Deadly and venomous Lonomia caterpillars are more than the two usual suspects.
Published 2023-02-01“…Caterpillars of the Neotropical genus Lonomia (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) are responsible for some fatal envenomation of humans in South America inducing hemostatic disturbances in patients upon skin contact with the caterpillars' spines. …”
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Accumulation of uric acid in the epidermis forms the white integument of Samia ricini larvae.
Published 2018-01-01“…Larvae of the eri silkworm Samia ricini (Lepidoptera; Saturniidae) also have a white and opaque integument, but little is known about its coloration mechanism. …”
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Metabolic changes in the midgut of Eri silkworm after Oral administration of 1-deoxynojirimycin: A 1H-NMR-based metabonomic study.
Published 2017-01-01“…In this study, the biological effects of DNJ were examined in midgut extracts of fourth-instar larvae of Eri silkworm (Samia cynthia ricini, Saturniidae). Based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) metabonomics technology, we analyzed the alterations of glycometabolism, lipids, and energy metabolism pathways in the midgut of S. cynthia ricini caused by DNJ. …”
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Published 2012-03-01“…Приводится 302 вида семейств Hepialidae, Limacodidae, Cossidae, Thyatiridae, Drepanidae, Geometridae, Lasiocampidae, Endromididae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae, Noctuidae и Micronoctuidae, собранных в Большехехцирском заповеднике в 2011 году в неотмеченные ранее сроки лёта. …”
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The Use of <i>Gonimbrasia belina</i> (Westwood, 1849) and <i>Cirina forda</i> (Westwood, 1849) Caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sarturniidae) as Food Sources and Income Generators in Afr...
Published 2023-05-01“…<i>Gonimbrasia belina</i> (mopane worm) and <i>Cirina forda</i> caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) are mostly found in shrubs and trees, from where they are collected as larvae and are widely consumed across southern Africa by rural and increasingly urban populations. …”
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A 1H-NMR Based Study on Hemolymph Metabolomics in Eri Silkworm after Oral Administration of 1-Deoxynojirimycin.
Published 2015-01-01“…We aimed to investigate whether 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) modulates glycometabolism and has toxicity in Eri silkworm (Samia cynthia ricini, Saturniidae). In this paper, hemolymph metabolites were used to explore metabolic changes after oral administration of DNJ or mulberry latex and to characterize the biological function of DNJ at the metabolic and systemic levels. …”
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Comparação dos sistemas de cultivo nativo e adensado de erva mate, Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil., quanto à ocorrência e flutuação populacional de insetos Occurrence and population f...
Published 2003-12-01“…For Hylesia spp. (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) and Thelosia camina Schaus (Lepidoptera, Eupterotidae), the presence of caterpillars on the trees was noticed from September to February, with the population peak in November and December. …”
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Infestation patterns of a major wood boring pest, Psiloptera fastuosa (Buprestidae: Coleoptera) in Tasar, Terminalia arjuna (Myrtales: Combretaceae) plantation
Published 2024-01-01“…In Tasar culture, arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) (Combretaceae) are often planted on farms because the Tasar worm largely consumes their leaves, Antheraea paphia (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). The wood-boring Psiloptera fastuosa (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) causes severe threats to Tasar plantations during their mating season (September equinox to December solstice). …”
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Phylogenomics resolves major relationships and reveals significant diversification rate shifts in the evolution of silk moths and relatives
Published 2019-09-01“…We identified important evolutionary patterns (e.g., morphology, biogeography, and differences in speciation and extinction), and our analysis of diversification rates highlights the stark increases that exist within the Sphingidae (hawkmoths) and Saturniidae (wild silkmoths). Conclusions Our study establishes a backbone for future evolutionary, comparative, and taxonomic studies of Bombycoidea. …”
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Data to the knowledge of the macrolepidoptera fauna of the Sălaj-region, Transylvania, Romania (arthropoda: insecta)
Published 2016-01-01“…Geographical, spatial and temporal records to the knowledge of 98 butterflies (Papilionoidea) and 225 moths (Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Geometroidea, Noctuoidea and Sphingoidea) are given representing the families (species numbers in brackets) Hesperiidae (8), Lycaenidae (28), Nymphalidae (28), Papilionidae (3), Pieridae (13) Riodinidae (1), Satyridae (17) (Papilionoidea); Arctiidae (11), Ctenuchidae (1), Lymantriidae (1), Noctuidae (119), Nolidae (2), Notodontidae (6) Thyatiridae (4), (Noctuoidea); Drepanidae (3) (Drepanoidea); Geometridae (73) (Geometroidea); Lasiocampidae (2), Saturniidae (1) (Bombycoidea); Sphingidae (2) (Sphingoidea). …”
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The mitochondrial genome of Muga silkworm (Antheraea assamensis) and its comparative analysis with other lepidopteran insects.
