A formação docente e as (in) compreensões epistemológicas: revelações do PNAIC
Published 2018-12-01“…Fundamentado na epistemologia de Thomas Kuhn, o artigo destaca que muitos professores desconhecem técnicas e métodos de formação pedagógica por conta de (in) compreensões epistemológicas não resolvidas durante sua formação inicial (primeira Licenciatura).…”
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Sistem Ekonomi Islam Simbol Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Published 2018-06-01“…The good strategic plan is required in instilling Islamic economic system in the middle of society. Thomas Kuhn says: â€every system has paradigm and the core of Islamic economic paradigm is definitely from Qur’an and Sunnahâ€. …”
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O Relativismo Cognitivo é Autorrefutante?
Published 2016-03-01“…RESUMO: Hilary Putnam procurou solapar o relativismo cognitivo, mediante acusações de incoerência autodestrutiva. A concepção de Thomas Kuhn de desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico ocupa um lugar de destaque nesse empreendimento crítico, e a incomensurabilidade entre paradigmas rivais constitui o núcleo da disputa. …”
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Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief
Published 2016-09-01“…This paper draws on Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, but it is neither an exposition nor a critique of that book and uses certain concepts from it as a springboard for reflections on the nature of crisis. …”
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A sedição da escolha pública: variações sobre o tema de revoluções científicas
Published 2022-08-01“…Essa abordagem é um complemento à Sociologia do Conhecimento (Thomas Kuhn) e pode ser tomada como uma Economia do Conhecimento embrionária (Neoclássica). …”
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The Power of Ideas. The Teaching of Economics and its Image of Man
Published 2012-06-01“…Second, I discuss economics as a textbook science in Thomas Kuhn’s sense: as a science incapable of giving the students any plural or critical understanding of their self and the world. …”
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Reiff, M. & Bawarshi, A. (Eds.). (2016). Genre and the Performance of Publics. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Published 2017-09-01“…Decades of quality research into the different genres found in various socio-institutional settings (e.g., academic, professional and community contexts) had developed many useful and insightful concepts; RGS scholars had found their “normal science”, to borrow Thomas Kuhn’s phrase. One such “normalized” concept is Anne Freadman’s notion of “uptake”. …”
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Razão ou Revolução - resgatando o debate Popper-Kuhn na história da ciência
Published 2018-12-01“…Nas humanidades predominaram as referências às posições de Thomas Kuhn isoladas de seu contexto intelectual. A recuperação dos principais argumentos dessa interlocução pode lançar luz sobre questões ainda presentes em história e filosofia da ciência e auxiliar na fundamentação da pesquisa e do ensino em diferentes campos disciplinares.…”
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El Paradigma de las Neurociencias de la Educación y el Aprendizaje del Lenguaje Escrito: Una Experiencia de 60 Años
Published 2018-12-01“…El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la experiencia del autor sobre los aportes de las neurociencias y de la psicología cognitiva a la investigación del aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito desde la perspectiva del modelo de paradigmas científicos propuesto por el filósofo Thomas Kuhn para la historia de las ciencias. Se describen las investigaciones y el avance de la psicología cognitiva y de las neurociencias de la educación en el aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito durante 60 años. …”
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The characteristics and philosophical foundations of the learner-centered paradigm of education
Published 2021-09-01“…The paradigmatic approach to education developed by Thomas Kuhn is one strategy that might be used to explain and examine these transitions. …”
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In retrospect: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Published 2016“…Fifty years ago, a short book appeared under the intriguing title The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Its author, Thomas Kuhn (1922–1996), had begun his academic life as a physicist but had migrated to the history and philosophy of science. …”
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Strong Wavelength Dependence of Hyperpolarizability in the Near-Infrared Biological Window for Second-Harmonic Generation by Amphiphilic Porphyrins
Published 2012“…We have applied the Thomas-Kuhn sum rules to model the wavelength dependence of the second-order nonlinear polarizability of an amphiphilic porphyrin chromophore designed for cellular imaging on the basis of the complete analysis of its linear absorption spectrum. …”
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Published 2019-06-01“…Sebagai alat analisis, penulis memakai teori paradigma sebagaimana digagas oleh Thomas Kuhn dan yang dikembangkan oleh pemikir lain semisal Kuntowijoyo dan Hans Kung. …”
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¿Qué Es Un Paradigma? Análisis Teórico, Conceptual Y Psicolingüístico Del Término What Is A Paradigm? Theoretical,Conceptual And Psycholinguistic Analysis Of The Term
Published 2005-04-01“…Se destaca la contribución de Thomas Kuhn al desarrollo fecundo del concepto durante su edad de recurrencia. …”
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Epistemological decolonization and political education in Colombia. Towards a citizen perspective of «buen vivir»
Published 2020-01-01“…For this, the most important concepts in the classical epistemological discussion are reviewed initially with the approaches of Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend and the Critical Theory. …”
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Science and the Religious Rhetorics of the Ineffable: A Comparison Between Two "Cosmoses"
Published 2017-07-01“…Since Thomas Kuhn’s revolutionary look at the social construction of science, research into the rhetorics of science has shown how science is a persuasive form of discourse, rarely as transparent and self-evident as is often understood. …”
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Examining the Scientist – Practitioner Divide in Psychology
Published 2020-12-01“…The typology is presented as the latest in what could be called the psychology of science, whose exemplars include Thomas Kuhn (1962/2012) and Abraham Maslow (1969). Psychology of science is differentiated from philosophy and theory of science, and existing research into the personality of scientists is explored. …”
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Las Conferencias Lowell de Kuhn: Un estudio crítico
Published 2013-09-01“…Algunas interpretaciones recientes de la obra de Thomas Kuhn subrayan su contribución a la preservación de aspectos centrales del positivismo lógico, como resultado de un desconocimiento de la corriente (y, más en general, de la filosofía de la ciencia de la época) y de una crítica anti-positivista que, también por ese motivo, era superficial. …”
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As possibilidades e tensões entre imaginação, ciência e tecnologia nas histórias da Futurian Society of New York
Published 2020-07-01“…Por fim, analiso como a ideia de ciência em crise de Thomas Kuhn pode ser usada para pensar a ciência das histórias de ficção científica, em especial aquelas que envolvem a mente e seus “poderes”, como a telepatia.…”
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Kuhn's Scientific Revolution and Its Effect on the Nursing Paradigm
Published 2021-07-01“…This search, which is still ongoing for the progress and advancement of nursing, was inspired by Thomas Kuhn's concept of "normal science". Kuhn's scientific revolution played a role in the development of nursing knowledge, metaparadigm and paradigm. …”
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