Some problems with the very idea of otherness
Published 2011“…The article uses a reading of Eliot's Middlemarch and a discussion of Levinas and Heidegger to challenge two aspects of the approach to literary texts proposed by Toril Moi. …”
Journal article -
Iron times and golden ages: nostalgia and the Mid-Victorian historical novel
Published 2014“…Chapter 3 takes George Eliot’s <em>Romola</em>, frequently criticised both by contemporary commentators and subsequent critics for being too full of minutely researched objects, as a illustrative example of how things can become ‘memorative signs’ around which to build a narrative. …”
Thesis -
Icons of photography : the 20th century /
Published 1999“…. -- Gordon Parks -- Irving Penn -- Walter Peterhans -- Eliot Porter -- Man Ray -- Albert Renger-Patzsch -- Alexander Rodchenko -- Thomas Ruff -- Sebastiô Salgado -- Erich Salomon -- August Sander -- David Seymour -- Cindy Sherman -- Malick Sidib -̌- W. …”
Poetry for Students. Presenting Analysis, Context and Criticism on Commonly Studied Poetry /
Published 1998Get full text
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El Quijote filantrópico victoriano: Donna Quixote, de Justin McCarthy
Published 2012-12-01“…Para ello la sitúa, en primer lugar, dentro de la concepción del quijotismo distintiva de la época victoriana y, en segundo lugar, dentro de la tradición previa de quijotes femeninos, en particular como respuesta a Middlemarch, de George Eliot. A continuación, el texto estudia la originalidad de la novela dentro de la tradición quijotesca inglesa, que procede de la forma en que relaciona quijotismo tanto con filantropía como con feminismo, a través no solo de la protagonista sino de otras figuras quijotescas secundarias, y muestra la posición conservadora de su autor dentro del debate sobre los derechos de la mujer conocido como woman question. …”
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Passive Voice Transformation
Published 2019-07-01“…The comparison is supported by the following English novels and their translated versions in Albanian such as: “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens and translated by Skënder Luarasi and “Silas Marner” by George Eliot and translated by Ramazan Hysa, where similar as well as different features have been found.…”
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Exercise of professional autonomy of intensive care nurses in the pandemic scenario
Published 2023-10-01“…The information was produced from October 2020 to January 2021, through semi-structured interviews, using content analysis in thematic modality, guided by Eliot Freidson’s Sociology of Professions. Results: Nursesargued that it was difficult, amidst the pandemic, to act with all the prerogatives assigned to them by their social mandate, for various reasons, such as limited knowledge about the disease, fragile teamwork communication, and scarcity of material and human resources. …”
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What Really Matters for Loneliness Among Left-Behind Children in Rural China: A Meta-Analytic Review
Published 2019-04-01Get full text
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Entre la hoguera y la sabiduría. Escritoras religiosas del mundo hispánico
Published 2006-01-01“…Claro ejemplo de esto son las escritoras George Sand y George Eliot, que tras su seudónimo esconden su ser femenino para participar del mundo literario de la época. …”
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Ecologies of the Imagination: Italo Calvino’s Six ‘Memes’ for the Digital World
Published 2014-12-01“…Nel 1984 Italo Calvino fu invitato dalla Harvard University a tenere le famose Charles Eliot Norton Poetry Lectures. Questo invito diede a Calvino l'ooportunità per definire sei proposte, o six memos come nel sottotitolo del manoscritto originale, esposte come sei qualità, o caratteristiche, sei valori da trasmettere al nuovo millennio in arrivo. …”
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On the Plakobranchidae (Gastropoda, Sacoglossa) from soft sediment habitats of Koh Tao, Gulf of Thailand, with descriptions of two new species
Published 2020-09-01“…By integrating morphological and molecular analyses, the species Plakobranchus noctisstellatus sp. nov. and Elysia aowthai sp. nov. are described and species complexes surrounding Plakobranchus ocellatus van Hasselt, 1824 and Elysia japonica Eliot, 1913 are discussed. The topics of morphological variability and the cryptic species problem are also discussed.…”
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At poetry’s edge
Published 2022-09-01“…Subsequently, it provides a short discussion of sociological approaches to the study of literature in the context of other social phenomena (Pierre Bourdieu, Bruno Latour) and lists a few cases which demonstrate the way literary fame was evidently consciously created by actors and groups in the literary field (Walt Whitman, Thomas Stearns Eliot, Emily Dickinson). In the final sections, the article briefly mentions several similar examples from post-1989 Slovak poetry, addresses the ways in which modern and contemporary poetry crosses various boundaries, and introduces the articles included in this special issue of Slovenská literatúra.…”
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La relación entre poesía e historia en el joven Octavio Paz
Published 2010-11-01“…En 1938, al integrarse como responsable de la revista Taller, Paz contribuyó de manera destacada a mantener una postura independiente y a explorar las complejas relaciones entre la poesía y la historia en el mundo contemporáneo, tema que sería central para la nueva generación de escritores mexicanos. En poetas como T. S. Eliot, Novalis y Rimbaud, Paz encuentra un modelo que le permitirá conciliar “lo eterno con lo efímero” y plantear que la verdadera poesía consiste en la cristalización de un presente absoluto que jamás rehúsa a la fidelidad con su tiempo.…”
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Imaginary Jews and True Confessions: Ethnicity, Lyricism, and John Berryman's Dream Songs
Published 2009-02-01“…Berryman, however, did not want to pass himself off as Jewish; he invented the figure to expose the anti-Semitism of Eliot and Pound. His strategy of impersonating the stereotypical figure of "the Jew" was also in keeping with contemporary theories of prejudice and identity, which followed Sartre and psychoanalysis in understanding Jewishness as a product of morbid projection. …”
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La Westminster Review comme outil de transmission et de démocratisation de culture savante, 1824-1857
Published 2010-06-01“…With her contribution to the Westminster Review ending in 1857 as a result of the start of George Eliot’s career as a novelist, the heyday of the review came to an end. …”
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Antjie Krog en haar literêre moeders: die werking van ’n vroulike tradisie in die Afrikaanse poësie
Published 2018-02-01“…A short survey is done of the different descriptions of the way in which literary tradition functions: the male-centred descriptions of T. S. Eliot and Harold Bloom are mentioned as well as descriptions of the way in which a female literary tradition functions in the work of Virginia Woolf, Elaine Showalter, Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, Margaret Homans, Diane Sadoff and Naomi Hirsch. …”
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Liszt i loš ukus
Published 2018-01-01“…Haydn, sâm Franz Liszt, Charles Rosen, Alfred Brendel, Marquis de Venosta, Stephen Menell, Giulio Mancini, David Hume, T.S. Eliot, Igor Stravinski, François Raguenet, J.L. Lecerf de la Viéville, Francesco Geminiani, Voltaire, D’Alembert, Immanuel Kant, Edmund Burke, Gillo Dorfles, Reynaldo Hahn, Artur Schnabel, Theodor Billroth i neki drugi. …”
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Metadiscourse as a way of achieving persuasion in literary criticism texts
Published 2021“…The data of 72,727 words from 17 texts were written by three well-known authors, namely, T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf and Stanley Fish. Hyland’s (2005) model of interpersonal metadiscourse markers was used to analyze the data. …”
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A symbolic reading of adrienne richs an unsaid word
Published 2016“…The conventions of T.S. Eliot and W.H. Auden influenced the poetics and thought of the younger generation poets. …”
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