Основната форма на глаголските аломорфи во албанскиот јазик во рамките на морфонолошките промени
Published 2019-07-01Get full text
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Преводната рецепција на творештвото на Мигел де Сервантес на македонски јазик
Published 2020-12-01Article -
Traveling the Path of an Organic Revolutionary
Published 2016-10-01“…Department of Agriculture [USDA]) recalls her journey helping blaze a trail for organic certification in the 1990s. …”
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Diseño e integración de algoritmos criptográficos en sistemas empotrados sobre FPGA
Published 2013-10-01“…Estos algoritmos son implementados como coprocesadores del procesador MicroBlaze utilizando interfaces FSL para el intercambio de datos entre ellos. …”
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“A space for the translator(s)”: situating student translators in real-life shoes
Published 2020-06-01Article -
Ivan oransky: the 2004-2006 digital undertaker for Elsevier's the lancet
Published 2017-01-01“…Ivan Oransky is a self-proclaimed science watchdog who, together with Adam Marcus, have taken on the world of science in a blaze of public shaming – disguised as science journalism – that has already caused irreparable damage to science, despite the informative nature of those reports. …”
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Роберт Браунинг и неговите драмски монолози – мост помеѓу експериментот и традицијата
Published 2019-12-01Get full text
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Predicting severely imbalanced data disk drive failures with machine learning models
Published 2022-09-01“…Datasets related to hard drive failure, particularly BackBlaze Hard Drive Data, have been widely studied in the literature using many statistical, machine learning, and deep learning techniques. …”
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Situation of peach resistance to diseases in Romania
Published 2006-06-01“…Based on the obtained results, the studied cultivars were classified into resistance groups for the different diseases (very resistant, resistant, medium resistant, sensitive and very sensitive).Based on the results of our study, the following gene sources were chosen following the evaluation of the various genetic material in the peach germoplasm fund, in the climatic conditions of Romania: Cytospora cincta: Cullinan, Cardinal, Hamlet, NJF 3, Onakita Gold, Triumf, "Superba de Toamna", Anderson, Weinberger; Stigmina carpophila: Armgold, ARK 109, Stark Early Blaze, Cardinal, Congres; Taphrina deformans: Madeleine Pouyet, Cumberland, Harbelle, Indian Blood, Sulivan, Victoria, Zafrani, Pekin, Naradnji Ranhii; Spaherotheca pannosa var. persicae: Triumf; Congres; Victoria; Armking; Morton; Regina; Nectared 7; ARK 125; ARK 134; Regina.…”
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Evaluation of American peach cultivars for resistance to Plum pox virus
Published 2003-03-01“…The results allowed to divide the cultivars into four groups: cultivars Flame Prince, Cotender, Newhaven, Ruby Prince, Sun Prince, Jefferson, Camden and Jersey Queen were characterised as medium resistant to PPV; cultivars Loring, Blaze Prince, June Prince and Legend were classified as tolerant; cultivars Quachita Gold, O'Henry, Crest Haven, Biscos, Sentry, Fire Prince, Carogem, Carolina Belle, Redglobe and Harvester were rated as medium susceptible; and cultivars Bounty, Summer Prince, Gold Prince, Redhaven, Gala and Sunbrite were characterised as highly susceptible to PPV.…”
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Destroying a path to the past – the loss of culturally scarred trees and change in forest structure along Allmunvägen, in mid-west boreal Sweden
Published 2003-01-01“…The tradition to blaze trees to mark trails and boundaries is very old in northern Scandinavia. …”
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A review of functional MRI application for brain research of Chinese language processing
Published 2023-02-01“…In recent years, non-invasive neuroimaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) blaze a new trail to comprehensively study specific neural correlates of Chinese language processing and Chinese speakers. …”
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Метафизичката поетска нишка во препевот на Петре М. Андреевски
Published 2019-01-01Get full text