Screening 2‒mercaptoimidazole derivatives for breast cancer treatment
Publicado 2023-11-01Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Exhibition Review: Beyond Folding Screens 2, The Amorepacific Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea, 26 January 2023 - 30 April 2023
Publicado 2024-04-01“...The exhibition, Beyoug Folding Screens 2, which ran from January to April 2023 at the Amorepacific Museum of Art in South Korea, is analysed with a focus on the shift in perspective in presenting traditional historical art in museums. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Multimodal Assessment of Changes in Physiological Indicators when Presenting a Video Fragment on Screen (2D) versus a VR (3D) Environment
Publicado 2022-01-01“...The research methodology involved randomly presenting a group of subjects with visual content—a short video clip—first on screen (2D) and then in a virtual reality helmet (3D). ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
The Romanian Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Early Arthritis for Psoriatic Patients (EARP) Questionnaire, Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Tool (PEST), and Toronto Psoriatic Arthritis Screen 2 (ToPAS 2)
Publicado 2024-10-01“...The aim of this study was to perform the Romanian translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of three assessment tools: the Early Arthritis for Psoriatic Patients (EARP) Questionnaire, Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Tool (PEST), and Toronto Psoriatic Arthritis Screen 2 (TOPAS 2), which are designed to evaluate early-stage arthritis in patients with psoriasis. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Displaying Title Is Effective to Reduce Aggressive Comments in Pseudonym Type Computer Mediated Communications
Publicado 2019-07-01“...A title that supposedly reflects the user's behavior or status, such as calm, expert, optimist, or aggressive is displayed on the screen. Two types of title generation, title reflecting and not reflecting exact aggression level, are compared to the case without title using laboratory experiments, where participants select comments to be posted after reading the topics of discussion and other participants' comments. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Comparison between natural biosorbent and activated carbon of cucumis melo peels on congo red adsorption / Syahidah Rasyihah Abd Rashid
Publicado 2017“...The objective of this work was to screen two samples between natural biosorbent (NB-CMP) and activated carbon (AC-CMP) of Cucumis melo peels on dye uptake. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Student Project -
Assisted Operation of a Robotic Arm Based on Stereo Vision for Positioning near an Explosive Device
Publicado 2022-09-01“...This document presents an assisted operation system of a robotic arm for positioning near an explosive device selected by the user through the visualization of the cameras on the screen. Two non-converging cameras mounted on the robotic arm in camera-in-hand configuration provide the three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of the object being tracked, using a 3D reconstruction technique with the help of the continuously adaptive mean shift (CAMSHIFT) algorithm for object tracking and feature matching. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Aptamers as Reagents for High-Throughput Screening
Publicado 2001-05-01“...To illustrate this application, we have used labeled aptamers to plateletderived growth factor B-chain and wheat germ agglutinin to screen two sets of potential small-molecule ligands. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Identification and optimization strategy of ecological security pattern in Maiji District of Gansu, China
Publicado 2023-12-01“...Based on the existing ecological resistance surfaces, ecological sources, and ecological corridors, a plan for ecological restoration has been developed for Maiji District, known as the “one belt, one screen, two areas, five corridors, and multiple points” ecological restoration pattern. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
A multimodal screening system for elderly neurological diseases based on deep learning
Publicado 2023-11-01“...Multitask learning was applied to screen two neurological diseases. To capture meaningful information about these human landmarks and voices, we applied various pre-trained models to extract preliminary features. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Targeting the Human Influenza a Virus: The Methods, Limitations, and Pitfalls of Virtual Screening for Drug-like Candidates Including Scaffold Hopping and Compound Profiling
Publicado 2023-04-01“...In this study, we describe the input data and processing steps to find antiviral lead compounds by a virtual screen. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional filters were designed based on the X-ray crystallographic structures of viral neuraminidase co-crystallized with substrate sialic acid, substrate-like DANA, and four inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, laninamivir, and peramivir). ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
A genomewide scan for loci involved in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Publicado 2002“...Only three of the candidates-DRD5, 5HTT, and CALCYON-coincided with sites of positive linkage identified by our screen. Two of the regions highlighted in the present study, 2q24 and 16p13, coincided with the top linkage peaks reported by a recent genome-scan study of autistic sib pairs....”
Journal article -
Applied phylogeography of Cyclopia intermedia (Fabaceae) highlights the need for ‘duty of care’ when cultivating honeybush
Publicado 2020-09-01“...Methods We applied High Resolution Melt analysis (HRM), with confirmation Sanger sequencing, to screen two non-coding chloroplast DNA regions (two fragments from the atpI-aptH intergenic spacer and one from the ndhA intron) in wild C. intermedia populations. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Haploid reporter screens aimed at identification of NF-kappaB regulators
Publicado 2014Ligazón do recurso
Thesis -
A cognitive behavioural group treatment for somatic symptom disorder: a pilot study
Publicado 2023-11-01“...Each participant underwent a telephone screen and in-person psychological and neuropsychological screen. Two cycles of the CBT-based group (n = 30), each consisting of six weekly two-hour sessions, were facilitated at a large outpatient mental healthcare facility in Ontario, Canada. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Role of Aging in Ulcerative Colitis Pathogenesis: A Focus on ETS1 as a Promising Biomarker
Publicado 2025-02-01“...A series of machine learning algorithms was used to screen two feature genes (ETS1 and IL7R) to establish the diagnostic model, which exhibited satisfactory diagnostic efficiency. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Isolation, Characterization, and Functional Properties of Antioxidant Peptides from Mulberry Leaf Enzymatic Hydrolysates
Publicado 2024-07-01“...Through bioinformatics analysis and biochemical assays, we screen two previously unreported peptides, P6 and P7, with excellent antioxidant activities. ...”
Ligazón do recurso
Artigo -
Molecular biology of X-chromosome disease
Publicado 1992“...A YAC fragment of 160 kb was isolated and used to screen two human retinal cDNA libraries. Among the cDNAs isolated, one group was found to be deleted in some of the Norrie patients previously without any known deletion, which established their candidacy as the transcripts of the Norrie disease locus. ...”