Published 1978-09-01“…With Yeats lcompare painters like El Greco or Van Gogh; his pictures smoulder on the canvas. They have vaster dimensions of thought and feeling, ranging from the primitive, the esoteric and the fantastic to the intensely personal. …”
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Published 2005-01-01“…C’est en tout cas ce que pensent bon nombre de Néerlandais après l’assassinat de Theo Van Gogh, le 2 novembre 2004, Cet assassinat en rappelle un autre, celui de Pim Fortuyn, le 6 mai 2002, et possède, semble-t-il, des liens avérés avec les récentes menaces de mort visant la députée d’origine somalienne Ayaan Hirsi Ali. …”
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Il “linguaggio visivo” di Artaud. Genealogie e intrecci
Published 2017-12-01“…Il saggio da lui dedicato, un anno prima della morte, a Van Gogh costituisce senza dubbio il vertice di questa parabola intellettuale. …”
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Medeniyet Kavgası mı Avrupa Değerleri Üzerine Bir Tartışma mı
Published 2006-04-01“…Hollanda'da bir şok dalgası yaratan Teo van Gogh'un öldürülmesi olayı, büyük oranda 2002 yılında Pim Fortuyn'un seçim başarısına kadar egemen olan çok kültürcü yaklaşımın iflasının açık bir kanıtı olarak yorumlanmıştır. …”
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Foreign Bodies: the Body as Medium and the Body as Image in Contemporary Photography. Three Examples: John Coplans, Mona Hatoum ed Erwin Wurm
Published 2022-09-01“…The analysis of three works (John Coplans Self-Portaits, Mona Hatoum’s Van Gogh’s Back and Erwin Wurm’s One Minute Sculptures) points out the double condition of the body’s representation and the double status of photograph: the body as image and the body as medium, the photograph as performance and the photograph as image.…”
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Representation of Color
Published 2017“…The swirls of blues, yellows, and greens in Van Gogh's Starry Night affect a viewer in a way that a black-and-white rendition cannot. …”
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X—two shoes and a fountain: ecstasis, mimesis and engrossment in Heidegger’s The Origin of the Work of Art
Published 2019“…I argue that his initial response to a Van Gogh painting is intended to dramatize a confusion rather than to articulate an insight; that his invocation of a poem by C. …”
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The Obstinate Gaze: Derrida Looking at Pictures
Published 2011-06-01“…Derrida’s early treatment of Kant and his qualified defense of Heidegger on Van Gogh are analyzed in detail, followed by an account of his fascination with Artaud and the significance of the exhibition Derrida curated at the Louvre on drawings and paintings that represent blindness. …”
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Berlinsko modrilo kao školski pokus
Published 2015-11-01“…Dana je i povijest otkrića berlinskog modrila kao slikarskog pigmenta te prikazana njegova primjena u slikarstvu s primjerima velikih slikara (Cézanne, Van Gogh i dr.).…”
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Neurocognitive Recovery in Abstinent Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: A Scoping Review for Associated Factors
Published 2023-09-01“…Jeroen Staudt,1,2 Tim Kok,1 Hein A de Haan,1,3 Serge JW Walvoort,4 Jos IM Egger2,5,6 1Tactus Addiction Treatment, Deventer, the Netherlands; 2Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands; 3Nijmegen Institute for Scientist Practitioners in Addiction, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands; 4GGZ Oost-Brabant Mental Health Institute, Boxmeer, the Netherlands; 5Centre of Excellence for Korsakoff and Alcohol Related Cognitive Disorders, Vincent van Gogh Institute for Psychiatry, Venray, the Netherlands; 6Centre of Excellence for Neuropsychiatry, Vincent van Gogh Institute for Psychiatry, Venray, the NetherlandsCorrespondence: Jeroen Staudt, Lic. …”
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Griselda Pollock e le narrazioni aperte della storia dell’arte. Incontro, dialogo, differenza/Griselda Pollock and the open narratives of art history. Encounter, dialogue, differen...
Published 2022-12-01“…This study proposes to read these essays together with the analysis of a drawing by Van Gogh, an artist who has accompanied experience as a scholar assuming an almost initiatory significance in his critical story…”
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Wolbachia bacteria reside in host Golgi-related vesicles whose position is regulated by polarity proteins.
Published 2011-01-01“…Furthermore, two of the polarity proteins, Van Gogh/Strabismus and Scribble, appeared to be present in these Golgi-related vesicles. …”
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Reseña: Formación y Educación para la Democracia en Colombia
Published 2015-12-01“…Por un azar que no escogimos, la carátula reprodujo un cuadro de Van Gogh: Sembrador al sol poniente, fechado en 1888, casi exactamente un siglo antes del derrumbe del Muro de Berlín que marcaría el fin del socialismo existente, como se le llamaba, y, para algunos, el fin de la historia.…”
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Os sapatos e a autoria: um percurso crítico = The shoes and the authorship: a critical path
Published 2013-01-01“…Este artigo realiza uma abordagem da questão teórica da autoria a partir das imagens de sapatos pintadas por Vincent van Gogh ao longo da década de 1880. Mais do que a análise dos quadros, procura-se esboçar uma série de conexões entre ensaios que se ocuparam deles, notadamente os de Martin Heidegger, Meyer Schapiro e Jacques Derrida. …”
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The effect of storage ageing and spring sprouting of seed tubers on the yield of three potato varieties in the Finnish Lapland
Published 2008-12-01“…Three varieties, Puikula, Tanu and van Gogh, differing in earliness and storing properties, were used. …”
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Development Assessment of Natural Latex Membranes: A New Proposal for the Treatment of Amblyopia
Published 2017-03-01“…The latex membranes were produced using the Van Gogh method and the deposition technique and were analyzed by physical and chemical methods to determine the properties of latex in natura and of natural rubber membranes. …”
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A verdade originária:
Published 2021-07-01“…Três são as questões principais que norteiam a argumentação neste artigo; a primeira se refere a abordagem da obra de arte pela via da ontologia em contraposição a concepção da estética; a segunda, a análise da confiabilidade para uma nova compreensão de verdade a partir de uma leitura dos sapatos da camponesa de Van Gogh e; a terceira, a compreensão que toda obra de arte funda verdade e por isso, também revela ao homem sua própria face. …”
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Real hyperreal virtual: echoes of cyberpunk in «Decoder» magazine
Published 2023-01-01“…The editorial board participated in the definition of new virtual communities: the group developed its own BBS, and it was part of the project Piazza Virtuale by Van Gogh Tv, on the occasion of documenta IX in 1992 in Kassel.…”
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