Al-Sahabah: Kontradiksi Antara Nas-Nas Islam Dengan Riwayat Sejarah
Published 1997“…Tesis ini membahaskan tentang kemuliaan kedudukan para sahabah Rasulullah s.a.w. yang dilihat pada timbangan al-Quran, Hasil dari mendapati al-Sunnah dan sebahagian riwayat-riwayat sejarah. …”
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Thesis -
Anak-anak yang dibina zaman Rasulullah S.A.W
Published 2009Subjects: “…BP75.5 Companions (Sahabah)…”
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Book -
Daripada "zero" kepada "hero"
Published 2011Subjects: “…BP75.5 Companions (Sahabah)…”
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Article -
Membentuk tingkah laku Mukmin super: pelajaran daripada kehidupan Rasulullah s.a.w. dan para sahabatnya
Published 2011Subjects: “…BP75.5 Companions (Sahabah)…”
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Article -
Syiah dan pluralisme agama
Published 2013“…Kumpulan-kumpulan ini telah pun wujud sejak akhir hayat Rasulullah s.a.w. lagi, dan mereka mula membentuk satu kumpulan yang kuat pada akhir zaman sahabah terutamanya “Syi’at ‘Ali”. Di antara kumpulan pertama yang dikatakan membentuk golongan ini ialah Saba’iyyah yang diketuai oleh seorang tokoh kontroversi Yahudi ‘Abdullah bin Saba’ berkulit hitam dari Yaman dan memeluk agama Islam.…”
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Article -
The theory of abrogation : a critical evaluation
Published 2006“…All the reports concerning the views of sahabah and tabi'un scholors have been scrutinized in two chapters of this book. …”
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Book -
Conventional pattern of Qur'anic interpretation: a critique
Published 2015“…It appears that the mufassirunhave unanimity over the fundamental principles of tafsir: (1) the Qur’an interprets the Qur’an, (2) the Prophetic traditions elaborate the Qur’an, (3) views of the Companions (sahabah) and the Successors (tabi‘un) unfold the Qur’an, and (4) Judeo-Christian traditions help understand the historical narratives in the Qur’an. …”
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Article -
Donald Trump, Jerusalem and the forecast of Ibn Barrajan
Published 2020“…In the Islamic one, the "prediction" of liberation of Palestine and Al-ASuraha is not absurd, but derived from the Qur'an, hadiths of the Prophet SAW, atsar as-sahabah and various events of Islamic history of all time. …”
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Book Section -
Beberapa isu haraki di dalam karya-karya hadis Sayyid Muhammad Nuh
Published 2014“…His selected works in the field of hadith are ‘Tawjihat of the Prophet `ala al-Tariq’ (Hadiths of Guidance on the Dakwa Path), ‘Manhaj al -Rasul fi Ghars Ruh al-Jihad fi Nufus Ashabih’ (The Messenger’s Approach in Inspiring Spirit of al-Jihad in the Companions), and ‘Min Akhlaq al-Nasr fi Jiyl al-Sahabah’ (Winning Attitudes in the Generation of the Companions). …”
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Article -
Genre historiografi Ibn al-Athir / Norsaeidah Jamaludin … [et al.]
Published 2017“…Keistimewaan tersebut dibuktikan dengan terhasilnya beberapa karya sejarah seperti Usd al-ghabah fi macrifat al-sahabah, al-Lubab fi tadhzib al-ansab dan al-Tarikh al-bahir fi al-dawlah al-atabikiyyah. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Business in the Qur’an and Sunnah: its importance and guidelines
Published 2011“…In order to prove what is being suggested by Qur’an and Sunnah, this paper presents examples of businessmen and businesswomen among the Sahabah and the Tabi`in who did business according to the guidelines provided to them by the teachings of the Prophet p.b.u.h. …”
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Proceeding Paper