Maternal breastfeeding: indicators and factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in a subnormal urban cluster assisted by the Family Health Strategy
Published 2019-05-01“…Home visit and maternal age prevailed as protective factors, while pacifier use was shown to be a discouraging practice. …”
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Maternal breastfeeding: indicators and factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in a subnormal urban cluster assisted by the Family Health Strategy
Published 2019-05-01“…Home visit and maternal age prevailed as protective factors, while pacifier use was shown to be a discouraging practice. …”
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Social visual stimuli increase infants suck response: A preliminary study.
Published 2018-01-01“…CARS stimuli while sucking on a custom research pacifier. Infants looked significantly longer to the FACES compared to CARS, p = .041. …”
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Penggunaan Analgesia Nonfarmakologis Saat Tindakan Invasif Minor pada Neonatus
Published 2016-12-01“…Nyeri yang tidak ditanggulangi dapat menimbulkan efek jangka panjang yaitu mempengaruhi respon afektif dan tingkah laku saat tindakan yang menimbulkan nyeri berikutnya. Glukosa, sukrosa, pacifier, menyusui, skin to skin contact dan stimulasi multisensori merupakan analgesia nonfarmakologis yang dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri saat tindakan invasif minor pada neonatus, sehingga dapat dihindarkan pemakaian analgesia farmakologis yang sering menimbulkan efek samping.…”
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Symptomatology of the temporomandibular dysfunction related to parafunctional habits in children
Published 2015-11-01“…The questionnaire inquired whether the child presented pain in the TMJ, head, ears, or in the neck region; tiredness or difficulty when chewing; if he/she used pacifier; habits like biting pens, chewing gum, teeth grinding or clenching, and biting the nails. …”
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Prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo nos 3 primeiros meses de vida e seus determinantes no Sul do Brasil Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding and its determiners in the fi...
Published 2006-08-01“…Multivariate analysis by logistic regression demonstrated a significant association between interruption of exclusive breastfeeding before 3 months and maternal employment, use of a pacifier, low family income (between one and three times the minimum wage), and less than 5 years' paternal education. …”
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Dor sofrida pelo recém-nascido durante a punção arterial Dolor sufrido por el recién nacido durante la punción arterial Pain in the newborn during the arterial puncture
Published 2009-12-01“…The experimental group received a gauze pacifier soaked in distilled water and the control group received a gauze pacifier soaked in 25% of glucose, both used two minutes before the blood collect. …”
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Influence of Nonnutritive Sucking Habits on the Oral Carriage of Escherichia coli
Published 2022-01-01“…One hundred and twenty children aged 3–5 years old were enrolled in the present case-control study, as follows: 60 children with continuous pacifier and thumb sucking habits (study group) and 60 children without any sucking habits (control group). …”
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Cancer-Associated Fibroblast Functions as a Road-Block in Cancer Therapy
Published 2021-10-01“…The journey of a normal resident fibroblast belonging to the tumor microenvironment (TME) from being a tumor pacifier to a tumor patron is fascinating. We introduce cancer-associated fibroblast (CAF) as a crucial component of the TME. …”
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Les « Journée[s] de Saint-Cloud » : les pièces de circonstance autour du coup d’état du 18 Brumaire
Published 2021-11-01“…The dramatic world in fact contributes, as well as the press and other contemporary productions, to legitimize the coup d’état covering the general with the mask of the undefeated "hero-saviour" and pacifier of a Republic in danger. Basically, theatre helps Bonaparte to become Napoleon.…”
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Changes in infant non-nutritive sucking throughout a suck sample at 3-months of age.
Published 2020-01-01“…These infants sucked on our custom research pacifier for approximately five minutes. Infants produced, on average, 14.50 suck bursts during the sample. …”
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Nero: Política externa e defesa do império
Published 1989-12-01“…En Orient, les partes envahissent l’Arménie et causent des problèmes jusqu’à ce que Rome arrive à les pacifier. En Occident, la guerre de Bretagne a causé plus de cinquante mille morts. …”
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Compter pour “rien”: l’objet dans la clinique de l’anorexie
Published 2023-10-01“…En effet, est mis ainsi en lumière non seulement le fait que la nourriture y vient présentifier l’“objet du désir” sous la forme du “rien”, mais aussi le fait que si le corps du sujet anorectique se consume, c’est parce qu’il est le siège d’une jouissance spécifique de la position féminine, d’une “jouissance Autre”, qu’il contribue paradoxalement de la sorte à contenir et à pacifier.…”
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The prevalence of finger sucking habit among presch ool children in Kerman, Iran
Published 2013-04-01“…There was no statistically significant relation betweengender and the habit. Pacifier sucking habit was not an influencing factor in finger sucking habit. …”
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The Quest for Social Economy
Published 2012-12-01“…In the economic-political structure of modern State, the social economy has only a role of a sort of pacifier, a reliever, or cleaner, of the social problems generated by the liberal market economic, like inequality, poverty, marginalization, exclusion, etc. …”
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Freqüência e variáveis associadas ao aleitamento materno em crianças com até 12 meses de idade no município de Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil Frequency and associated variables to br...
Published 2008-12-01“…The use of a bottle and a pacifier were positively associated as determining factors with weaning. …”
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Relação entre hábitos bucais, alterações oronasofaringianas e mal-oclusões em pré-escolares de Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil The relationship between oral habits, oronasopharynge...
Published 2004-06-01“…An association was shown between finger or pacifier sucking and altered overjet (p < 0.001), and between pacifier sucking and open bite (p < 0.001). …”
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Sudden infant death syndrome prevention
Published 2021-09-01“…Breastfeeding on demand and the use of pacifier during sleep time protect against SIDS and should be recommended. …”
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Published 2016-06-01“…In a multivariate analysis, the factors associated with this practice were as follows: pacifier, baby’s illness during the first two months of life, pediatric monitoring in private clinics and born in a hospital not accredited in the Child-Friendly Hospital Initiative (IHAC)…”
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Factores que determinan la lactancia materna en niños matriculados en Jardines Infantiles públicas y filantrópicas en São Paulo, Brasil Factors determining the breastfeeding in chi...
Published 2010-12-01“…For breastfeeding were identified: pacifier use (HR = 2.54, 95% CI = 1.87 to 3.45) and mother who works outside the home (HR = 1.51, 95% CI = 1.14 - 1 99). …”
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