Erakusten 1 - 19 emaitzak -- 19 bilaketa honetara '"Twelver theology', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,13s Findu emaitzak
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    Religious Devotion to Political Secularism nork Naser Ghobadzadeh

    Argitaratua 2022-07-01
    Gaiak: “...twelver shīʿism...”
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    Sheikh e-Saduq’s View and Style of Historiography, Case Study of Oyun al- Akhbar al- Reza nork Ruhollah Tohidiniya, Mohammadali Tohidiniya

    Argitaratua 2019-08-01
    “...The analytical identification of a collection of Twelvers’ narrative historiography is due to the consideration of criteria and regulations of historiography. ...”
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    An Analytical Approach to the Concept of Badā in Islam nork javad taheri, hedayat alavi tabar

    Argitaratua 2012-12-01
    “...The rationally and theologically analyzed meaning of Badā, as one of the most fundamental theological doctrines of the Imamites (Twelver Shiism), is not heretical but is compatible with Intellect and Narrations. ...”
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    An Approach to the Intellectual Evolution of Ahl-e Haqq (Yarsanian Religion) from its Advent to the Present Era nork Mansour Rostami

    Argitaratua 2023-05-01
    “...On the other hand, because the religious texts are not specific to a historical period, therefore, in every era where the period of innate emergence has been manifested, a theological collection has been presented by the leaders of this religion. ...”
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    The Disputed Name and Origin of Abū al-Fatḥ al-Karājikī (d. 449/1057) nork Devin Stewart

    Argitaratua 2021-06-01
    “...It suggests that al-Karājikī was a native of this village and that he studied in Mayyāfāriqīn in his youth, before traveling to Baghdad to undertake advanced studies in Twelver Shiite law and theology....”
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    Female Religious Authority in Shi'i Islam: Past and Present nork Carimo Mohomed

    Argitaratua 2023-07-01
    “...Comparative reflection on the case studies allows for the formulation of hypotheses regarding the conditions and developments – whether theological, jurisprudential, social, economic, or political – that enhanced or stifled the flourishing of female religious authority in Twelver Shi‘i Islam. ...”
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    The Identity- Constructing Works of the Shiite Community nork Fatemeh Sadat Mirrazi, rasool jafarian

    Argitaratua 2021-12-01
    “...From the beginning of the third century and the initiation of occultation of the twelfth Imam, the scholars of Twelver Shiites felt the need for the development of the works on hadith, jurisprudence and theology. ...”
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    A Review of the Foundation of Guidance and Astray in Seyyed Murteza 'Alam Al-Huda and Fakhr Razi's View nork ahmadreza shahrokhi, تقی ایزدجو

    Argitaratua 2016-05-01
    “...   [1] Assistant professor of department of philosophy and theology, University of Qom, [2] Graduate of philosophy and theology, University of Qom,”
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    A Translation of the Arabic Duʿāʾ al-Saḥar (The Dawn Supplication) or Duʿāʾ al-Bahāʾ (The Supplication of Splendour) with Select Expository Scriptural Writings of the Bāb and Bahāʾ... nork Stephen Lambden

    Argitaratua 2023-03-01
    “...Attributed to certain Imams whom Twelver Shī`ī Muslims regard as the successors of the Prophet Muhammad, it is an Arabic invocatory devotional also known from around the 13th century CE after its opening words, as the <i>Du‘ā al-Bahā</i> (Supplication of Splendour–Glory–Light). ...”
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    Imam Hadi’s Followers from Qom and Their Role towards the Propagation of Shiite Thought nork Seyed Hassan Qoreishi Karion, Khadijeh Pahlavani

    Argitaratua 2018-03-01
    “...Moreover, this city was considered as the pioneer cities in favor of the propagation of Twelvers’ thought due to its being as the center of Shiism, relationship with Alawites, and various Shiite areas, the existence of Hazrat Masoomeh Holy Shrine as well as the establishment of HadithSchool. ...”
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