Published 2020-12-01“…Bu kapsamda öncelikle çalışmanın giriş kısmında, modernitenin birey tasarımı ve bunun bencillik ve açgözlülük ile ilişkisi üzerinde kısaca durulmuş, akabinde modern bireyin sanat alanında dışavurumcu inşasında öncü rolü olan Goethe üzerinde durulmuş ve son olarak da Faust eseri, modern bireyin bencilliği ve açgözlülüğü çerçevesinde analiz edilmiştir. 60 yılı aşkın bir yazım sürecinin (1770-1831) ürünü olan Faust, manzum bir tragedya olarak, Faust’un hayatı temelinde modern bireyin dramını anlatır. Mefisto’ya ruhunu satan Faust’un en belirgin özelliklerinde biri, sahip olduğu arzuları gerçekleştirme doğrultusunda bencil ve aç gözlü bir birey olması ve bu durumun pek çok yıkım ve ölüme sebep olmasıdır. …”
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Небесният симпозиум. Коментарите към Йов 1:6 във византийската и славянската традиция
Published 2016-10-01“… Celestial symposium: Commentaries to the Book of Job 1:6 in the Byzantine and Slavic traditions Job 1:6 is one of several places in the Bible where God’s sons (celestial beings) are mentioned: “One day the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.” Numerous commentaries of the Church Fathers were included in the Greek catena to the Book of Job. …”
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Diabolical Possession and the Case Behind “The Exorcist" by Sergio Rueda
Published 2019-09-01“…The victim of possession that Rueda describes from the actual case never has his head spin 360 degrees, nor projectile vomits green vomit, nor appears, in all it’s demonic glory, to be Satan himself. Blatty’s story, however, is highly fictionalized, and presents the “dark inner voice” we all possess as an archetypal force in the collective unconscious, in a literal, yet also metaphoric, way. …”
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İnternet Üzerinden Alışveriş Niyetini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Genişletilmiş Teknoloji Kabul Modeli Kullanarak İncelenmesi Ve Bir Model Önerisi ( An Investigation And A Model Suggesti...
Published 2015-12-01“…İnternet kanalıyla mal ve hizmet satan işletmelere, müşterilerin alışveriş niyetini etkileyen faktörler hakkında yol gösterici olmak giderek daha çok önem kazanmaktadır. …”
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Biodiversity of the Satanivska Dacha tract, a UNESCO World Heritage site (Ukraine)
Published 2022-12-01“…In 2017, the forest community was included in the trans-European World Heritage site ‘Primeval beech forests and ancient forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe" by UNESCO under the name Site No. 61 ‘Satan’s Dacha.’ In the territory of the tract, 163 species of vertebrates have been recorded, including 12 species of amphibians, 6 species of reptiles, 96 species of birds, and 50 species of mammals, which are representatives of 24 orders. …”
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Salvation and Inqadh (Deliverance): two theological doctrines in monotheistic religions and their contemporary implication in understanding Islamic penal code
Published 2008“…Much that can be attributed to the story of creation in the QurÑÉn, is that it depicts two patterns of behaviour: Adam’s response to his misdeed and Iblis’ (Satan) attitude of arrogance. Perhaps, the meaning of justice and law can be derived from this story and the story of the two children of Adam. …”
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Published 2018-06-01“…In accordance with these findings, clerics are tasked with guiding human beings into meaningful benefactors in the eyes of fellow men and God, by providing spiritual-psychological guidance of managing the voice of truth against the lust of satan and managing the emotions and morals. …”
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Emergency Response of Indian Hajj Medical Mission to Heat Illness Among Indian Pilgrims in Tent-Clinics at Mina and Arafat During Hajj, 2016
Published 2017-12-01“…Exertion related to the stoning of Satan ritual during late morning and afternoon hours was the leading cause of heat illness.…”
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Dramatyzowane homilie patrystyczne zalążkiem dramatu chrześcijańskiego
Published 2016-07-01“…The Judas’ betrayal, imprisonment of Jesus and the dread of rulers of the underworld – Satan and Hades – after they have heard about coming of Christ: De proditione Judae [CPG 5523] and Homilia in Diabolum et Hadem [CPG 5524]; C. …”
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İtaat, İtikat ve Askerlik Üçgeninde Osmanlı’da Devlet-Yezidi İlişkileri
Published 2021-06-01“…In this context, this section will discuss their relations with Satan and Yazid figures, which they define with a different physiognomy. …”
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Book Reviews
