Measuring the Improvement (Or Lack of Improvement) in Voting Since 2000 in the U.S.
Published 2015“…In thinking about how to improve data gathering about the election system, we first need to specify four principles guiding data gathering (uniformity, transparency, expedition, and multiple sources) and three major obstacles (federalism, state and local officials, and disputes over the purpose of elections). …”
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Working Paper -
The Effect of Voter Identification Laws on Turnout
Published 2015“…In this paper we document the effect of voter identification requirements on registered voters as they were imposed in states in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, and in the 2002 and 2006 midterm elections. …”
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Working Paper -
In Line or Online? American Voter Registration in the Digital Era
Published 2015“…Online voter registration is one of the most recent efforts to stimulate turnout in American elections. Within the past decade, an increasing number of states have begun to allow their residents to register as voters electronically. …”
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Working Paper -
Inequality in the distribution of income in Singapore : a theil decomposition analysis
Published 2012“…As social tension begins to surface, which is evident from the watershed General Election in 2011, it is essential to discover the subgroups of population that are most affected by income inequality so as to allow effective policymaking to address this predicament. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Equality and inequality in Confucianism
Published 2013“…The first is the inclusive principle of general election by citizenry, and the second is the exclusive principle of qualification for public offices.…”
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Journal Article -
Published 2013“…Through the exploration of political structure and history of United States, the research findings hoe AIPAC having chance to shape American foreign policy like Iraq invasion 2003 in many different ways such as lobbying elected representatives and members of the Executive branch, making campaign contribution, voting in election and molding public opinion. …”
Thesis -
Published 2015“…The decision of establishing a new party which also viewed by the founder of the Democratic Party is cheaper and more profitable than the carrying Susilo BambangYudhoyono, which has potential voters, backed by another party in the 2004 president election.…”
Thesis -
Published 2012“…Gramedia Cikarang Plant (GCP). The election of those three dependent variables are basing on proven concept that in manufacture industry, quality will be affected by any involved components in production process. …”
Thesis -
Persepsi ahli politik Pulau Pinang terhadap perlaksanaan dasar-dasar Islam di Pulau Pinang selepas PRU 12 / Zulkifli Dahalan and Mohd Hapiz Mahaiyadin
Published 2012“…After the 12th general election, Penang is ruled by the opposition party. …”
Article -
Speech corpus for the article 'Taking back control: the ambiguous impact of populist trade discourses on the international economic order', published in International Affairs
Published 2023“…We analyse trade discourses of Donald Trump and Brexiteers following their victories in the 2016 United States presidential election and the referendum on European Union membership in the United Kingdom. …”
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Dataset -
From male dominance to sharing: partner’s class and female political party identification 1964–2010
Published 2023“…To investigate the relative impact of women’s and their men’s class position, we analyse married and partnered women in the British Election Surveys and distinguish four cohorts with a 1888–1991-birth range and model the relative impact of spouse’s class positions with adjusted logistic diagonal reference models allowing the absolute association to change over time. …”
Journal article -
Social media, civic engagement, and the slacktivism hypothesis: lessons from Mexico’s “El Bronco”
Published 2017“…He won the race for state governor, defeating candidates from traditional parties and triggering sustained public engagement well beyond election day. In our investigation, we analyze over 750,000 posts, comments, and replies over three years of conversations on the public Facebook page of “El Bronco.” …”
Journal article -
Waking Up the golden dawn: does exposure to the refugee crisis increase support for extreme-right parties?
Published 2019“…Our study shows that among islands that faced a massive but transient inflow of refugees passing through just before the September 2015 election, vote shares for Golden Dawn, the most extreme-right party in Europe, moderately increased by 2 percentage points (a 44 percent increase at the average). …”
Journal article -
Search and politics: The uses and impacts of search in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the United States
Published 2017“…<p>Global debate over the impact of algorithms and search on shaping political opinions has increased following 2016 election results in Europe and the US. Powerful images of the Internet enabling access to a global treasure trove of information have shifted to worries over whether those who use search engines and social media are being fed inaccurate, false, or politically targeted information that distorts public opinion. …”
Journal article -
The road not taken: Gender gaps along paths to political power
Published 2019“…We find that gender gaps in non-electoral forms of participation (such as involvement in public petitions, interactions with public officials and attendance of village meetings) are larger than those in election-related activities, including political candidacy. …”
Journal article -
The agnostic's response to climate deniers: price carbon!
Published 2017“…With the election of President Trump, climate deniers moved from the fringes to the centre of global policy making and need to be addressed in policy-making. …”
Working paper -
Legislators reliance on mass media as information sources: Implications for symmetrical communication between public information o cers, public relations practitioners and policyma...
Published 2013“… <p style="text-align:justify;"> The election of U.S. President Obama thrust healthcare reform onto the legislative agenda and sent public information officers and public relations practitioners scrambling to more effectively influence legislators in order to benefit employers and clients. …”
Journal article -
Understanding the electoral breakthrough of Golden Dawn in Greece: a demand and supply perspective
Published 2014“…Given that its share of the vote was as low as 0.29% in the 2009 parliamentary elections, this was a remarkable success for the party. …”
Working paper -
Rigorous development of component-based systems using component metadata and patterns
Published 2016“…Two case studies (the classical dining philosophers, also used as a running example, and an industrial version of a leadership election algorithm) are presented to illustrate and validate the overall approach. …”
Journal article