Broadband THz Sources from Gases to Liquids
Published 2021-01-01“…Three of the four states of matter (solid, gas, and plasma) have been used for THz wave generation with short laser pulse excitation for decades, including the recent vigorous development of THz photonics in gases (air plasma). …”
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The chiral biquadratic pair interaction
Published 2019-01-01“…Magnetic interactions underpin a plethora of magnetic states of matter, hence playing a central role both in fundamental physics and for future spintronic and quantum computation devices. …”
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Construction of the State and the Risks of Its Destruction
Published 1997-09-01“…Though the Mediterranean represents a place where antinomies exist between the economies of the North and South, the policies of Europe and the United States, and matters belonging to civilisation - Islam, Judaism, the Christian world and the modernist secular tradition, the intrusion of the great systems of world power via the globalising economy causes ruptures in localsocieties and leads to the weakening of the states. …”
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Finite Correlation Length Scaling in Lorentz-Invariant Gapless iPEPS Wave Functions
Published 2018-07-01“…It is an open question how well tensor network states in the form of an infinite projected entangled-pair states (iPEPS) tensor network can approximate gapless quantum states of matter. Here we address this issue for two different physical scenarios: (i) a conformally invariant (2+1)d quantum critical point in the incarnation of the transverse-field Ising model on the square lattice and (ii) spontaneously broken continuous symmetries with gapless Goldstone modes exemplified by the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg and XY models on the square lattice. …”
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Topological Electronic Structure and Intrinsic Magnetization in MnBi_{4}Te_{7}: A Bi_{2}Te_{3} Derivative with a Periodic Mn Sublattice
Published 2019-12-01“…Our results establish MnBi_{4}Te_{7} as the first band-inverted compound with intrinsic net magnetization providing a versatile platform for the realization of magnetic topological states of matter.…”
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Exotic symmetry breaking properties of self-dual fracton spin models
Published 2024-03-01“…Fracton codes host unconventional topological states of matter and are promising for fault-tolerant quantum computation due to their large coding space and strong resilience against decoherence and noise. …”
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Driving protocol for a Floquet topological phase without static counterpart
Published 2017-01-01“…In these ultracold atomic systems, driving is used to create a variety of interesting behaviours, of which an important example is provided by topological states of matter. Such Floquet topological phases have a richer classification than their equilibrium counterparts. …”
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Multi-critical topological transition at quantum criticality
Published 2021-01-01“…Abstract The investigation and characterization of topological quantum phase transition between gapless phases is one of the recent interest of research in topological states of matter. We consider transverse field Ising model with three spin interaction in one dimension and observe a topological transition between gapless phases on one of the critical lines of this model. …”
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Generating synthetic magnetism via Floquet engineering auxiliary qubits in phonon-cavity-based lattice
Published 2020-01-01“…Last, we demonstrate that our proposal can be scaled to simulate topological states of matter in quantum acoustodynamics system.…”
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Sublimation temperature sensor for temperature locale
Published 2021-11-01“…As the temperature increases, the material will sublimate (i.e., a process of having both the solid and gaseous states of matter simultaneously present) and will begin to fill the void—moving outward in both directions toward the ends of the tube. …”
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Terahertz linear/non-linear anomalous Hall conductivity of moiré TMD hetero-nanoribbons as topological valleytronics materials
Published 2024-01-01“…Abstract Twisted moiré van der Waals heterostructures hold promise to provide a robust quantum simulation platform for strongly correlated materials and realize elusive states of matter such as topological states in the laboratory. …”
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Published 2023-06-01“…The relevance of the issue studied in the article lies in the fact that the achievement of food security in the territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (hereinafter also AZRF), to which there is no year-round access by land transport, is a challenge for the state in matters of ensuring national security. One of the ways to achieve food security in the Russian Arctic is the northern delivery. …”
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Generalized Modular Transformations in (3+1)D Topologically Ordered Phases and Triple Linking Invariant of Loop Braiding
Published 2014-09-01“…In topologically ordered quantum states of matter in (2+1)D (spacetime dimensions), the braiding statistics of anyonic quasiparticle excitations is a fundamental characterizing property that is directly related to global transformations of the ground-state wave functions on a torus (the modular transformations). …”
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On holographic entanglement density
Published 2017-10-01“…Using the deformed CFTs above, we show how the ED’s dependence on the strip width or sphere radius, L, is useful for characterizing states of matter. For example, the ED’s small-L behavior is determined either by the dimension of the perturbing operator or by the first law of EE. …”
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Superconducting order parameter of the nodal-line semimetal NaAlSi
Published 2019-12-01“…Nodal-line semimetals are topologically nontrivial states of matter featuring band crossings along a closed curve, i.e., nodal-line, in momentum space. …”
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Cubic Hall viscosity in three-dimensional topological semimetals
Published 2021-09-01“…The nondissipative (Hall) viscosity is known to play an interesting role in two-dimensional (2D) topological states of matter, in the hydrodynamic regime of correlated materials, and in classical active fluids with broken time-reversal symmetry (TRS). …”
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Attosecond pulse metrology
Published 2019-08-01“…The long-standing scientific quest of real-time tracing electronic motion and dynamics in all states of matter has been remarkably benefited by the development of intense laser-based pulsed sources with a temporal resolution in the attosecond [1 attosecond = 10−18 s] time scale. …”
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Machine learning discovery of new phases in programmable quantum simulator snapshots
Published 2023-01-01“…These observations demonstrate that a combination of programmable quantum simulators with machine learning can be used as a powerful tool for detailed exploration of correlated quantum states of matter.…”
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Topological Insulator-to-Weyl Semimetal Transition in Strongly Correlated Actinide System UNiSn
Published 2019-12-01“…Although strong electronic correlations are known to be responsible for some highly unusual behaviors of solids such as metal-insulator transitions, magnetism, and even high-temperature superconductivity, their interplay with recently discovered topological states of matter awaits a full exploration. Here, we use a modern electronic structure method, combining the density functional theory of band electrons with dynamical self-energies of strongly correlated states, to predict that two well-known phases of actinide compound UNiSn, a paramagnetic semiconducting and antiferromagnetic metallic, correspond to topological insulator (TI) and Weyl semimetal (WSM) phases of topological quantum matter. …”
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Exotic atoms at extremely high magnetic fields: the case of neutron star atmosphere
Published 2018-01-01“…The presence of exotic states of matter in neutron stars (NSs) is currently an open issue in physics. …”
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