Thomas Kling: influences, contemporaries, successors. A study in poetic tradition / Thomas Kling: Einflüsse, Zeitgenossen, Nachfolger. Studie über poetische Tradition
Published 2019“…<p>Using the example of the German poet Thomas Kling (1957-2005), this thesis looks at poetic influence, tradition and the new. With the help of Eliot and Pound, it challenges Bloom’s psychoanalytic, ahistorical model of influence by suggesting instead a positive and active relation between the poet, his/her literary predecessors and contemporaries, and considering the process of reception in the historical context. …”
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Comparative-critical study of the definition of "tradition" and "innovation" in literary criticism of Iran and the world
Published 2022-02-01“…Among the Iranian writers, Taghi Poornamdairan, and among the Westerns, Eliot and Gadamer affirm this definition of tradition. …”
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Crimes et châtiments dans le monde de la finance pendant les années Bush
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Avatars of Latin Schooling: Recycling Memories of Latin Classes in Western Poetry: Five Paradigmatic Cases
Published 2019-06-01“…Finally, our modern and postmodern era, characterized by an ambivalent attitude to the classical heritage, is represented by the Anglo-American poet T.S. Eliot (1888–1965) and his Swedish successor Hjalmar Gullberg (1898–1961), both of whom remembered their Latin classes in their mature poetry, marked by irony, distance and, probably, nostalgia.…”
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The Importance of Art/Poetry and Philosophy in Educational Leadership, Well-being and Engagement of STEM Subjects
Published 2021-01-01“…This review will describe how art and poetry (in particular Eliot); diverse literatures, creative oral and written communication might be used as tools. …”
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Journey of American Building Physics: Steps Leading to the Current Scientific Revolution
Published 2020-02-01“…This is an overview of a Key Note lecture; the quote for this lecture is from T.S. Eliot: “We must not cease from exploration and at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive, where we began, and, to know the place for the first time”. …”
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Echoes of the Infernal Machine: 1940s French and English Literature of Resistance and Collaboration as a Revolution in the Mythic Imagination
Published 2019-12-01“…Both invent a system of symbolic imagery modelled on the Surrealist template in Jean Cocteau's The Infernal Machine, that turns the classical mythic device still prevalent in the early 20th century (i.e. in Joyce or Eliot) upside down. The revolution in Mythic Imagination follows the Structuralist Revolution initiated by Durkheim, Saussure and Bachelard, evacuating fixed ontological architecture to portray relational interdependency without essence. …”
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O drama do poeta
Published 2015-06-01“…Ou seja, algumas das questões propostas originalmente por Dante talvez continuassem a interrogar os modernistas brasileiros – como, de resto, interpelavam, à mesma época, escritores de outras paisagens, como Eliot e Mandelstam. Busca-se aqui, por meio de um exame da reproposição de figuras dantescas na peça A morta, de 1937, avaliar a relevância do autor florentino para a constituição da ideia oswaldiana de Antropofagia (repensada aqui como uma teoria da poesia).…”
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الظاهراتية وتأثيرها على أداء الممثل في عروض المسرح العراقي Phenomenology and its impact on the performance of the actor in the Iraqi theater performances...
Published 2014-06-01“…Features and Son), alerted to the importance of addressing T.. Q. Eliot's poem, which is also considered poetry and not something else, because they form self-sufficient and therefore work is literary independently of each independence from the writer of this should be considered a literary work as an independent entity on the directives of the writer and affiliations, social, religious, and the effects of the psychological and moral to it. …”
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‘Pawn! Sufficiently Holy But Unmeasurably Politic’: The Pawns Plot in Middleton’s <em>A Game at Chess</em>
Published 2019-03-01“…Middleton, considered by T.S. Eliot second only to Shakespeare, never wrote again. …”
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Imaginary Jews and True Confessions: Ethnicity, Lyricism, and John Berryman's <em>Dream Songs</em>
Published 2009-02-01“…Berryman, however, did not want to pass himself off as Jewish; he invented the figure to expose the anti-Semitism of Eliot and Pound. His strategy of impersonating the stereotypical figure of "the Jew" was also in keeping with contemporary theories of prejudice and identity, which followed Sartre and psychoanalysis in understanding Jewishness as a product of morbid projection. …”
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La historia es de los poetas: Tradición y crítica en algunas voces del 27
Published 2009-09-01“…En el artículo se contrastan los escritos de algunos de los poetas representativos del 27 en su faceta menos estudiada: la de críticos de poesía española contemporánea, relacionándolos entre sí y destacando la relevancia del modelo propugnado por T. S. Eliot. El ensayo literario de Pedro Salinas, Max Aub y Luis Cernuda se sitúa dentro del proceso 'en construcción' de la historia de la lírica de la modernidad que desarrollaron desde el exilio, coincidiendo o divergiendo en su concepción de aspectos como la tradición, el papel y la función de la crítica, la definición del canon, y, fundamentalmente, la idoneidad de un modelo u otro de análisis literario. …”
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Trollope, Liberalism and Scripture
Published 2007-12-01“…Anglican convaincu, Trollope ne devait toutefois jamais perdre la foi, contrairement à certains de ses amis libres penseurs tels que George Eliot ou G. H. Lewes.…”
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Paul Muldoon em tradução
Published 2020-03-01“…Já foi premiado com o T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry por The Annals of Chile (1994) e o Pulitzer Prize for Poetry por Moy Sand and Gravel (2002). …”
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Published 2015-01-01“…Se apoya teóricamente en las ideas de Eliot Freidson y en la Historia Nueva. Como metodología se utiliza la historia oral temática y la investigación documental con la participación de ocho enfermeras(os) que formaron parte del órgano representativo durante el corte temporal establecido. …”
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The work of revision
Published 2013“…Closely examining changes made in manuscripts, typescripts, and proofs by T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and others, she shows how modernist approaches to rewriting shaped literary style, and how the impulse to touch up, alter, and correct can sometimes go too far. …”
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Developing the National Modernist Pattern: Three Plays by Igor Kostetsky
Published 2018-12-01“…Anthony’s legend, Doppelganger motif in Gogol and Shevchenko, Dostoevsky and Andrey Bely, mystery component in Lorca and T.S. Eliot. Plays and the main prosaic works by Kostetsky as well as his literary heritage as a whole represent the connecting link between Ukrainian Modernism of the 1920s (“Executed Renaissance”) on the one hand and modernist and post-modernist trends in modern Ukrainian literature on the other, being a significant stage in the development of the national modernist pattern.…”
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Uma releitura de "The Waste Land" sob o viés do Materialismo Lacaniano
Published 2019-02-01“…Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre alguns aspectos do poema The Waste Land (1922), de T.S. Eliot, repensando o movimento do poema de equiparação da modernidade a uma dimensão fantasmagórica e irreal, da qual seria possível escapar ao se atingir uma esfera incorruptível do ser. …”
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