Influence Of Material Properties On The Aperture Filling During Stencil Printing Process
Published 2018“…Stencil printing offers good consistency of soldering performance as well as produce larger process output at short time that make it one of the best option for high volume application in Surface Mount Technology (SMT). However, the soldering method also contributes to major percentage of soldering defect compared to other methods which is necessary to be addressed through research and development. …”
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Monograph -
Optimization Of Solder Paste Printing Parameters Using Design Of Experiments (DOE)
Published 2005“…The Solder Paste Printing Process Is An Important Process In The Assembly Of Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Devices Using The Reflow Soldering Technique. …”
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Fractionation and charaterization of rambutan seed fats (Nephelium Lappaceum L.) and their potential applications as cocoa butter improver
Published 2020“…The high-melting symmetrical monounsaturated triacylglycerols (Hm-SMT) of FrS which is the sum of SOS (3.82%) and POS (1.19%) were also found to be higher than first solid fraction (F1-S). …”
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Thesis -
Modified Neh Heuristic On Makespan Reduction In Permutation Flow Shop Problems
Published 2015“…In each case study, the company involved was provided with a surface mounting technology (SMT) service. It has the capability of planning schedules by adopting the backward scheduling technique. …”
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Influence Of Squeegee Impact On Stencil Printing Process- CFD Approach
Published 2017“…Stencil printing offers good consistency of soldering performance as well as produce larger process output at short time that make it one of the best option for high volume application in Surface Mount Technology (SMT). However, the soldering method also contributes to major percentage of soldering defect compared to other methods which is necessary to be addressed through research and development. …”
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Monograph -
Sikap Guru Dan Pelajar Terhadap Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris Dalam Matapelajaran Teknikal Di Sekolah Menengah Teknik
Published 2010“…Ini memainkan peranan penting supaya pelajar dan guru lebih bermotivasi terhadap penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dalam mata pelajaran teknikal di Sekolah Menengah Teknik (SMT). …”
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Karnival Pendidikan Sains & Teknologi Dan Program Science On Wheels Pulau Pinang 2013
Published 2013“…Pada tahun ini, Pusat Sains Negara, agensi dibawah naungan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) telah komited untuk bekerjasama dalam menjayakan Program Science On Wheel sepanjang karnival ini selama 3 hari bertempat di SMT Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Jalan Ibbetson, Pulau Pinang. …”
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Amalan kaedah nelaian sistem pentauliahan bagi latihan kemahiran lukisan struktur dan kejuruteraan awam Tahap satu anjuran MLVK
Published 2001“…Tinjauan perlaksanaan program ini difokuskan kepada tiga kumpulan responden iaitu Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO), Sekolah menengah Teknik (SMT) dan juga Institut Kemahiran Mara (IKM) yang mana ianya membabitkan pelatih dan juga pengajar. …”
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Pola personaliti-persekitaran (P-E Fit) dan perbandingan kongruen personaliti persekitaran (EAT) pelajar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai
Published 2004“…Keputusan kajian perbandingan Kongruen Personaliti-Persekitaran (EAT-UTM) setiap kursus dari segi jantina berdasarkan analisis ujian-t yang menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan Kongruen Personaliti - Persekitran (EAT-UTM) di antara pelajar lelaki dengan pelajar perempuan yang mengikuti kursus-kursus SMP-SM Kej (Mekanikal-Pembuatan), SMT-SM Kej (Mekanikal-Aerounatik), SRI-SM Sains (Rekabentuk Industri), SKG-SM Kej (Kimia-Gas), SSB-SM Sains (Biologi Industri), SPG-SM Sains serta Pendidikan (Biologi), SPH-SM Teknologi serta Pendidikan (Kemahiran Hidup), SPJ-SM Teknologi serta Pendidikan (Kej Mekanikal), SPN-SM Sains serta Pendidikan (Sains), SPP-SM Sains dan Komputer serta Pendidikan (Fizik) dan SPT-SM Sains dan Komputer serta Pendidikan (Matematik).Nilai ‘p’ yang diperolehi ialah antara 0.003 hingga 0.04 manakala aras signifikan yang ditetapkan ialah 0.05 (5%). …”
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