Published 2017-01-01“…Phylogenetic position of A. assamensis was consistent with the traditional taxonomic classification of Saturniidae. The complete annotated mitogenome is available in GenBank (Accession No. …”
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Protein Content and Amino Acid Profiles of Selected Edible Insect Species from the Democratic Republic of Congo Relevant for Transboundary Trade across Africa
Published 2022-10-01“…Regarding Lepidoptera species, the protein content of Saturniidae varied more than for Notodontidae. <i>Imbrasia ertli</i> gave the best example of a species that could be suggested for dietary supplementation of cereal-based diets, as the sample contained the highest values in five EAAs and for the EAA index. …”
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The Primary Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Lappet Moth <i>Brahmophthalma hearseyi</i> (Lepidoptera: Brahmaeidae) and Related Phylogenetic Analysis
Published 2021-10-01“…Phylogenetic analysis showed that <i>B. hearseyi</i> is clustered into Brahmaeidae, and the phylogenetic relationships are (Brahmaeidae + Lasiocampidae) + (Bombycidae + (Sphingidae + Saturniidae)). <i>Conclusions</i>: This study provides the first mitogenomic resources for the Brahmaeidae.…”
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Genome-Wide Identification of Detoxification Genes in Wild Silkworm <i>Antheraea pernyi</i> and Transcriptional Response to Coumaphos
Published 2023-06-01“…Our study provides the first set of detoxification genes for wild silkworms from Saturniidae and highlights the importance of detoxification gene repertoire in insect pesticide tolerance.…”
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Los Artrópodos Venenosos de Importancia Médica en Ecuador: Estado del Conocimiento y Perspectivas de Investigación
Published 2021-05-01“…No se han reportado accidentes por mordedura de arañas del género Loxosceles Heinecken & Lowe o por escolopendras (Clase Chilopoda, Orden Scolopendromorpha) o por contacto con orugas del orden Lepidoptera (familia Saturniidae) aunque existen en el país especies potencialmente tóxicas pertenecientes a estos grupos. …”
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Macro-moth fauna ( lepidoptera: heterocera) of Tasik Chini, Pahang Malaysia.
Published 2011“…This total encompassed 19 families, geometridae (67 species),noctuidae (38 species), arctiidae (17 species),sphingidae(9 species),notodontidae (8 species),Lymantriidae (8 species), Lasiocampidae (7 species), limacodidae (5 species) drepanidae( species),uraniidae, bombycidae saturniidae(two species each),chalcosiidae, nolidae, agaristidae, cossidae, cyclidiidae, and epiplemidae) one species each). …”
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Erucismo: etiología, epidemiología y aspectos clínicos en San Ignacio, Misiones, Argentina
Published 2019-11-01“…Se recopilaron 719 casos de erucismo y se identificó a Podalia orsilochus, agente etiológico inédito hasta la fecha en Argentina, como la principal responsable (91%; n=653) y otras seis especies de Megalopygidae y Saturniidae. Se constató que el erucismo tiene riesgo estacional y febrero es el mes con mayor cantidad de accidentes. …”
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Published 2014“…Sex pheromone (10E,12E,14E)-10,12,14-octadecatrienal has more power to interact with receptors and to attract the male imago insects Antheraea jana (Lepidoptera : Saturniidae) than the (10E, 12E, 14E)-10,12,14-octadecatrienyl acetate. …”
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Macrolepidoptera biodiversity in Wooster, Ohio from 2001 through 2009
Published 2014-11-01“…A Skinner mercury vapor light trap was operated from 2001 through 2009 in a residential backyard to document biodiversity within the moth families Thyatiridae, Drepanidae, Geometridae, Mimallonidae, Apatelodidae, Lasiocampidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Erebidae (including Lymantriinae and Arctiinae), Euteliidae, Nolidae, and Noctuidae. …”
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Protected species of butterflies (Lepidoptera) in the National Nature Park “Velyky Lug”
Published 2013-11-01“…In a taxonomical relation this complex is formed by the representatives of 11 families (Zygaenidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Noctuidae, Arctiidae, Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Satyridae, Lycaenidae). …”
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