Mahathir predicts election not long from now
Published 2012“…Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday he feels that the 13th general election will be held soon as the situation "look good" for the ruling coalition.…”
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Newspaper -
A legal study on the effectiveness of the Election Offences Act 1954 ('ACT 5') To regulate election expenses in Malaysia / Mohd Azmi Kassim
Published 2017Subjects: “…Elections. Electoral systems. Voting…”
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Thesis -
Campus election runs smoothly, concurrently in Gambang & Pekan
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Bulletin -
MPP UMP election successfully implemented in new norm
Published 2021“…PEKAN, 15 January 2021 - The Student Representative Council Election (PMPP), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) was successfully implemented in a new norm when the country was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.…”
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Newspaper -
Properties of link reversal algorithms for routing and leader election
Published 2013Get full text
Thesis -
American Elections: A Critical Moment for Research and Reform
Published 2015Subjects: Get full text
Working Paper -
On Auditing Elections When Precincts Have Different Sizes
Published 2015Subjects: “…Auditing elections…”
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Working Paper -
Policy-based abstention in Brazil's 2002 presidential election
Published 2015“…This paper implements a unified model of individual abstention and vote choice to analyze policy-based alienation and indifference in Brazil’s 2002 presidential election. The results indicate that both alienation and indifference depressed turnout, with indifference contributing slightly more to voter abstention. …”
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Working Paper -
Lessons from the 2012 Election Administration and Voting Survey
Published 2015“…Since our country’s inception, collecting appropriate data on elections and the administration of elections has been somewhat problematic, due to the fact that multiple levels of government are involved in running elections in the U.S. and because of difficulties in obtaining comparable information from the different states and localities. …”
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Working Paper -
Is There Racial Discrimination at the Polls? Voters' Experience in the 2008 Election
Published 2015“…This paper examines the experiences of voters expressed in two surveys, the 2008 Cooperative Congressional Election Survey and a 2008 survey conducted by the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project with support of the Pew Foundation. …”
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Working Paper -
Voter Attitudes Toward Poll Workers in the 2008 Election
Published 2015“…At a conference on election reform held by the National Academies of Science in 2004, Indiana’s Secretary of State, Todd Rokita, referred to poll workers as “the street level lawyers” of elections. …”
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Working Paper -
Malaysia's mother of all elections : a turning point?
Published 2013“…This Malaysian general elections will be the most critical battle for power between the ruling coalition and the opposition. …”
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Commentary -
Pakistan's 2013 elections : a milestone, but fragile democracy
Published 2013“…The May 2013 election is going to be a milestone in Pakistan's political and consitutional history. …”
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Commentary -
Malaysia's GE13 : a cliff-hanger election
Published 2014“…There is no doubt that Malaysia's 13th general election will be a cliff-hanger. It is a battle for survival by two leaders, who despite their bitter rivalry, are actually cut from the same cloth.…”
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Commentary -
Simultaneous election in 2019 : strong parliament, weak presidency?
Published 2014“…Separate elections remain constitutional and valid for the upcoming elections this year. …”
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Commentary -
Indonesia's post-election foreign policy : new directions?
Published 2014“…What trajectory will Indonesia’s foreign policy take after the 9 July presidential election?…”
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Commentary -
Indonesian's disputed 2014 presidential elections : what next?
Published 2014“…Rival presidential candidates Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto have both claimed victory in Indonesia's recently concluded presidential election. While the standoff is unprecedented in Indonesia and created uncertainly, the issue can be settled by the responsible electoral institutions. …”
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