أثر الیهود على نقود السلطان سلیم الأول فى مصر (923هـ/1517م – 926هـ/1520م)
Published 2015-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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The Establishment Period of Babur Empire in India: Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur
Published 2017-06-01“…Due to the defeat of Shah Ismail by Selim I in the Battle of Chaldiran, he lost power in Central Asia and began raids into India. …”
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Military Activity in The Ottoman Empire In the Reign of Sultan Bayezid II ( 1481-1512 )
Published 2017-09-01“…Relying on fire arms his son, sultan Selim I succeeded in scoring decisive victories against the Safavids and Mamluks …”
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Military Activity in The Ottoman Empire In the Reign of Sultan Bayezid II ( 1481-1512 )
Published 2017-09-01“…Relying on fire arms his son, sultan Selim I succeeded in scoring decisive victories against the Safavids and Mamluks …”
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The economic conditions of Mosul Province during the second half of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth century
Published 1976-10-01“…Mosul entered the possession of the Ottoman Empire in the year 1515 AD, in the wake of the victory of Sultan Selim I (1512-1520) in the Battle of Galdiran in the year 1514 AD over Shah Ismail Safavi, and in the year 12 AD Mosul became a stand-alone state consisting of the Sanjak of Kirkuk and Sulaymaniyah in addition to the Sanjak of Mosul itself. …”
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The hoard of coins of 15th-16th centuries from the collection of Local Lore Museum in Vylkove
Published 2018-11-01“…It was found in vicinity of Vylkove, in the eastern part of Kilia raion or southern part of Tatarbunary raion. 2 Hungarian denarii (of Vladislav II), 1 Crimean akçe (of Sahib Giray) and 58 Ottoman akçes (of Bayezid II, Selim I and Süleiman I), including 1 akçe that can probably be an imitation, are presented in composition of the hoard. …”
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Paul Horn (1863‑1908) : misère et splendeur d’un iranisant et turcologue à Strasbourg
Published 2017-06-01“…We find in his life both the hardships of a Privatdozent (unsalaried lecturer) at the prestigious Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität, the necessity to ask permanently for grants and subsidies, and ambitious publication projects such as the Persian divan of Sultan Selim I. Paul Horn represents a perhaps typical case of German oriental scholarship at that time. …”
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Published 2018-12-01“…<strong>At the beginning of the reign of Sultan Sulaymân I ibn Selîm I in Egypt and the Levant, the Ottoman Empire faced many tribulations and independence movements which aimed to restore the power of the Mamluk State and show noncompliance to the Sultan’s orders. …”
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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and dissolution of Caliphate
Published 2013-06-01“…after the Ottoman Sultan Selim I`s the conquest of Egypt ,Islamic Caliphate was transferred from Egypt to Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth century. …”
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Vassal Mamluk rulers of Egypt and Syria in the service of the Ottomans
Published 2023-03-01“…However, the establishment of direct Turkish rule on the territory of the former Mamluk possessions was preceded by a short transitional period of vassalage. The Ottoman Sultan Selim I Yavuz (1512-1520) appointed in Egypt and Syria two devoted to him Mamluk emirs Khair-bek and Janbirdi al-Ghazali, whose actions infl the further strengthening of the power of the Turks in the Middle Eastern provinces. …”
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A critical edition and translation of the introductory sections and the first thirteen chapters of the Selīmnāme of Celālzāde Muṣṭafā C̦elebi
Published 1975“…<p>The <em>Selīmnāme</em> of Celālzāde Muṣṭafā Çelebi is a history of the early career and the reign (1512-20) of the Ottoman Sultan Selīm I. The part which forms the subject of the present edition and translation covers the early career of Selīm, up to his accession to the Ottoman throne, and concentrates particularly on the troubled state of Anatolia during the latter part of the reign of Selīm's father, Bāyezīd II, and on the events which led to Selīm's acquiring the Sultanate in the face of strong competition from his brother Aḥmed.…”
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الكرد والدولة العثمانية بين الانتماء القومي والولاء الديني Kurds and the Ottoman state between national Identity and religious loyalty...
Published 2021-04-01“…Kurdish-Ottoman relations was an ancient one; it is back to 1514, when the Ottoman sultan (Selim I) made an agreement with the Kurdish princes, mediated by the Emir (Sharaf Khan al-Badlisi). …”
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"The evolution of Ottoman carpet decoration From the eighth to the twelfth century (Fourteenth to eighteenth century)"
Published 2018-10-01“…Second, the results I ended my research with several results: 1- Arts is a link between different peoples Each people is influenced by the arts of other peoples that relate to or affect them. 2- This influence and vulnerability vary in strength and weakness depending on the circumstances under which the people live. 3- From here we noticed that the Ottomans before settling in Asia Minor had contacted the Iranians and the Chinese and there is no doubt that they were influenced by the arts of these two nations. 4- Ottoman conquests in the East and West and the contacts of the Ottomans with the civilizations of the country which subjected them to their authority and the use of the artists of this country in their works of art. 5- The Iranian element was the most powerful element that influenced the Ottoman arts, which can be said that the Ottomans were Turks in their race Iranians in their culture and could not get out of Iranian culture only after a long time on their backs on the stage of history. 6- meant the sultans of the Othman first on the use of the Iranian language has been imposed some of them poetry and mention, for example Sultan Mohammed Al-Fatih and Sultan Selim I, who said poetry in Iran. 7- The direction to output a new composition of borrowed items and give it a new spirit. 8- The Ottomans played a prominent role in Islamic art and immortalized in its record the pages of bright 9- Studying the Ottoman buildings that still exist in Istanbul and other cities of the Islamic world. …”
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Mehmed Saîd’in Kasîde-i Hamriyye Şerhi: Tarab-engîz
Published 2019-06-01“…İnşa türünde Tarab-engîz adlı şerhi olan şârihin Beylerbeyi Bedevî Dergâhı post-nişini Şeyh Hâmil Efendi’nin (ö. 1322/1904) medhiyesi mahiyetinde bir de dörtlüğü bulunmaktadır.Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Pertev Paşa Koleksiyonu, 450 nolu nüshanın başındaki “Seccâde-nişîn-i hânkâh-ı Sultan Selîm-i Sâlis der-Üsküdar eser-i Mehmed Saîd” ifadesi ile Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Kütüphanesi 7350 numaralı nüshadaki “Eser: Tarabengîz, Müellif: İbnü’l-Fârız, Mütercim ü muhaşşî: Mehmed Saîd” kaydından eserin Şeyh Mehmed Saîd Efendi’ye aidiyeti anlaşılmaktadır. …”
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Masquerading of COVID-19 Infection as Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Published 2021-02-01Get full text
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Impact of ACGME-I Accreditation on Patient Outcomes at Hamad Medical Corporation: A Call for Evidence
Published 2019-01-01Get full text