Da Marin Sanudo a Silvio Berlusconi: una élite municipalistica ed edonistica (non sempre colta)
Published 2009-06-01Get full text
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Between commodification and lifestyle politics: does Silvio Berlusconi provide a new model of politics for the twenty-first century?
Published 2011“…Is Silvio Berlusconi an Italian anomaly? That’s what conventional wisdom suggests. …”
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“La discesa in campo”. Irrupción de Berlusconi en la escena política italiana
Published 2015-04-01Subjects: “…Silvio Berlusconi…”
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Narratives, values and voters: a case study in Italy
Published 2016-01-01“…Ici, l'accent sera mis sur les électeurs du parti de centre-droit Forza Italia - dont le chef est Silvio Berlusconi - puisque les entretiens avec les électeurs de l'aile de centre-gauche sont actuellement encore en train d'être recueillis.The aim of this paper is to present the first outcomes of an ongoing interdisciplinary research aimed at understanding which values support the different types of political vote in Italy.Here the focus will be on the voters of the centre-right party Forza Italia - the leader of which is Silvio Berlusconi - as the interviews with the electors of centre-left wing are currently still being collected.…”
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Politica come intrattenimento. Un’analisi della “messa in scena” politica di Fernando Collor de Mello
Published 2014-07-01“…Dopo gli anni 1980, la comunicazione politica delle e dei politici è diventata sempre più ibrida, mescolando intrattenimento e rappresentazione politica. Politici come Silvio Berlusconi, Beppe Grillo, ma anche Barack Obama pongono il proprio corpo al centro della rappresentazione mediatica, utilizzandolo non solo come canale di comunicazione, ma anche come fonte di intrattenimento. …”
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Published 2017-08-01“…O presente artigo busca delinear os impactos políticos e conseqüências internacionais e regionais da ascensão de Silvio Berlusconi ao cargo de primeiro-ministro italiano.…”
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Movimento Sociale Italiano, Alleanza Nazionale, Popolo delle Libertà: do neofascismo ao pós-fascismo em Itália Italian Social Movement, National Alliance, People of Freedom: from n...
Published 2011-10-01“…Os objectos de análise são o Movimento Sociale Italiano (1946-1995), o seu sucessor Alleanza Nazionale (1995-2009) e as suas derradeiras estratégias originadas pela fusão com o partido de Silvio Berlusconi (2009). A descrição do percurso histórico do partido é acompanhada pela análise das modificações da sua cultura política. …”
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The Italian premiership after Berlusconi: A limited legacy
Published 2022-10-01“… The fall of Silvio Berlusconi’s last government in 2011 and the financial crisis and drastic measures implemented by Mario Monti’s technical government anticipated a real electoral earthquake in 2013. …”
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The Italian premiership after Berlusconi: A limited legacy
Published 2022-08-01“… The fall of Silvio Berlusconi’s last government in 2011 and the financial crisis and drastic measures implemented by Mario Monti’s technical government anticipated a real electoral earthquake in 2013. …”
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How a Futile Constitutional Challenge Could Save Berlusconi’s Career
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Venticinque chili di bellezza: Berlusconi e il libro emblema del
Published 2010-01-01“…During the G8 meeting in L'Aquila in July 2009, the Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi gifted the leaders with <I>L’invenzione della bellezza</I> (The invention of beauty), a ‘monstre’ book published by Marilena Ferrari-FMR. …”
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Wie eine aussichtslose Verfassungsklage Berlusconi die Karriere retten könnte
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L’innovazione conservatrice. Fininvest, Milan club e Forza Italia
Published 1995-12-01“…By this point of view, Milan football club’s symbolic representation and its organizational structuring, since its recruitment in Silvio Berlusconi’s multimedial empire till the electoral hearthquake of March 1994, are investigated as an unusual political archetype and as a paradigm for a new Party model.…”
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Resentment, Populism and Political Strategies in Italy
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Modificazioni del linguaggio politico italiano degli ultimi venti anni
Published 2015-11-01“…Tali modificazioni sono dovute, naturalmente, a più fattori ma, è fuori dubbio, il ruolo giocato da Silvio Berlusconi e dai mass-media. Inoltre, la crisi finanziaria dalla quale l’Europa meridionale non è ancora uscita e il terrorismo internazionale hanno contribuito assai fortemente.…”
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Das neue italienische Wahlrecht: immer noch verfassungsrechtlich fragwürdig?
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