Heterodoxia y herejía : la última hoguera de la inquisición española
Published 2009-06-01“…General studies on Spanish Inquisition are abundant in contemporary historiography. …”
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Conflit et dissidence religieuse dans les nouveaux foyers de spiritualité castillans : ermites, recluses et sectes illuministes face au Saint-Office (1510-1563)
Published 2009-06-01“…This article explores the birth and growth of new centres of spirituality, seen as heterodox by the clergy and the Spanish Inquisition, which developed in Castile between the end of the reign of the Catholic Monarchs and the final years of the Council of Trent. …”
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Resenha de: Records of the Trials of the Spanish
Published 1975-06-01“…. — Records of the Trials of the Spanish. Inquisition in Ciudad Real. Vol. I. 1483-1485. …”
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Juan Antonio Olavarrieta / José Joaquín de Clararrosa: friar, doctor, journalist and political agitator
Published 2014-03-01“…Eventually, identity changes and problems with the Spanish Inquisition blurred his legacy, appearing as a histrionic person to the public opinion.…”
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La edición perdida de Wieland en España (ca. 1818)
Published 2019-12-01“…Finally, the publication of this novel in a cultural panorama still influenced by the Spanish Inquisition makes the relevance and importance of this article even higher.…”
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Nicolò Serpetro: politics and hermetism in the Spanish Sicily
Published 2016-10-01“…En 1640, the Spanish Inquisition in Sicily held a trial for sorcery, only recently discovered, against Nicolò Serpetro (1606-1664), an eclectic writer of his century. …”
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Maux de l’âme et mots du corps : témoignages de la captivité aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles
Published 2013-02-01“…This paper will explore three archival and documentary corpora, such as the trials of renegades (former captives who had recanted their faith to become Muslims in Islamic countries) by the Spanish Inquisition, the Redemptorist fathers’ accounts of their purchase of renegades, and the narratives written by those who had been captured, with a view to establish the obviousness of a point that has so far failed to attract scholars’ attention, viz. the massive saturation of such corpora with the presence of the body. …”
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Irreverenter dicta: la oposición a Agustín en los jesuitas españoles (1644)
Published 2011-06-01“…In 1650, the Leuven Faculty of Theology sent to Madrid two doctors in order to prevent the King from publishing in Flanders the Bull In eminenti: they tried by all means to obtain a condamnation of the «Jesuit propositions» by the Spanish Inquisition as well as by the Roman Court. To the history of the Spanish and Roman dealings in this affaire, we add an extensive analysis of the founts and meaning of the propositions. …”
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Synkretistische Fiktion als Gegengeschichtsschreibung
Published 1993-08-01“…De Mier's rediscovery of a - basically culturally and religiously motivated - autochthonous history of the Latin-American continent - which originally met with the fiercest opposition from the Spanish inquisition - on the other hand acquired an unbelievably explosive political moment and grew into one of the fundamental legitimizations of the Mexican independence movement.…”
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Name-Changes and Everyday Self-Fashioning in the Toledo Inquisition, 1575–1610
Published 2016-07-01“… This article surveys more than a thousand relaciones de causa (summaries of cases) from the Toledo tribunal of the Spanish Inquisition to examine the uses of names in early modern Iberia. …”
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Étude du pamphlet luthérien du prêtre-imprimeur Sebastián Martínez. Texte et contexte d’un écrit hérétique (Tolède, septembre 1559)
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Fernando de Rojas' <i>La Celestina</i> in Mexico in the 16th and 17th centuries
Published 2021-01-01“…Among the most significant findings are censorship's mechanisms of this work that predate its appearance in the lists of prohibited books by the Spanish Inquisition. On the other hand, possible documentary references appeared to a non-conserved edition of La Celestina in 1631 that had been mentioned by the experts previously. …”
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Two Councils by A.N. Maykov in F.M. Dostoevsky’s Novel The Brothers Karamazov
Published 2021-12-01“…The Legend of the Spanish Inquisition, Sentence. The Legend of the Constance Council and The Legend of the Clermont Council. …”
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La reforma universitaria de Olavide
Published 2009-11-01“…Honest executor of the reforms of king Charles the Third, as Andalucia’s Intendet and Seville’s Governor, suffered persecution by the Spanish Inquisition in order to strong-arm policy, particulary on account of academic reform of the University of Seville, that he try, without success, to remove from the ecclesiastic influence.…”
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Los gitanos condenados como galeotes en la España de los Austrias
Published 2005-01-01“…</p><p>Spanish gypsies were condemned to the royal galleys as well as others prosecuted by Spanish Inquisition or by civil justice. However, though sentences were pronounced against them very often, not many were condemned, and very few suffered actually this penalty.…”
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La reforma universitaria de Olavide
Published 2009-11-01“…Honest executor of the reforms of king Charles the Third, as Andalucia’s Intendet and Seville’s Governor, suffered persecution by the Spanish Inquisition in order to strong-arm policy, particulary on account of academic reform of the University of Seville, that he try, without success, to remove from the ecclesiastic influence.…”
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“¿Qué se te perdió en Cuba?” La doppia diaspora della comunità ebreo-cubana nelle pagine di Ruth Behar e Achy Obejas
Published 2014-04-01“…Some Cubans trace Jewish ancestry to Marranos who fled the Spanish Inquisition, though few of these practice Judaism today. …”
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Le Saint-Office face au tribunal de l’opinion. Controverse et réforme de la justice inquisitoriale en Castille au temps de la congrégation de Burgos (1508)
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Title not available
Published 2007-01-01“…In this essay I propose to analyse the ‘myth' of Pablo Olavide as martyr of the Spanish Inquisition during the 18th century. By establishing the context in which this historical and literary ‘myth' emerges, I would like, in the first place, to explore the Spanish ‘leyenda negra' and the travelers' records which build up the central european view of Spain during the Enlightment. …”
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La crítica sexual anticlerical en el Apókopos de Bergadís: la sollicitatio durante la confesión Anticlerical sexual criticism in Bergadís' Apokopos: the Sollicitatio during confess...
Published 2010-01-01“…To do this, I rely mainly on the scholarly studies in the preserved documents in the prosecutions of these offences by the Tribunal of the Spanish Inquisition during the 17* and 18* centuries, considering that solicitation seems to have been an inherited and endemic behaviour since medieval times.…”
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