Published 2012-05-01
“…Nathalie Friedrichs proposes the following lesson plan for the senior classes of the German Gymnasium (grammar-school): „Die Entwicklung eines nationalen Identitätsbewusstseins in den von Napoleon besetzten Ländern“ (The Development of a National Sense of Identity in the Countries Occupied by Napeoleon).The central question, however, is whether this new German national consciousness at the dawn of the 19th century can be traced back to Napoleon’s reign in the Rhineland region or whether it emerged during the wars of liberation as a result of a firm rejection of Napoleon.The following materials will be given to the pupils beforhand: A short preparatory text with essential background information, a pithy quote , and two historical sources, namely the appeal of Ludwig Adolf Peter Graf von
Sayn-Wittgenstein to support the war of liberation, and another more francophile source by the physician Adolf Kußmaul. …”
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