cisma y al Concilio de Constanza. …”
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Barreras y facilitadores a la suplementación con micronutrientes en polvo. Percepciones maternas y dinámica de los servicios de salud
Published 2017-12-01“…Se encontró como barreras: a nivel de sistema de salud, a las dificultades para acceder al ES, los rumores negativos al suplemento en la sala de espera y el maltrato del personal de salud; a nivel del producto (MNP), la falta de conocimiento sobre el suplemento, el sabor y los efectos secundarios y a nivel de la madre, aparecen barreras como la falta de tiempo, el olvido, las dificultades en la preparación del MNP y la oposición al uso del suplemento por parte del esposo. …”
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Misinformation, perceptions towards COVID-19 and willingness to be vaccinated: A population-based survey in Yemen.
Published 2021-01-01“…<h4>Background</h4>Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, many pharmaceutical companies have been racing to develop a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. Simultaneously, rumors and misinformation about COVID-19 are still widely spreading. …”
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Soil-transmitted helminth surveillance in Benin: A mixed-methods analysis of factors influencing non-participation in longitudinal surveillance activities.
Published 2023-01-01“…Qualitative themes included: community members weighing community-level benefits against individual-level risks, circulating rumors about misuse of stool samples, interpersonal communication with field agents, and cultural norms around handling adult feces. …”
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Formas de la indefinición (Gestaltwandel)
Published 2012-06-01“…Antes de la lengua natal y materna, existe un suelo de sentido (imágenes, ecos, rumores, sonidos rotos) desde el cual el hombre habla, una “zona cero” de ruinas desde la cual el hombre reconstruye continuamente el lenguaje. …”
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Barreras y facilitadores a la suplementación con micronutrientes en polvo. Percepciones maternas y dinámica de los servicios de salud
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Perceptions on the collection of body fluids for research on persistence of Ebola virus: A qualitative study.
Published 2020-05-01“…Several narratives were related to the loss of body fluids (especially semen) that would make men weak and powerless, or women dizzy and sick (especially blood). Some rumors indicated mistrust related to study aims that may have been expressions of broader societal challenges and historical circumstances. …”
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La Regenta: la critica novelada de Madame Bovary
Published 2020-07-01“…In 1888, the defendant made the decision to end in one of his literary pamphlets Mis Plagios the rumors caused by the accusation, which arose from the undeniable similarity between the theater scene in the two mentioned novels. …”
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Dynamics and control of epidemic spreading in complex networks
Published 2012“…Such knowledge would help better handle the infectious diseases in human society, digital viruses in computer and telecommunication systems, as well as the spreading of information/ideas/rumors in human communities, etc. General background and some future research topics are also discussed.…”
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Thesis -
Published 2020-07-01“…Gaetano Pesce’s exhibition, “Il rumore del tempo” (The noise of time) in 2005 at the Milan Triennale, already recounted the omens, with a holistic vision between Design, Music, Art, Architecture, to stage the absolute subjectivity of the relationship with Time and therefore its inevitable relativity. …”
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