Showing 121 - 140 results of 168 for search '"Vlog"', query time: 0.09s Refine Results
  1. 121

    Etnografski pristop k raziskovanju pismenosti by Alenka Janko Spreizer

    Published 1999-12-01
    “…Opisuje pomen najrazličnejših družbenih vlog in odnosov, ki določajo pisne in bralne prakse. …”
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  2. 122

    Entertainment Education and Citizens’ Participation in COVID-19 Pandemic Response: A Case Study of Chinese Citizens on Social Media by Yiheng Wang, Felipe Navarro Nicoletti

    Published 2023-09-01
    “…Thus, this research aims to study the adoption of EE strategies on social media by Chinese citizens and its affordance for crisis responses. (2) Methods: We implemented a qualitative case study by analyzing the vlog series <i>Wuhan Diary 2020</i> on Sina Weibo to examine the characteristics of the EE strategies used by Chinese citizens, with special attention to citizen participation. (3) Results: The initial phases of the lockdown saw substantial public attention garnered by this approach. …”
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  3. 123

    Designing instructional media for English speaking club to develop learners’ communication skills by Bramy Biantoro, Alimin Adi Waloyo, Nina Inayati, Nosa Setia Budi, I. Ibrahim

    Published 2023-02-01
    “…For that, a module was created for ten sessions with three specific topics (English vlog, speech, and storytelling), complemented with the digitalized media for the games in each session. …”
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  4. 124

    Izobraževanje starejših za prostovoljno delo v muzejih in spreminjajoča se vloga muzeja v (starajoči se) družbi by Rajka Bračun Sova

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…Po tem modelu se starejši izobražujejo tematsko in namensko za prostovoljno delo v muzeju, muzejski delavci pa za razumevanje narave in vrednot prostovoljstva, za pripravljenost na spremembo in ustvarjanje novih muzejskih prostovoljskih vlog za starejše. Ker je družbena skupina starejših odraslih (krivično) odrinjena na družbeni rob in prostovoljstva v našem okolju ne cenimo dovolj, je v model zajeta sistematična javna kampanja. …”
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  5. 125

    Pomen življenjske poti in generacijskih značilnosti za načrtovanje medgeneracijskega izobraževalnega programa by Ana Šajn, Dušana Findeisen

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…Mladost je čas vstopa v odraslost, čas prevzemanja socialnih vlog odraslih, značilnost današnjih mladih generacij pa je, da v odraslost vstopajo drugače; mladi so prepuščeni individualizmu, močno odvisni od svojega referenčnega okvira, nekatere dejavnosti, nekoč značilne za odrasle, so se premaknile v čas mladosti, druge spet daleč v prihodnost. …”
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  6. 126

    Deklina zgodba? Zgodbe migrantk, ki niso obstale pred zidovi by Jernej Mlekuž

    Published 2021-01-01
    “…Bile so precej drugačne od večine vrstnic. Niso živele vlog mater, gospodinj, kraljic doma, temveč predvsem vloge antropologinj oziroma raziskovalk staroselskih ljudstev (dr. …”
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  7. 127

    Effectiveness of Social Video Platforms in Promoting COVID-19 Vaccination Among Youth: A Content-Specific Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination Topic Videos on Bilibili by Gao H, Yin H, Peng L, Wang H

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…With the User Generated Content model, different creators’ interpretations of COVID-19 vaccines may influence the attitudes towards the vaccines and vaccination.Objective: To explore the overview of COVID-19 vaccine-related videos on Bilibili, discussing the communication effects of COVID-19 topic videos and its influencing factors.Methods: A content analysis was applied to the 202 video samples obtained through data mining regarding the creator’s information, video presentation, and COVID-19 vaccine-related content.Results: Individuals and medical professionals preferred VLOG videos, media chose to upload informational videos, and enterprises preferred to post showcase videos. …”
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  8. 128

    Teaching and learning of biology practical courses for foundation science students during COVID-19 pandemic by Fadzilah Awang Kanak

    Published 2021
    “…The teaching and learning activities have been guided by the Foundation Science Biology Laboratory Manual, however, during the pandemic, the delivery approach was modified using online platforms, including video-based blog or vlog, pre-recorded video, using Realtime video conferencing i.e. …”
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  9. 129


    Published 2021-09-01
    “…Such as; watching daily vlog from youtuber outside Indonesia, listening while singing English song by watching several lyrics video. weather news report, stand-up comedy, gossip news which telling about the Hollywood celebrity, etc. from those kinds of references that available in YouTube, it is hoped that students also can be more attracted to learn English clearly. …”
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  10. 130

