A Stranger in My Own Land: Can a Sojourner Belong to the Household?
Published 2023-07-01Get full text
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Arlie Russell Hochschild: Strangers in Their Own Land. Anger and Mourning on the American Right
Published 2017-01-01Get full text
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« [M]y first experience at the boarding school » : Témoignages d’élèves amérindiens en Amérique du Nord anglophone
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Grievance Politics: An Empirical Analysis of Anger Through the Emotional Mechanism of Ressentiment
Published 2022-12-01“…Our empirical probe uses qualitative and quantitative analysis of 164 excerpts from interviews with US “angry citizens” from the following works: Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right (2016) by Arlie Russell Hochschild, Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era (2017) by Michael Kimmel, and Stiffed: The Roots of Modern Male Rage (2019) by Susan Faludi. …”
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Investigando a la extrema derecha: desmitificaciones, nuevas tendencias, y oportunidades académicas
Published 2021-12-01“…Ashe, Joel Busher, Graham Macklin y Aaron Winter, y Strangers in Their Own Land, de Arlie Russell Hochschild. A través de esta reseña, se destacan los hallazgos, conclusiones y limitaciones que se han encontrado a la hora de estudiar a la extrema derecha y el potencial que existe al adentrarse a este lado de la sociedad que a veces se evita en la academia.…”
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The potential of disability experience for heritage.
Published 2023-12-01“…Disabled people, referred to as ‘the other’ and ‘strangers in their own land’, similar to people with different ethnicities, cultures and genders, have been subject to discrimination. …”
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Understanding and Overcoming Empathy Walls: The First Steps Toward Civic Conversation
Published 2022-07-01“…As part of a class, students read, discussed, and wrote about the book Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Hochschild. …”
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Published 2015-04-01“…The imaginary collective transits through the conflict between the lack of identity and identity itself, and progress would be an equivalente of the whitening, and the complex world of Social Relations would be articulated through the fragmentation of a space peopled by strangers in their own land, unified only by symbols and military imagery.…”
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Hélgio Trindade’s Integralismo forty years later: a critique of its reception
Published 2014-12-01“…Thus, it seeks to show that one of the consequences of the “fascist thesis” uncritical reception has not only obstructed more detailed analysis capable of capturing the multiple aspects of the integralist movement, but also made it a stranger in its own land by ignoring, for example, the deep relations between AIB and the Brazilian intellectual context, which was crucial for its political and cultural project’ development and for guiding its practices and actions. …”
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