Definition, expansion and screening of architectures for planetary exploration class nuclear electric propulsion and power systems
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Thesis -
Clockspeed boundary modularity : a novel approach to architect digital cinema system
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Managing the proliferation of digital technologies in the automotive industry : a systems engineering approach to embedded software
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Customer/supplier relationship in innovative system development in the automotive industry
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Incentive structures for electric power transmission investment in a deregulated environment
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Automotive telematics : colliding clockspeeds and product architecture strategy
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Integrating six-sigma methods and lean principles to reduce variation and waste in delivery performance to the customer (production system)
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Testing in NASA human-rated spacecraft programs : how much is just enough?
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Business model and system architecture integration for development of new product features
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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A framework for staffing strategy decision-making in projects involving complex system architectures
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Thesis -
An optimized product development process for aircraft gas turbine engines
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Improving gas turbine engine control system component optimization by delaying decisions
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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System architecture selection in a multi-disciplinary system design optimization framework
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Thesis -
Jidoka for product development of electronic modules for automotive applications
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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The organization as a system : structure, process, and human capital considerations in aerospace R&T
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Thesis -
Spacewalk Inc. : a business plan for commercial human space flight training for extravehicular activities
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Thesis -
Modeling & developing a commonality strategy in the automotive industry
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Thesis -
An assessment of new broadband wireless technologies and their impact on adoption strategies for the dominant providers
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Evolvable system architecture : design issues of learning systems
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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Analysis of engineering knowledge management in Latin American military organizations : a case study
Published 2014Subjects: “…System Design and Management Program.…”
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