    «Sånn må det være nå.» Barns handlingsrom i barnehager under koronapandemien by Ellen Os, Nina Winger, Leif Hernes

    Published 2024-04-01
    “…The study had a mixed-method design and included close studies in nine kindergartens and an informative vlog, where the kindergarten teachers communicated their reflections, focus conversations with the kindergarten teachers, interviews with parents, and conversations with children. …”
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  11. 131

    Content Quality of YouTube Videos About Gestational Diabetes: Systematic Evaluation by Eleanor M Birch, Karolina Leziak, Jenise Jackson, Emma Dahl, Charlotte M Niznik, Lynn M Yee

    Published 2022-04-01
    “…Video sources were categorized as personal vlog (12/115, 10.4%), web-based education (37/115, 32.2%), medical (52/115, 45.2%), business or company (13/115, 11.3%), and media clip (1/115, 0.9%). …”
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  12. 132


    Published 2006-01-01
    “…Zaradi razmer, v katerih so živele, je bilo njihovo življenje kmečke gospodinje vse prej kot vpeto med štiri stene. Igrale so več vlog: bile so matere, žene, snahe, vaščanke, trgovke, tihotapke oziroma kontrabantke, mogoče celo nekoliko avanturistke in ne nazadnje migrantke oziroma selivke. …”
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  13. 133

    K tematski številki »O knjigi« by Ana Vogrinčič Č.

    Published 2010-12-01
    “…Z željo »zagrabiti« knjigo v vseh njenih razsežnostih in jo predstaviti tako z literarnega kot materialnega vidika, smo skušali privabiti razmišljanja, ki bi knjigo predstavila skozi »rabe in prakse« in s stališča različnih razmerij in vlog, v katere vstopa, ter tako ovrednotiti njeno večplastno pojavnost.Knjiga je namreč tako čtivo kot predmet, je nosilec zgodbe – vhod v povsem novi svet, zvočna mojstrovina, pa tudi čudovit estetski objekt, tržni artikel, orodje in orožje, likovni motiv, simbol, umetniški eksponat. …”
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  14. 134

    Detecting depression on video logs using audiovisual features by Kyungeun Min, Jeewoo Yoon, Migyeong Kang, Daeun Lee, Eunil Park, Jinyoung Han

    Published 2023-11-01
    “…To this end, we propose a depression detection model that utilizes both audio and video features extracted from the vlogs (video logs) on YouTube. We first collected vlogs from YouTube and annotated them into depression and non-depression. …”
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  15. 135

    The Scavenger Hunt: A Technique for Enhancing Culture Learning and Intercultural Communication Practice by Martha Nandari Santoso

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…The students did the scavenger hunt in a group of four or five during their three-day trip to a multicultural setting in Indonesia: Bali island, and documented the activities in vlogs. The students’ vlogs which were data of this study were analyzed by using a qualitative content analysis approach. …”
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  16. 136

    PEMAKNAAN PROFESI BEAUTY VLOGGER MELALUI PENGALAMAN KOMUNIKASI by Filza Intan Mariezka, Hanny Hafiar, Yustikasari Yustikasari

    Published 2018-09-01
    “…Bahkan, sebagian besar dari mereka menjadikan kegiatan beauty vlogging sebagai pekerjaan tetap. Kemunculan dan perkembangan profesi ini juga menjadi sebuah bukti dari perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. …”
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  17. 137

    Le generazioni su YouTube Italia by Francesco Toniolo

    Published 2020-01-01
    “…The essay deals with the generations on YouTube Italia, and particularly with the partition of the phenomenon, linked to the modes of representation (and, often, overexposure) of individual, domestic and microsocial experience: from toys unboxing to bereavement vlogs, passing through the practices of adolescents and young adults. …”
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  18. 138

    Youtubeurs et webséries : un temps pour commenter by Jean Châteauvert

    Published 2019-12-01
    “…This temporalist analysis explores comments left on the margins of webseries and vlogs through their temporal dimensions (time of publication, content and dynamics) and the games of temporality they introduce into the viewing experience. …”
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  19. 139

    Research on Operational Strategies of Video Platform Content Creators: —— A Case Study of Lifestyle Content Creators on Bilibili by Cao Zihe

    Published 2023-01-01
    “…This study takes lifestyle-oriented content creators on Bilibili as a case study, examining Vlogs’ development, characteristics, and operational strategies on Bilibili. …”
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  20. 140

    Incorporating and Combining Technology and Literature into Language Teaching to Enhance Creativity by Hakan DEMİRÖZ

    Published 2019-01-01
    “…To this end, some suggestions are made such as using infographics, Twitter, blogs, vlogs and dictation tools along with literary texts.…”
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