In Vitro Digestibility Evaluation of Fermented Coconut Meal Using Aspergilius Niger NRRL 337
Published 1995“…The fermentation process has increased IVCPD inore effective than that of enzymatic process, whereas the enzymatic process has increased IVDMD more elective. The increase of digestibilities is correlated with the decrease of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and the increase of coneeted protein content (CPC), The highest IVDMD and IVCPD of FCM were resulted front the fermentation of coconut meal added with minerals' (NI14)2S0,4, urea, Nal I2PO4, MgSO4 and KCII itiid enzymatic process at 50°C The increase of IVDMD and 1VCPD and CPC were 26,5, (1(1.7 and 15(1% respectively, whereas the decrease of NDF was 46.8%. …”
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Published 2014“…The Life Design Project of Environmental Accessibility Elective Course Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010 evaluated and—at the same time—proposed the trans-jogja bus shelter’s accessibility improvement. …”
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The US judicial response to post-9/11 executive temerity and congressional acquiescence
Published 2008“…</p> <p>Essential to its desire to expand its Executive powers was the Administration's ability to convince both the American people and their elected representatives that, given the events of 9/11, the United States was now at ‘war’ with not only al-Qaeda, but with ‘terrorism’, writ large. …”
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Virtual teams: a new opportunity to develop a business
Published 2010Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Application of Arabic language communication model in teaching and learning of Islamic Education
Published 2012“…In fact, it is not only introduced in religious stream schools but also in daily secondary schools as an elective subject. Realizing the important of Arabic language, the Ministry of Education, Malaysia through the Islamic and Moral Education Department has introduced Arabic Language Communication Model in the j-QAF programme.It was initially implemented at primary school level in year 2005 and now has almost completed a round of its implementation.As the Arabic Language Communication Model is still newly introduced, a research to identify the effectiveness of its implementation has been conducted. 309 j-QAF teachers in Selangor state were involved in this research. …”
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Changes in Chinese's political involvement in Malaysia
Published 2010“…The main objective of this article is to examine the political involvement of the Chinese, their voting behaviour, bureaucratic participation and reaction to Malay dominance in the country in different periods, i.e. pre- and post-1970, and post-2008 General Elections. This writing is greatly contingent upon a content analysis on secondary data collected from reports, journal articles, book chapters, and newspaper articles. …”
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Malaysian Democratic Dilemmas in the Era of Najib Razak
Published 2019“…In principle, most third-world elites are quite happy to dismantle existing institutions (parliament, elections) in the interests of continued rule. Besides that, those who are already in power are often view institutions more as obstacles and less as facilitators of effective rule. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Effect of Combustion Management on Diesel Engine Emissions Fueled with Biodiesel-Diesel Blends
Published 2017“…Furthermore, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system must be deployed in engine for ensuring in the minimization of pollutants; diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), elective catalytic reduction (SCR) and also diesel particulate filter (DPF) must be utilized.…”
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Popular mandate and the coming-of-age of social media's presence in Indonesia politics post-reformasi
Published 2014“…This paper concludes that aspects of new media are steadily gaining currency as a legitimate mainstream indicator of candidature electability even as voters’ allegiance gradually shifts away from party to personality in Indonesia.…”
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Working Paper -
Visual language skills – do business students need them
Published 2013“…Through the experience from a general elective course at Nanyang Technological University, it studies the pedagogical approaches to the nurturing of visual language skills in undergraduates. …”
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Journal Article -
Abdul Rashid Moten, Revolution to revolution: Jama'at-e-Islami in the politics of Pakistan (Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust in association with International Islamic University Ma...
Published 2003“…The Jama'at-e-Islami was formed in 26 August 1941, with Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi being elected as its first amir. He resolutely believed in the unity of the Muslim Umma and considered nationalism as an alien concept to Islam. …”
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International relations and foreign policy
Published 2024“…Developments like the Brexit vote in the 2016 referendum in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Donald Trump victory in the United States (US) elections of the same year pointed to the roots of populism in dynamics that transcend national borders, like immigration and exposure to international trade. …”
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Book Section -
Gut microbiota in early life and its influence on health and disease: A position paper by the Malaysian Working Group on Gastrointestinal Health
Published 2017“…The group reached a consensus that certain factors, including elective caesarean; premature deliveries; complementary feeding; use of antibiotics, prebiotics and/or probiotics; and exposure to the external environmental, have an impact on gut microbiota in early life. …”
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Gut microbiota in early life and its influence on health and disease: a position paper by the Malaysian Working Group on Gastrointestinal Health
Published 2017“…The group reached a consensus that certain factors, including elective caesarean; premature deliveries; complementary feeding; use of antibiotics, prebiotics and/or probiotics; and exposure to the external environmental, have an impact on gut microbiota in early life. …”
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Women participation in politics a study of public perception in the northern part, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Several women are disadvantaged in the four northern state of Malaysia based on gender and associated challenges; nevertheless, a majority of these women desired to fight for positions in respective of their educational background for empowerment.The aim of this study will be to examine people’s perception on women participation in politics.Qualitative research design will be adopted for the study.Data will be collected with the Interview Schedule for public and members of the major political parties in the region 20 participants which comprises both male and female in the four state.The purposive sampling is to select cases rich with information that will enhance the questions being studied.The focus of the data collection will be on the challenges of women participation in politics.The purpose of this study was to examine issues that prevent women from participate or aspire to get to elected positions in the states under this study.In addition, data was collected and analyzed using inductive coding procedures to categorize the general’ challenges of women participation in political processes. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Understanding the Challenges of Teaching Computer Science Subjects from School Teachers’ Perspective
Published 2024“…Despite this, Kedah state has seen fluctuating enrolment in CS elective subjects for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) exam between 2018 and 2021, which contrasts with the increasing popularity of CS programs in higher education and the rising demand for CS skills. …”
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Importantes diferencias entre facultades de medicina. Implicaciones para la medicina de familia y comunitaria = Important differences between faculties of medicine. Implications fo...
Published 2015“…Results: The percentage electing FCM is highly correlated with the position in the ranking: 8% of graduates for the ‘best’ college, 46% for the worst. …”
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