Miserable Hungarian Occupiers and Their Miserable Subjects: Review Article of Ungváry, Krisztián. A magyar megszálló csapatok a Szovjetunióban, 1941-1944. Esemény - elbeszélés - ut...
Published 2018-08-01Subjects: “…Ukraine, honvéd army, public intellectuals, secret archives, Hungarian occupation, World War II, Miklós Horthy, siege of Budapest, German and Soviet occupation…”
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Rereading the Transmutations of Miksa Fenyő’s 1944-1945 Diary, Az elsodort ország [‘A Nation Adrift’]
Published 2021-07-01“…Only recently available to an English-speaking audience, Az elsodort ország provides a remarkably comprehensive, well-composed description of the Hungarian Holocaust, World War II and the Siege of Budapest, as related by Miksa Fenyő (1877-1972), the former editor and critic of the modern literary journal, Nyugat [‘West’] and deputy director of GyOSz [Gyáriparosok Országos Szövetsége; ‘Association of Hungarian Industrialists’].…”
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The Yellow Star and Everyday Life under Exceptional Circumstances: Diaries of 1944-1945 Budapest
Published 2016-10-01“…Szebény wrote only about the period after December 1944, when she and her children were trapped in Buda during the siege of Budapest, and Mrs. Horthy avoided all comment about what happened in Hungary before her family was taken prisoner by the Nazis in November 1944 and subsequently kept under house arrest in Germany.…”
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