Anti-DAP pledge will turn voters against Pakatan
Published 2017“…KUALA LUMPUR: Pas's vow to prevent DAP and its allies from winning the upcoming 14th General Election will persuade Malay voters, especially those who support Pas, against supporting Pakatan Harapan. …”
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Newspaper -
Implementing Asynchronous Distributed Systems Using the IOA Toolkit
Published 2005“…In order to test the toolkit, several distributed algorithms were implemented, rangingfrom simple algorithms such as LCR leader election in a ring network to more complex algorithmssuch as the GHS algorithm for computing the minimum spanning tree in an arbitrary graph. …”
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Partial Reversal Acyclicity
Published 2011“…These properties of PR make it useful in routing protocols and algorithms for solving leader election and mutual exclusion. While proofs exist to establish the acyclicity property of PR, they rely on assigning labels to either the nodes or the edges in the graph. …”
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Mobilizing Pasadena Democrats: Measuring the Effects of Partisan Campaign Contacts
Published 2015“…In contrast to the majority of the field experiments found in the contemporary get-out-the-vote literature, this paper studies the actual behavior of a campaign within a particular election as opposed to studying particular mobilization tactics. …”
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Working Paper -
The American Internet Voter
Published 2015“…We then consider whether the patterns of use for this technology appear different in the November 2008 General Election cycle. We focus our concerns in the context of increasing polarization of both some fraction of the American electorate and the policy platforms of elected officials.…”
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Working Paper -
New Zealand's new government: soft power a casualty of coalition politics?
Published 2024“…In the New Zealand general election of October 2020, the centre-left Labour Party won an absolute majority. …”
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Commentary -
Internet and its role in Singapore's changing political landscape.
Published 2013“…However, with the recent turnaround of events in the 2011 General Election (GE) and the continuing change in political tide, the question of why did the political tide in Singapore turn surfaces. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Policy evaluation : an analysis of the pioneer generation package and its impact on political participation
Published 2017“…Meant to help defray increasing healthcare expenses as well as to honor the contributions of the pioneers in early nation-building years, this policy has caused sentiments about it to be split. Some called it an election tool of the incumbent party, intended to draw more votes. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Upgrades for votes : strategic use of public housing improvement programme in Singapore
Published 2018“…We also find that this effect considerably weakens after the 2006 election, possibly in response to concerns that the upgrade programmes were being used for strategically.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Post-truth, information and emotion
Published 2016“…Associated in particular with the Brexit referendum campaign and with the recent US presidential election, the post truth political discourse is perhaps best exemplified by Michael Gove’s claim on Sky news that “people in this country have had enough of experts” (Gove, 2016). …”
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Article -
The anatomy of impatience: exploring factors behind 2020 labor unrest in Belarus
Published 2021“…The wave of labor unrest that accompanied Belarusian post-election protests had no precedents in the country's independent history or recent post-Soviet political protest mobilizations. …”
Journal article -
Introducing COMEPELDA: comprehensive European Parliament electoral data covering rules, parties and candidates
Published 2021“…We introduce a new collection of data that consolidates information on European Parliament elections into one comprehensive source. It provides information on formal electoral rules as well as national-level and district-level election results for parties and individual politicians (including full candidate lists). …”
Journal article -
Losers’ consent and emotions in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum
Published 2023“…This is examined in the context of the 2016 Brexit referendum, as well as the 2019 UK general election, using original survey data and an experiment in which specific emotional responses (anger and happiness) are induced to test the causal effect of emotions. …”
Journal article -
Condorcet winning sets
Published 2015“…An alternative is said to be a Condorcet winner of an election if it is preferred to any other alternative by a majority of voters. …”
Journal article -
Black candidates facing white electorates
Published 2014“…<p>It has long been assumed that when African American candidates compete in majority-white election environments, they adopt a 'deracilaised' campaign model that discards their racial identity in order to win white support. …”
Thesis -
Local economies, local wealth, and economic perceptions
Published 2022“…Drawing upon data from the British Election Survey and local authority level economic indicators, we show that negative subjective perceptions strongly predict support for Brexit, disapproval of the government, and demand for redistribution.…”
Working paper -
Community structure in the United States House of Representatives
Published 2007“…We identify structural changes, including additional hierarchical levels and higher modularity, resulting from the 1994 election, in which the Republican party earned majority status in the House for the first time in more than 40 years. …”
Journal article -
An index of assembly dissolution powers
Published 2016“…It conditions the timing of elections, influences electoral accountability, and shapes how politicians bargain about government formation, termination, and policy. …”
Journal article -
Voter reactions to incumbent opportunism
Published 2018“…We combine four original surveys with embedded experiments and focus on a common form of opportunism in parliamentary systems—opportunistic election timing to favorable economic conditions. We find that opportunism negatively affects support for the incumbent because it engenders voter concern about the incumbent’s future performance and raises significant concerns about procedural fairness. …”
Journal article -
Candidate ethnicity and vote choice in Britain
Published 2015“…This article develops and tests a set of theoretical mechanisms by which candidate ethnicity may have affected the party vote choice of both white British and ethnic minority voters in the 2010 British general election. Ethnic minority candidates suffered an average electoral penalty of about 4 per cent of the three-party vote from whites, mostly because those with anti-immigrant feelings were less willing to vote for Muslims. …”
Journal article