Published 2023-08-01“…Brown, The God of This Age: Satan in the Churches and Letters of the Apostle Paul (Torsten Löfstedt) William P. …”
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Black Goddess: A Critical Analysis of Traditions on the Destruction of al-’Uzzā in Early Islamic Sources
Published 2021-06-01“…Discussion of Results & Conclusions According to pre-Islamic literature, including the Bible and early Christians’ beliefs, it seems that the reports of Islamic sources about manifestation of al-’Uzzā in the form of a black woman have been influenced by the regional common beliefs and in particular, the Christians’ insight that Satan, often identified in association with the ancient deities, has been portrayed in black and more accurately, as an Abyssinian. …”
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Celâl Berces’in 'Defâtiru’l-Verrâk' İsimli Romanının Teknik ve Tematik İncelemesi
Published 2022-06-01“…Romanda ana karakter olan İbrahim’in insanlara güvensiz ve asosyal olması, fikir hürriyetinin olmayışının; Leyla’nın bakımevinde yetişmiş olması, ahlakî çöküntünün; Nârdâ’nın hayatında yanlış kararlar alması da, halkın gelenek ve modernlik arasında kalışının ve kitapçı büfesinin uyuşturucu satan bir dükkâna dönüşmesi de toplumdaki değişimin birer sembolüdür. …”
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A Comparative Study of Saint Paul and Fakhri Razi on Faith
Published 2014-09-01“…That Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was faithful implies he knew that the rules and laws are revelation from God and their reporter is God’s infallible angle, not the misleading Satan. Fakhr Razi offers various definitions of believers’ faith some of which are developed according to issues of faith and some others according to constituents of faith. …”
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The Role of Allegory (Tamsil) in the stories of Mathnavi Ma’navi
Published 2014-12-01“…In the latter type, that is, the allegory of ideas, the characters are like mental concepts, as an example, Milton’s Paradise Lost in which there is a clash between Satan and his daughter, sin, can be mentioned. In Persian and Arabic rhetorical discussions, Tamsil (allegory) is similar to simile and metaphor and does not go beyond one or some sentences. …”
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A Comparative Study of Freydūn in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and Shakespeare’s King Lear with Mythological Approach
Published 2022-12-01“…Lear mentions Apollo or calls his daughter as a Satan or tells that he binds to a fiery wheel that it refers to Ixion myth. …”
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The Role of Allegory (Tamsil) in the stories of Mathnavi Maânavi
Published 2014-11-01“…In the latter type, that is, the allegory of ideas, the characters are like mental concepts, as an example, Miltonâs Paradise Lost in which there is a clash between Satan and his daughter, sin, can be mentioned. In Persian and Arabic rhetorical discussions, Tamsil (allegory) is similar to simile and metaphor and does not go beyond one or some sentences. …”
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A Comparative Study of Saint Paul and Fakhri Razi on Faith
Published 2014-08-01“…That Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was faithful implies he knew that the rules and laws are revelation from God and their reporter is God’s infallible angle, not the misleading Satan. Fakhr Razi offers various definitions of believers’ faith some of which are developed according to issues of faith and some others according to constituents of faith. …”
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The Role and Place of Governing Angels in Bible
Published 2014-09-01“…(Harold, 1996, vol 2, p. 956) After the periods of captivity (in Babylon) we see that the tasks of the angels become more specialized and the literary descriptions of the angels become more appropriate with considering their role and place, whether the angels are righteous or they are considered as evil and Satan. (Najib, B to P) The followers of Bible have evaluated the nature of angels differently proportionate to their rank and duty, then some angels have been considered to be made of fire, some others to be faculty like and some to be immaterial while the others being demons. …”
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Hildegard as a Mystic and her Place in the Christian Thought (PhD. Dissertation)
Published 2019-08-01“…In addition, she especially generated thoughts about the human-Jesus-God relationship, universe, spirit, satan and the salvation of the world. What makes Hildegard different is that to describe some of God's attributes in a feminine way like God's wisdom and mercy, to explain nature, God's attributes and virtues in a connection with each other manner. …”
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