Employment Nondiscrimination Acts and Corporate Innovation
Udgivet 2017“...We show that U.S. state-level employment nondiscrimination acts (ENDAs)—laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity—spur innovation. ...”
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Journal Article -
EPR and ENDOR detection of compound I from Micrococcus lysodeikticus catalase.
Udgivet 1993“...Preliminary 1H ENDOR spectra for Cat I appear to differ from the proton (1H) ENDOR spectra of HRP I; the latter, along with the 14N ENDOR spectra, indicate that the porphyrin radical in HRP I exhibits a predominantly A2u-like state having large spin densities on porphyrin N and C(beta). ...”
Journal article -
Dynamic Estimation of Latent Opinion Using a Hierarchical Group-Level IRT Model
Udgivet 2017“...We illustrate this potential by estimating the average policy liberalism of citizens in each U.S. state in each year between 1972 and 2012....”
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Article -
The United States and Singapore, 1974–1980 : a diplomatic history
Udgivet 2019“...Marshaling documents from the U.S. State Department, the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency, as well as memoirs and speeches of key foreign policymakers, this study engages with and contributes to a burgeoning corpus of works investigating U.S....”
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Thesis -
So many meetings, so little time : using IP videoconferencing to revitalize statewide committees
Udgivet 2021“...The use of video conferencing by a consortium in Utah has revitalized committee work and continuing education within this large western U.S. state. Academic libraries in Utah are separated by hundreds of miles. ...”
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Journal Article -
Three essays on corporate finance
Udgivet 2016“...Our tests exploit the staggered recognition of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine by U.S. state courts, which prevents a firm’s employees from working for other competitors. ...”
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Thesis -
Vacuum ultraviolet discharge excited lasers
Udgivet 1987“...The scheme involves the production of a population inversion between the v'=1 level of the b<sup>1</sup>π<sub>u</sub> state of molecular nitrogen and high lying levels of the X<sup>1</sup>Σ<sub>g</sub> ground state. ...”
Thesis -
Three essays on corporate finance
Udgivet 2023“...In Chapter 2, I exploit the adoption of U.S. state-level employment protection laws to examine whether employment protection affects municipal bond financing. ...”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Essays on Unemployment
Udgivet 2023“...Aggregating evidence across studies, the predicted elasticity is approximately 0.3 in a policy regime similar to the typical U.S. state. However, the elasticity is larger by a factor of two or more under typical potential benefit duration extensions that occur during recessions. ...”
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Thesis -
Laser studies of plasmas
Udgivet 2000“...The lifetime of the A <sup>2</sup>?<sub>u</sub> state in the discharge was found to be sufficiently long for a time of flight experiment to be contemplated (an ion with a velocity of 10 kms<sup>-1</sup> on average would travel 5 mm before radiating). ...”
Thesis -
Singlet fission in linear π-conjugated systems
Udgivet 2020“...Changing the Coulombic parameter, U , causes state interconversion shift from 1<sup>1</sup>B<sub>u</sub><sup>+</sup> → 2<sup>1</sup>A<sub>g</sub><sup>-</sup> to 1<sup>1</sup>B<sub>u</sub><sup>+</sup> → 3<sup>1</sup>A<sub>g</sub><sup>-</sup>. ...”
Thesis -
First report of leaf blight on Parthenium hysterophorus caused by Nigrospora sphaerica in Malaysia
Udgivet 2021“...(parthenium weed) exhibiting symptom of blight were observed at Ladang Infoternak Sg. Siput (U), a state-owned livestock center in Perak, Malaysia. ...”
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Article -
Laser spectroscopic studies of plasma
Udgivet 2022“...</p> <p>The second section of this thesis concerns nitrogen plasma and focuses on CRD measurements of the molecular cation, N<sup>+</sup><sub>2</sub>(X<sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup></sub>g</sub> ), and the electronically excited N<sub>2</sub>(A<sup>3</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup><sub>u</sub>) state. These species can be probed using allowed transitions, but due to their low density, the sensitivity enhancement afforded by CRDS is still advantageous. ...”
Thesis -
The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014
Udgivet 2016“...We find that, in the aggregate, the policy liberalism of U.S. states steadily increased between the 1930s and 1970s and then largely plateaued. ...”
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Article -
Where Do Firms Incorporate?
Udgivet 2006“...We also report that cross-border incorporation has prompted regulatory competition between E.U. Member States to provide low-cost corporate law to limited liability companies....”
Working paper -
Increases in obstetric interventions and changes in gestational age distributions of U.S. births
Udgivet 2023“...The changes were observed among all racial/ethnic groups and all maternal ages, and across all U.S. states. The same changes were also observed among U.S. women at low risk for interventions....”
Journal article -
Where Do Firms Incorporate? Deregulation and the Cost of Entry.
Udgivet 2008“...Using data for over 2 million companies from around the world incorporating in the U.K., we find a large increase in cross-country incorporations from E.U. Member States following the ECJ rulings. In line with regulatory cost theories, incorporations are primarily driven by minimum capital requirements and setup costs in home countries. ...”
Journal article